Build Airbnb with Ruby on Rails

9h 53m 50s

This project is a series of 3 Projects (Pikachu, Kong, Godzilla) with 3 different levels (Level 1, 2, 3). We are going to build a platform like Booking or Airbnb. In this project, I will walk you through steps to develop apps like Booking, Hotels or Airbnb with core functionalities from scratch. You don't need to learn everything about HTML, CSS, Javascript or Ruby on Rails to just create a web application. In my methodology which I called POA (Product-Oriented-Approach), you just need to learn what you need.

Read more about the course

Doing this way, it won't make you a superstar developer but will get you something REAL quickly and efficiently, especially for Entrepreneurs & Founders.

Who It's For

  • Beginners

  • Promotion seekers

  • Entrepreneurs & Founders

  • Designers

  • Front-end Developers

What skills will we learn during this Level 1?

  • How to quickly create a web app with Ruby on Rails.

  • Style your web app easily and quickly with Bootstrap.

  • Design your UI like a modern style.

  • Use Facebook to authenticate your users.

  • How to send transactional emails with Gmail/Mailgun.

  • How to create Object models for a business idea.

  • Handle photo uploading process with AJAX.

  • Process searching function with different criteria.

  • Handle location searching on Google Map.

  • Handle jQuery event for UI controls.

What features will we build in this Level 1?

  • Simple authentication with email/password.

  • Advanced authentication with Facebook.

  • Sending transactional email when new user signed up.

  • Page for users to edit Profile

  • Page for hosts to create/edit Room

  • Photos Upload to AWS S3.

  • Room reservation system with Start Date, End Date.

  • Room searching system with different criteria.

  • Functions Allow Hosts to Create Rooms in Steps.

  • 2-way Review System.

  • AJAX Searching.


All I ask for is to pass the Free course "Learn Ruby on Rails, Heroku and Wistia APIs" with the understanding of how Rails works. That's it.

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# Title Duration
1 Vision of this project 02:09
2 Here's what we're going to build 05:58
3 Install SQLiteBrowser 01:22
4 Install Atom 02:58
5 Create a simple Rails Project with Bootstrap 04:41
6 What we're going to build in this task 01:15
7 Create basic authentication 05:46
8 Building navbar with partial view 11:01
9 Authentication with full name 05:37
10 Update authentication views 17:04
11 What we're going to build in this task 00:29
12 Gravatar 07:08
13 Notification 10:38
14 Sending transactional email with Gmail 10:41
15 Sending transactional email with Mailgun 06:58
16 What we're going to build in this task 00:51
17 Create Facebook app 01:34
18 Create social authentication 16:58
19 Styling our views 10:08
20 Create user profile page 09:00
21 Create Edit Profile page 12:39
22 What we're going to build in this task 00:50
23 Create Room Model 06:02
24 Create Room Controller 15:42
25 Create Room View 22:46
26 Styling our views 09:19
27 Understanding the workflow 08:50
28 What we're going to build in this task 00:55
29 Install Paperclip 02:27
30 Create Photo Model 04:47
31 Create Photo Controller 07:02
32 Create Photo View 10:35
33 Remove Photos with AJAX 08:36
34 Amazon S3 07:21
35 What we're going to build in this task 00:48
36 Add "Check" to Room Creating 09:43
37 Update the Photo Removing with AJAX 06:58
38 Issue with hidden fields 05:47
39 What we're going to build in this task 01:03
40 Create Room Index Page 08:52
41 Create Room Show Page 20:27
42 Add Google Map 11:03
43 Add Near-by Rooms 07:57
44 What we're going to build in this task 00:55
45 Create Reservations Model 04:07
46 Create Reservations View 06:12
47 Create Reservations Controller 09:19
48 Add jQuery Date Picker 05:38
49 What we're going to build in this task 00:57
50 Refactoring Reservation Form 08:53
51 AJAX for Start Date 19:51
52 AJAX for End Date 15:03
53 Create Your Trips Page 07:48
54 Create Your Reservations Page 13:26
55 Modify User Profile Page 06:39
56 What we're going to build in this task 01:00
57 Creating Reviews Model 09:25
58 Creating Reviews Controller 17:47
59 Creating Reviews View 15:30
60 Creating Show Reviews Page 16:50
61 Adding jQuery Raty 02:33
62 Add Stars to Reviews 08:34
63 What we're going to build in this task 01:06
64 Update Home Page 08:06
65 Creating Search Page 13:18
66 Create Search Function 17:12
67 Add Google Map 16:04
68 AJAX Searching 10:32
69 Add jQuery Pricing Slider 06:50
70 What we're going to build in this task 00:45
71 Modify Home Page 07:02
72 Improving Home Page 06:56
73 Auto Location Suggestion 07:12
74 About Level 2 - AirKong Project 05:35

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