The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp

17h 22m 4s
November 20, 2023

Elixir and Phoenix are two of the hottest technologies of 2017. Functional Programming? You will learn it.  Phoenix with OAuth? Its here.  Postgres for data storage? Of course! Websockets too! This course will get you up and running with Elixir and Phoenix quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build amazingly fast web applications.


We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of functional programming with Elixir, including functions, modules, and the fantastic 'pipe' operator.  You'll learn how FP differs from classic object oriented programming with a variety of different practical examples.  Once you have a solid understanding of Elixir, we'll discuss how to build amazingly fast applications with the Phoenix Framework with an in-depth app.  Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing.

If you are new to Elixir, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the Elixir course for you! To learn Elixir and Phoenix you have to understand them.

  • Learn how to use Elixir's built-in library to clean up your code
  • Master the differences between functional and object oriented programming
  • Grasp all of the different pieces of syntax in common Elixir programs
  • Build interesting and challenging projects that have practical uses
  • Develop a web app using Phoenix that can be expanded in a variety of different ways
  • Go behind the scenes of Phoenix and learn how the internals work
  • Master the OAuth flow by authenticating users with the Github Public OAuth service
  • Practice working with databases by integrating Postgres into your app

I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Elixir and Phoenix. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.


  • Basic understanding of another programming language - Javascript, Ruby, C#, PHP, or similar

Who this course is for:
  • This course is for anyone looking to learn Elixir and Phoenix

What you'll learn:

  • Think with a Functional Programming mindset
  • Use Phoenix to build compelling and FAST web apps
  • Understand common Elixir syntax and design patterns
  • Master the OAuth flow with Phoenix for authentication
  • Learn the hidden secrets of Phoenix

