ScrollTrigger Express
10h 31m 38s
September 19, 2024
ScrollTrigger is the most revolutionary GreenSock plugin to date. With it, you can control all your animations with the precision and performance characteristic of GreenSock tools. There's no longer a need to use third-party tools with limited functionality. In this course, I will explain the main features of ScrollTrigger step-by-step and show you how to elevate your animations to a new level. I have spent over 100 hours studying this plugin and preparing lessons so that you can get started quickly and avoid common mistakes.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Get Started in 3 Easy Steps | 10:15 |
2 | Scrub and Pin | 07:31 |
3 | Pinning and pinSpacing Overview | 06:30 |
4 | Pinning Deep Dive | 08:32 |
5 | Pin Spacing | 05:15 |
6 | Pinning Car Project | 05:02 |
7 | Intro to Parallax Scrolling | 09:31 |
8 | Aerial SVG Car Parallax | 09:42 |
9 | ScrollTriggers for Multiple Sections | 13:44 |
10 | Smooth Scrolling with Locomotive Scroll | 20:45 |
11 | Prevent Scroll on Fullscreen Intro | 18:43 |
12 | Back to Top Link: fastScrollEnd and toggleClass | 07:23 |
13 | Change Nav Color on Scroll | 15:50 |
14 | Change Nav Color on Scroll: Part 2 Responsive | 10:42 |
15 | Scroll-Based Reading Progress Bar | 18:05 |
16 | ScrollTo Plugin and ScrollTrigger (Animated Jump Links) | 10:28 |
17 | ScrollTrigger Toggle Animations 4 Ways | 13:56 |
18 | Responsive Scroll-Driven Line-by-Line Text Effect Part 1 | 14:41 |
19 | Responsive Scroll-Driven Line-by-Line Text Part 2 | 11:38 |
20 | Off-Screen Reset | 09:42 |
21 | 3D Rolling Headers | 19:34 |
22 | 3D Rolling Headers: Multiple Headers and Variations | 12:54 |
23 | Scroll-Driven Multi-Colored Line Section Indicators | 15:04 |
24 | Slide-in Panels | 11:04 |
25 | Layered Pinning | 06:01 |
26 | Layered Pinning from Bottom | 06:59 |
27 | SVG Mega Scroll and Follow | 26:26 |
28 | Use ScrollTrigger Callbacks to Control HTML5 Video | 10:05 |
29 | Scoll-Driven SVG Path Follower | 19:38 |
30 | Part 1: File setup, Alternating Rows and ScrollTrigger Basics | 17:23 |
31 | Part 2: Offscreen Reset | 07:50 |
32 | Part 3: Mobile Layout | 18:41 |
33 | Introduction: File Setup and Pinning | 14:08 |
34 | Basic Staggered Animation | 07:46 |
35 | Content Sections with Varying Heights | 19:47 |
36 | Responsive Layout | 13:18 |
37 | Using gsap.matchMedia() | 07:03 |
38 | Horizontal Scroll and Pin Part 1 | 08:11 |
39 | Horizontal Scroll: Container Animations | 16:04 |
40 | Horizontal Scroll Triggering Secondary Animations | 19:24 |
41 | Horizontal Scroll: Import SVG Maps and Responsive Issues | 13:03 |
42 | Horizontal Scrolling: Fixing Responsive Issues | 09:31 |
43 | Horizontal Scrolling: SVG Animation | 11:27 |
44 | Part 1: File Setup and Staggered Animation | 10:35 |
45 | Adding 3D Layout and Animation | 16:27 |
46 | Multiple Headers | 08:16 |
47 | Exploring Responsive Issues and Adding ScrollTrigger | 07:57 |
48 | Fixing Responsive Issues | 11:02 |
49 | Basic Mode | 10:01 |
50 | Building a Timeline of Function Calls | 10:46 |
51 | Pro Mode | 10:46 |
52 | Pro Highlight Mode | 06:32 |
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