Full-Stack Phoenix

9h 3m 26s

Do you want to create real applications on Phoenix? Projects that truly inspire and captivate you. But to master Phoenix, Ecto, LiveView, PubSub, Presence, and other components of this amazing framework, you need a clear strategy. Where to start? Which aspects to study and in what order? And most importantly - how to apply this knowledge in practice?

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Many try to act without a plan. We've all been there: random tutorials, chaotic videos, AI questions - it seems like you're moving forward, but you feel gaps in your knowledge.

And when it comes to building a full-fledged application on Phoenix, you get lost. It's frustrating. It seems like the process of learning the framework turns into a huge project.

But what if you could start with a solid foundation?

With it, you'd focus on what to build, not how to build. You'd confidently harness the power of Phoenix to create scalable, multi-user, interactive real-time applications.

This course is your systematic guide into the world of Phoenix.

We will create a full-fledged application from scratch, step by step, smoothly delving into concepts. No gaps - everything will be clearly explained and organized.

You can expect:

  • Short, lively videos with code writing.
  • Visualization of complex concepts through animations.
  • Practical exercises based on real-life projects.
  • And those "Aha, now I get it!" moments - over and over again.

60 Videos • 8 Hours

We create an application step by step, explaining each step. The videos are carefully edited to save your time, being clear, dynamic, and engaging.

Learn Phoenix, understand its every aspect, and complete your project.

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# Title Duration
1 Intro 02:49
2 Create the App 08:52
3 Routes, Plugs, and Pipelines 08:26
4 First Controller 03:03
5 Server-Side Rendering With HEEx 12:42
6 Route Parameters 10:32
7 Controller or LiveView? 02:54
8 First LiveView 08:13
9 Handling Events 07:50
10 LiveView Lifecycl 13:17
11 Dynamic Form 03:11
12 Handling Process Messages 04:00
13 Listing Raffles 07:36
14 Function Components 10:47
15 Styling and Reusing Components 06:04
16 Slots 09:14
17 Layouts 08:01
18 Show A Raffle 10:53
19 Live Navigating 06:26
20 Ecto Schemas and Migrations 14:22
21 Ecto Repo and Context Modules 15:06
22 Streaming Collections 09:31
23 Ecto Queries 15:09
24 Filter Form 08:51
25 Handling Form Changes 06:08
26 Dynamically Composing Queries 10:13
27 Handling URL Filter Params 07:09
28 Live Patching 05:37
29 Async Data Fetching 12:08
30 Admin Table UI 10:14
31 New Raffle Form 07:58
32 Create Raffles 07:17
33 Ecto Changesets 10:56
34 Forms With Changesets 09:54
35 Live Form Validations 08:00
36 Live Actions 08:26
37 Update Raffle 06:36
38 Delete Raffle 04:41
39 JS Commands 15:20
40 Using the Live Generator 17:18
41 Ecto One-to-Many Associations 13:43
42 UI for One-to-Many 12:42
43 Ecto Joins 12:13
44 JSON API: Read 'Em Out 09:02
45 JSON API: Put 'Em In 06:42
46 Generate the Auth System 11:12
47 Customize User Accounts 09:12
48 Authentication Plugs 06:14
49 Restricting Access 06:34
50 Live Sessions 03:33
51 Admin Users 07:14
52 cto Many-to-Many Associations 12:21
53 Many-to-Many Form 07:47
54 Streaming New Tickets 13:04
55 Real-Time Updates with PubSub 13:47
56 Draw a Winner 13:19
57 Presence Tracking 14:54
58 Presence Updates 13:55
59 See Ya! 00:14

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