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# Title Duration
1 How to Get Help 02:53
2 Installing Elixir 02:01
3 Project Outline 04:06
4 Generating a Project 02:52
5 Elixir Modules and Methods 06:05
6 Lists and Strings 03:23
7 Object Oriented vs Functional Programming 09:13
8 Method Arguments 04:49
9 The Enum Module 05:55
10 Immutability in Elixir 03:58
11 Searching a List 06:03
12 Comprehensions Over Lists 07:12
13 Not Everything Works the First Time 05:03
14 Solving Nested Arrays 06:48
15 Importance of Index with Tuples 08:35
16 Pattern Matching 10:44
17 Elixir's Relationship with Erlang 05:16
18 Saving a Deck 03:53
19 Pattern Matching Continued 10:24
20 Pattern Matching in Case Statements 14:15
21 The Pipe Operator 04:24
22 The Pipe Operator Continued 04:06
23 Module Documentation 03:50
24 Writing and Generating Documentation 03:35
25 Creating Function Docs 06:19
26 Introduction to Testing 02:54
27 Amazingly Productive Doctests 03:38
28 Writing Effective Doctests 05:17
29 Case Tests 06:53
30 Introduction to Maps 04:08
31 Updating Values in a Map 07:56
32 Keyword Lists 08:22
33 Project Overview 03:44
34 Identicon Generation Process 02:34
35 Identicon Generation Process Continued 03:03
36 The Main Pipeline 03:21
37 Hashing a String 04:06
38 The Purpose of the Hex List 05:47
39 Modeling Data with Structs 06:47
40 Pattern Matching Structs 10:40
41 Updating Structs 10:09
42 Building the Grid 08:17
43 Mirroring a Row 05:10
44 Mapping with Custom Functions 06:33
45 Grid Structure 08:32
46 Giving an Identicon Shape 09:35
47 Planning Image Creation 07:42
48 Creating the Pixel Map 05:49
49 Drawing Rectangles 09:47
50 Phoenix Installation 04:11
51 Postgres Setup on OSX 06:38
52 What is Phoenix? 06:35
53 App Overview 07:18
54 Into Phoenix We Go 08:10
55 Server Side Templating 03:40
56 Templates vs Layouts 09:31
57 Phoenix's MVC Model 07:38
58 Exploring the Router and Controller 09:48
59 Views vs Templates 10:01
60 The Model Layer in Phoenix 08:29
61 Migration Files 05:29
62 A Game Plan for Creating Topics 09:46
63 Routing to the Topic Controller 07:25
64 Setting Up the Topic Controller 06:06
65 Code Reuse with Import, Alias, and Use 09:17
66 Phoenix's Code Sharing Model 08:10
67 Phoenix's Conn Struct 08:25
68 A Phoenix Approach to Forms 04:54
69 The Topic Model 03:55
70 Model Changesets and Validations 12:07
71 More on Changesets 08:28
72 Generating Changesets for the Form 06:05
73 New Topic Form 07:49
74 Phoenix Template Syntax 10:03
75 Handling Form Submissions 10:42
76 A Quick Review and Breather 08:16
77 Introduction to the Repo Module 11:59
78 Handling Failed Form Submissions 04:28
79 Styling with CSS in Phoenix 06:35
80 Breaking Restful Conventions Safely 06:44
81 Using the Repo Module for Queries 07:04
82 Building Lists in EEX Templates 06:49
83 Redirects in the Controller 08:18
84 Generating Anchors with Link Tags 12:10
85 Router Wildcards 07:58
86 Setting up the Edit Form 09:38
87 Defining the Update Route 06:49
88 Editing a Topic 11:21
89 Linking to the Edit Topic Form 06:25
90 The Resources Helper 07:01
91 Deleting a Topic 09:44
92 Wrapping up TopicController 06:59
93 OAuth Overview 06:28
94 OAuth Setup with Ueberauth 07:51
95 Creating a Github OAuth App 09:53
96 Defining OAuth Routes 11:58
97 Receiving User Info From Github 09:42
98 Users Migration 07:41
99 Digesting the OAuth Response 07:01
100 The User Changeset 08:03
101 Creating New Users 07:49
102 Our Auth Grand Plan 07:09
103 Handling OAuth Success 07:30
104 Introduction to Plugs 12:45
105 Using a Module Plug to Set the User 11:45
106 Implementing Module Plugs 09:03
107 Allowing Users to Signout 10:28
108 Restricting Access of Users 05:49
109 The Require Auth Plug 13:05
110 Controller Scoped Plugs 04:24
111 Associating Users with Topics 06:57
112 Altering Existing Tables 02:28
113 Playing Around with Associations 09:08
114 Using the Build Assoc Function 08:36
115 Finalizing the Association 03:04
116 Checking the Topics Owner 12:11
117 Introduction to Websockets 04:18
118 Showing Individual Topics 06:41
119 Making the Comments Migration 03:52
120 The Comments Model 03:46
121 Overview of Channels in Phoenix 06:14
122 Introducing the Comments Channel 10:20
123 Making Progress with Sockets 09:11
124 Quick Breather and Review 07:29
125 Publishing Messages 07:30
126 Figuring Out What Topics to Show 05:08
127 Refactoring to Determine Topic Id 09:08
128 Fetching Topics on Join 05:41
129 Debugging Topic Fetching 02:45
130 Building the Comment Form 05:54
131 Inserting Comments into the Database 07:58
132 Remaining Items with Sockets 04:57
133 Poison Encoder 08:42
134 Rendering a List of Comments 08:25
135 Broadcasting Updates 06:45
136 Updating the Client 06:16
137 The Socket Event Object 03:08
138 Authentication with Sockets 07:53
139 Transporting Tokens to the Server 04:51
140 Verifying the Current Socket User 04:42
141 Associating Comments with Users 05:18
142 Fetching Users with Comments 08:02
143 Rendering Associated Users 03:57
144 New in Phoenix 1.3 03:42
145 CLI Command Changes 03:26
146 Assets Folder Changes 04:13
147 Directory Structure Changes 05:20
148 Contexts 07:49
149 More on Contexts 12:31

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