React Native
3h 46m 29s
The description is simple - learn how to create an iOS and Android React Native app that you submit to both the App Store and the Google Play store. With over 7 hours of video, 9,500 words of text and curriculum, this is the deepest React Native course ever created.
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Although this course focuses on React Native, you should be familiar with React and ES2015 + before starting. If you are a developer with a lot of experience but without these prerequisites, you will most likely be fine, although you may have to spend additional hours on Google while taking this course.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Course Intro | 00:51 |
2 | What is React Native? | 01:20 |
3 | Why Expo | 01:07 |
4 | Hello World | 02:19 |
5 | How to debug | 03:01 |
6 | Refreshing the App | 01:04 |
7 | Summary | 00:31 |
8 | Lesson 2 Overview | 00:19 |
9 | Web vs Native | 00:34 |
10 | React Native Components | 00:34 |
11 | View and Text | 01:08 |
12 | App Walkthrough | 02:38 |
13 | Rendering Icons | 01:41 |
14 | AddEntry - getMetricMetaInfo | 05:02 |
15 | AddEntry Component Icons not Rendering | 02:44 |
16 | AddEntry - methods | 04:34 |
17 | AddEntry - render | 05:18 |
18 | AddEntry - DateHeader | 01:43 |
19 | Touchables Touchables | 03:54 |
20 | AddEntry - SubmitBtn | 03:54 |
21 | Slider | 02:00 |
22 | AddEntry - UdaciSlider | 02:11 |
23 | AddEntry - UdaciSteppers | 02:34 |
24 | AddEntry-TextButton | 04:00 |
25 | Lists Lists Seeing Errors with ScrollView | 03:57 |
26 | Forms Forms Oops! (onChange vs. onChangeText) | 04:00 |
27 | Image | 02:03 |
28 | LocalStorage Local StorageExample Saving to localStorage | 00:27 |
29 | API.js | 04:17 |
30 | Redux in React Native | 00:36 |
31 | Building out Actions | 01:59 |
32 | Building out the Reducer | 02:40 |
33 | Creating a Store | 01:24 |
34 | Connecting AddEntry.js | 06:43 |
35 | Summary Summary | 00:32 |
36 | Lesson Overview | 00:15 |
37 | CSS in JS CSS in JS Additional Styling | 01:15 |
38 | Style Progression | 03:00 |
39 | Flexbox Getting Started with Flexbox | 01:31 |
40 | Flexbox Implementation React Native's Flexbox Implementation | 00:27 |
41 | Style Meta Info | 03:31 |
42 | Platform API Platform API | 01:57 |
43 | Style AddEntry | 06:24 |
44 | Style Steppers | 07:39 |
45 | Style the rest | 04:28 |
46 | History | 06:54 |
47 | Calendar | 04:48 |
48 | Methods | 04:53 |
49 | Metric Card | 04:06 |
50 | App Loading | 01:52 |
51 | Intro | 00:18 |
52 | CSS in JS Libraries Libraries for CSS in JS | 05:24 |
53 | Summary and Outro Summary | 00:26 |
54 | Overview | 00:57 |
55 | TabNavigator Intro TabNavigator | 03:31 |
56 | Adding TabNavigator | 05:04 |
57 | StatusBar Intro StatusBar | 02:37 |
58 | Intro StackNavigator | 03:10 |
59 | Adding StackNavigator | 04:36 |
60 | navigationOptions | 02:44 |
61 | Connect EntryDetail | 02:42 |
62 | EntryDetail Reset | 06:08 |
63 | Finish Navigation | 02:07 |
64 | DrawerNavigator DrawerNavigatorSummary | 02:46 |
65 | Lesson 4 Outro | 00:35 |
66 | Lesson 5 Overview | 00:24 |
67 | Live | 04:21 |
68 | Introduction to Geolocation | 00:25 |
69 | Undetermined Geolocation | 02:21 |
70 | Denied Geolocation | 01:00 |
71 | Granted Geolocation | 02:59 |
72 | Set Geolocation | 04:55 |
73 | AskPermission | 03:32 |
74 | Animations | 05:46 |
75 | Animated Cautions Animations | 04:08 |
76 | Local Notifications Notifications on iOS | 00:33 |
77 | setLocalNotifications scheduleLocalNotificationAsync | 06:03 |
78 | useLocalNotification Summary | 02:05 |
79 | Handling Photos Summary | 00:16 |
80 | App Store Prep | 02:25 |
81 | Prep App | 02:25 |
82 | .apk and .ipa files What are .apk and .ipa Files | 02:47 |
83 | unnamed 83Course Outro | 00:20 |
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