Learn and Understand Ruby on Rails | Hello Rails (MASTER COURSE)

18h 31m 14s
April 18, 2024

A modern course designed to help you quickly learn and understand Ruby on Rails. Web applications are complex, but they should not be so … Ruby on Rails is a framework for web application oriented configuration approval. With Ruby on Rails in your tool belt, there is no application idea that you cannot come close to.


Who is this course for?

This course is for you if you started with a typical Rails tutorial and didn’t quite understand it. Maybe you are more of a visual student (or designer) like me. Perhaps you have the goal of creating a prototype of your latest ideas for the application. If any of this strikes the bell, then this course will suit you.

  • You may be tired of creating websites on WordPress, you may be tired of other programming languages, and you want to start from scratch, or maybe you just explore the frameworks to help implement the following idea, Ruby on Rails is a great choice for you.
  • Maybe you are a designer with experience with the interface and want to create the idea of the application from beginning to end, but you don’t know how (this is how I approached Rails from the very beginning). You can refer to this course as a path to success by trying to quickly scale your idea. Save time and test your idea much faster than other frameworks (or create an MVP worthy of production).

Whether you’re a Ruby on Rails professional or completely new to the framework, you can easily get something out of this course. Although he is more focused on beginners, I will discuss the real problems that Ruby on Rails developers face day by day. If you are already a professional, this may not be the course for you.

My Hello Rails course is for anyone looking for a proven and reliable way to build a scale web application without a very sharp learning curve.

Hello Rails consists of detailed video tutorials and an additional written format. 

What will we build?

I’m glad you asked … This course aims to create a comparable real application called Webbit, a Reddit clone created from scratch. There are no boring slides, markers or any things that are too difficult to remember. I do my best to get you involved and explain how everything works, and also why everything works the way it works. We will focus on conventions, best practices, and how to gracefully scale things.

I recommend having some knowledge:

  • HTML
  • CSS / SCSS
  • Javascript
  • Knowing a little Ruby won’t hurt!

Hello Rails covers the following topics:

  • Install Ruby and Rails
  • Configuring your on-premises development environment for a better workflow
  • Learning Ruby
  • Version Control Using Git
  • Understanding the Ruby on Rails MVC Template
  • Working with databases and data relationships
  • Deploy a fully integrated user authentication system
  • What’s New in Rails 6.0.1 and How to Use These Functions
  • Active Record Migrations
  • Working with JavaScript in Rails
  • Templating, Partials, and Loops
  • Security and allowed options
  • Commenting
  • Voting
  • Deployment: where and how
  • Email Messages
  • Build a Ruby on Rails application from start to finish and understand what you are doing along the way.

Why Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is a full-featured framework that can do almost everything you need from a web application.

He is self-confident where it matters. The convention is superior to configuration. Because of the conditional first mantra, you can follow patterns, practices, and ideas to create things that just work. As an experienced framework, you can be sure that bugs are fixed and support is available for almost everything you need, thanks to the huge amount of Ruby gems available in the wild.

Ruby on Rails helps with:

  • Writing SQL Queries Without Knowing Some SQL
  • Super smart data relationship
  • Integration with other APIs and frameworks as a last resort
  • Sending, previewing, creating and optimizing emails
  • Simple Assets with Asset Pipeline and Webpack
  • Built-in support for loading / rendering images thanks to Active Storage
  • Encrypted key storage for added security (e.g. Stripe, AWS)
  • Effortless JSON rendering
  • Creating an API if you require
  • Using almost any type of database of your choice
  • Saving your development environment, testing.
  • Low initial setting. Create a new project, upload your server and code!
  • And sooooo much more!

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# Title Duration
1 Hello and Welcome 01:09
2 Prerequisites 03:51
3 Installing Ruby on Rails 23:23
4 What we are building 08:17
5 Project Setup - Installing our first gem 32:46
6 Installing Tailwind CSS 09:14
7 Modeling our application 09:41
8 Adding submissions 21:55
9 Add image attachment support to submissions 17:06
10 Add video attachment support and user asso... 22:40
11 Intro to Rails Console 05:02
12 Active Record Validations 06:01
13 SVG and helpers 08:12
14 Adding a home for custom CSS styles 01:57
15 Adding the base application layout 28:28
16 Creating custom Tailwind CSS components 14:09
17 Enhancing devise views 23:20
18 Extending devise to account for a username... 15:03
19 Globally shared partials 08:33
20 Extending submissions UI 37:29
21 Submissions JavaScript 16:37
22 Using JavaScript in Ruby on Rails 13:10
23 Create communities 14:49
24 Displaying communities 07:10
25 Tackling the global community dropdown 10:11
26 UI Enhancements - JavaScript dropdowns 18:21
27 Dynamic page titles 05:02
28 Community view updates 30:21
29 Adding helpers to remove logic 06:58
30 Checking our checks 27:39
31 Submission show view 08:51
32 Community view updates 01:27
33 Authentication with Devise 03:52
34 Adding comments 01:53
35 Create the comment model 04:11
36 Create a comments controller 19:30
37 Comment routing 03:32
38 Associating a user to a comment 02:58
39 Hooking up the comment views 08:48
40 AJAX comments 32:05
41 Adding user profiles 39:15
42 Voting 23:32
43 Submission votes AJAX 13:19
44 Voting on comments 10:16
45 Concerns 05:58
46 Comment votes AJAX 07:15
47 Subscriptions 25:09
48 Adding tailored subscribed communities 09:11
49 Accounting for video, images, and text on ... 18:10
50 Transactional emails 01:13
51 Action Mailbox in Rails 6 02:07
52 Generate a new response mailer 10:09
53 Previewing and sending emails locally 10:19
54 Background jobs and Action Mailer 09:01
55 Unsubscribing from e-mails 21:15
56 Resubscribing to e-mails 05:24
57 Enhancing the email UI 03:16
58 Databases and modeling 11:50
59 Deployment 21:14
60 Working with Webpack and modern JavaScript... 06:30
61 Debugging a Ruby on Rails application 09:12
62 Testing 101 01:41
63 Getting started with testing 03:50
64 Formats and tooling 07:02
65 An Example TDD Rails application 09:35
66 System tests 34:32
67 Functional tests 09:29
68 Integration tests 09:06
69 Final words on testing 02:36
70 What's new in Rails 6 04:54
71 Action Text 12:45
72 Multiple Databases 01:06
73 Parallel testing 01:21
74 Where to go next 04:17
75 Integrating search BONUS 25:03
76 Dealing with user permissions BONUS 32:21
77 Seeding data BONUS 06:50
78 Accepting recurring payments with Stripe BONUS 02:12
79 Why the SaaS model? BONUS 03:56
80 Stubbing out ad spaces BONUS 07:39
81 Adding Stripe support BONUS 12:24
82 JavaScript BONUS 26:08
83 Creating a recurring payment plan BONUS 04:03
84 Modifying the User model BONUS 18:58
85 Testing our work BONUS 06:11
86 Canceling subscriptions BONUS 12:39
87 Final steps BONUS 04:49
88 Pretty URLs and SEO BONUS 02:00
89 Pretty URLs with FriendlyId BONUS 15:19
90 Meta tags and favicons BONUS 11:51
91 Redeployment and bug fixes BONUS 15:46
92 Final words and thanks 01:35

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