Ruby on Rails 6

8h 18m 17s

Learn Rails. It sounds straightforward, but often gets either cluttered-up or dumbed-down. Cluttering-up happens when topics other than Rails get shoved into a Rails course as a way to give you "more for your money." More topics don't make a course more valuable, they just make it longer. True value is the confidence that comes from "really getting it."

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Dumbing-down happens when a course leaves you unprepared to create your own thing. You can pass all the quizzes but still not understand how all the pieces fit together. The only score that really matters is knowing how to get your app from idea to deployment.

What Makes This Course Pragmatically Different?

Focus On Rails

The secret to learning anything well is focus. Your brain can only master one new topic at a time. Our aim in this course is to help you learn Ruby on Rails, and learn it really well. Get in, get out, get creating, and then add on from there.

Learn In Context

Learning topics such as MVC, REST, and Active Record in isolation is meaningless. You're left wondering "Now what?" It's only when you put all the pieces together in the context of building a real app that you'll be able to say "Now I get it!"

Unveil The Magic

For many, Rails can feel mysterious and magical. In this course, we take the proverbial bunny out of the hat and turn it inside-out (the hat, not the bunny!). By revealing exactly what's happening in that black space, you can use the "magic" to your own advantage.

Build A Real App!

Following along only gets you so far. The road to mastery begins when you apply newfound skills toward building something real. That's why every video in this course has a set of companion exercises where you put what you've learned into practice. And that's when the real magic happens!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:20
2 Create the App 04:35
3 Views and Controllers: Part 1 07:33
4 Views and Controllers: Part 2 08:28
5 Models: Part 1 07:39
6 Models: Part 2 11:22
7 Connecting MVC 05:57
8 Migrations 10:30
9 View Helpers 09:21
10 Layouts 03:56
11 Stylesheet and Image Assets 07:45
12 Routes: Show Page 10:09
13 Routes: Linking Pages 09:15
14 Forms: Editing Records: Part 1 12:22
15 Forms: Editing Records: Part 2 11:56
16 Forms: Creating Records 14:45
17 Partials 06:56
18 Destroying Records 05:07
19 Custom Queries 06:21
20 Migrations Revisited 09:57
21 Model Validations 10:13
22 Handling Validation Errors 09:51
23 The Flash 05:26
24 One-to-Many: belongs_to 13:45
25 One-to-Many: has_many 12:07
26 One-to-Many: Nested Resources 12:54
27 One-to-Many: Forms 17:20
28 One-to-Many: Logic 04:46
29 User Account Model 13:20
30 User Signup 10:19
31 Edit User Account 07:48
32 Sign In 12:40
33 Authentication 07:56
34 Current User 06:58
35 Sign Out 06:58
36 Authorization: Part 1 09:20
37 Authorization: Part 2 10:06
38 Admin Users 09:51
39 Many-to-Many Associations: Part 1 08:36
40 Many-to-Many Associations: Part 2 08:29
41 Another Many-to-Many Association 10:42
42 Through Associations: Part 1 07:07
43 Through Associations: Part 2 13:12
44 Many-to-Many with Checkboxes: Part 1 10:19
45 Many-to-Many with Checkboxes: Part 2 05:33
46 Custom Scopes and Routes: Part 1 10:49
47 Custom Scopes and Routes: Part 2 07:25
48 Friendly URLs and Callbacks 15:06
49 Deployment 12:35
50 Active Storage File Uploads. Video: Part 1 18:17
51 Active Storage File Uploads. Video: Part 2 09:49
54 Wrap Up 00:20

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