Mastery with SQL

9h 15m 2s
April 12, 2024

Packed with high quality videos, practical examples, and interesting and challenging exercises to practice what you've learned. The course is broad and deep, taking you from beginner level to mastery with SQL and doing it in a way that creates a deep understanding of what you've learned. My goal is to give you the practical tools and skills you need to get your job done.

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# Title Duration
1 Course introduction 03:35
2 Databases and SQL 10:47
3 Tables and the relational model 12:20
4 Installing PostgreSQL and DBeaver (Windows) 04:30
5 Installing PostgreSQL and DBeaver (Mac) 04:47
6 Creating your first database and table 19:31
7 Several nice tweaks for DBeaver 04:14
8 Setting up the sample database 06:06
10 Derived columns 11:27
11 Filtering with WHERE 10:30
12 AND, OR, and NOT 05:10
13 NULL handling 05:29
14 IN, BETWEEN, and LIKE 07:14
15 ORDER BY 08:40
16 SQL Order of execution 05:26
17 LIMIT and OFFSET 05:09
18 DISTINCT 04:35
19 CASE expressions 07:32
20 Common aggregate functions 04:20
21 GROUP BY and HAVING 11:46
22 CASE expressions and aggregations 10:47
23 Introduction to data types 14:04
24 Character data types 11:52
25 Number data types 19:10
26 Date and time data types 19:40
27 Introduction to joins 02:58
28 Cross joins 08:41
29 Inner joins 12:27
30 Outer joins 16:34
31 Advanced join topics 08:54
32 Uncorrelated subqueries 11:01
33 Correlated subqueries 13:14
34 Table subqueries 11:44
35 Lateral subqueries 04:41
36 Common table expressions (CTEs) 08:16
37 Ranking window functions 08:57
38 Aggregate window functions 12:40
39 LAG and LEAD 08:08
40 A little bit of set theory 03:11
41 UNION 07:41
42 INTERSECT 04:21
43 EXCEPT 07:02
44 Creating tables 14:42
45 Primary keys 17:49
46 Foreign keys 11:06
47 CHECK, UNIQUE, and NOT NULL constraints 10:48
48 Importing and exporting data 10:29
49 Using transactions and inserting data 09:12
50 Updating data 08:59
51 Deleting data 04:29
52 Views 00:57
53 Materialized views 07:50
54 Functions 05:45
55 Writing functions with SQL 02:28
56 Writing functions with PL/pgSQL 08:25
57 Query plans with EXPLAIN 10:16
58 Indexes 11:31
59 Reading complex query plans 10:57
60 Query optimization 10:18
61 Congratulations 11:31

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