React Native: Mobile App Development (CLI) [2024]
Unlock the power of React Native and build impressive iOS and Android apps with this comprehensive course. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create robust mobile applications using React Native.
In the "Getting Started" section, you'll dive into the fundamentals, exploring React Native's core concepts, understanding the difference between React Native CLI and Expo, and setting up your local development environment for both iOS and Android. You'll also get acquainted with important tools like code editors, ESLint, and Prettier.
Once you have a solid foundation, you'll move on to the essentials of React and React Native. Learn about components, stylesheets, props, event handling, and how to create basic UI elements such as buttons, text inputs, and icons. Take a deep dive into React Hooks and gain a solid understanding of useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext, and creating custom hooks.
To create visually appealing and responsive interfaces, the course covers styling techniques with borders, margins, paddings, and flexbox. You'll also explore advanced topics such as debugging, data management with Redux Toolkit, user authentication, building APIs with NodeJS and Express, integrating payment systems using Stripe, and deploying your applications to app stores.
With hands-on assignments and a practical project, you'll gain real-world experience as you apply your newfound knowledge. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills for career advancement or create your own mobile app, this course is the ultimate resource for mastering React Native in 2023.
Enroll now and join the learners who have already transformed their mobile app development skills with this comprehensive React Native course. Take the next step in your coding journey and unleash the potential of React Native today.
Watch Online React Native: Mobile App Development (CLI) [2024]
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome to This Course & What to Expect | 05:01 |
2 | What is React Native? | 02:31 |
3 | React Native CLI vs Expo | 05:09 |
4 | (macOS) How to Setup Local Development Environment for iOS React Native Apps | 19:36 |
5 | (macOS) How to Setup Local Development Environment for Android React Native Apps | 13:34 |
6 | (Windows) How to Setup Local Development Environment for Android | 22:08 |
7 | Important - Please watch till the end | 05:48 |
8 | What is a Code Editor, ESLint & Prettier? (Optional) | 07:14 |
9 | What is JSX? (Optional) | 04:28 |
10 | Let's Create Hello World App! | 05:41 |
11 | Hello World App - Detailed Overview | 02:43 |
12 | Introduction | 02:02 |
13 | JavaScript Summary | 01:37 |
14 | Syntax Refresher | 04:18 |
15 | Let & Const Variables | 01:29 |
16 | Arrow Functions | 02:29 |
17 | Objects: Properties & Methods | 01:41 |
18 | Array & Array Methods | 05:03 |
19 | Arrays, Objects & Reference Types | 02:29 |
20 | Spread Operator & Rest Operators | 04:09 |
21 | Destructuring | 04:04 |
22 | Async, Await & Promises - Working with APIs | 07:13 |
23 | Summary | 01:59 |
24 | Introduction | 01:07 |
25 | Borders | 05:27 |
26 | Margins | 03:34 |
27 | Paddings | 02:30 |
28 | Position: Absolute & Relative & zIndex | 06:27 |
29 | Text Styles | 04:17 |
30 | Summary | 01:47 |
31 | Introduction | 02:24 |
32 | What is a Component? | 04:21 |
33 | What are Stylesheets? | 06:43 |
34 | View Component | 04:50 |
35 | What are Props & Prop Types | 07:28 |
36 | Event Handling | 02:35 |
37 | Summary | 02:06 |
38 | Introduction | 01:47 |
39 | What are React Hooks? | 01:32 |
40 | Getting Started with useState | 04:17 |
41 | Understanding useEffect | 06:53 |
42 | Working with refs and useRef | 07:46 |
43 | Working with useContext | 11:54 |
44 | Creating Custom Hooks | 06:52 |
45 | Summary | 01:50 |
46 | Introduction | 01:59 |
47 | What is a Class Based Component? | 06:51 |
48 | Working with State & Events | 02:10 |
49 | Component Lifecycle Methods in Action | 03:59 |
50 | Functional Components with Hooks VS Class Based Components with Lifecycle | 16:29 |
51 | Summary | 01:02 |
52 | Introduction | 01:24 |
53 | Image Component | 07:41 |
54 | Text Input Component | 09:39 |
55 | ScrollView Component | 04:47 |
56 | Button Component & Form Submission | 07:46 |
57 | Switch Component | 04:15 |
58 | Icons with FontAwesome | 05:07 |
59 | Deep Dive in Flexbox | 13:19 |
60 | Summary | 01:34 |
61 | What is Figma? | 03:07 |
62 | Figma Tutorial for our Upcoming Projects | 08:05 |
63 | Social Media Feed Application Introduction | 02:16 |
64 | Installing a New Application | 05:05 |
65 | How to Install Custom Fonts | 12:49 |
66 | Creating a Title Component | 08:07 |
67 | Installing FontAwesome Icons | 19:11 |
68 | What is a Flatlist? | 01:48 |
69 | Setting Up For Flatlist | 03:30 |
70 | Using Flatlist & User Stories | 12:09 |
71 | User Profile Image in Flatlist | 06:29 |
72 | Infinite Scroll | 16:46 |
73 | Setting Up for User Posts | 03:46 |
74 | Creating User Posts using Flatlist | 23:34 |
75 | Finishing Up Social Media App | 10:23 |
76 | Summary | 01:37 |
77 | Introduction to Debugging | 00:56 |
78 | Handling Errors | 12:42 |
79 | Logging to the Console | 09:40 |
80 | Documentation | 01:52 |
81 | Introduction | 01:33 |
82 | What is Dimensions API? | 05:35 |
83 | [BEST TAKEAWAY] Responsive Scaling for Fonts, Vertical and Horizontal Sizings | 11:36 |
84 | Using Scaling Functions | 10:38 |
85 | Writing Platform-Specific Code with the Platform API | 08:41 |
86 | Styling the Status Bar | 03:28 |
87 | Summary | 01:52 |
88 | Introduction | 01:09 |
89 | Setting Up Navigation System | 04:12 |
90 | Introduction to Stack Navigation | 02:46 |
91 | Creating & Using Stack Navigator | 15:56 |
92 | How to Navigate to a Different Screen | 06:29 |
93 | Creating Main Menu with Drawer Navigator | 08:40 |
94 | Getting Started with Profile UI | 14:58 |
95 | How to Create Tab Navigation on a Single Screen | 07:11 |
96 | How to Style Tab Labels | 11:31 |
97 | Creating Components for Our Tab Contents | 08:34 |
98 | Summary | 01:49 |
99 | Introduction | 02:10 |
100 | Creating Project & Setting Up | 02:24 |
101 | Installing Custom Fonts | 02:39 |
102 | [Please Watch] Custom Fonts - Part 2 | 08:38 |
103 | Installing React Native Navigation | 04:08 |
104 | Setting Up Navigation, Styles & Home Page | 09:07 |
105 | Donation App Architectural Plan Discussion | 04:01 |
106 | Creating Header Component | 08:23 |
107 | Creating Button Component | 08:28 |
108 | Creating Tab Component using useRef | 09:10 |
109 | Creating Badge Component using useRef | 03:29 |
110 | Installing Font Awesome Icons | 02:33 |
111 | Creating Search Input Component | 13:22 |
112 | Creating a Single Donation Item Component | 07:35 |
113 | Styling a Single Donation Item Component | 04:35 |
114 | Summary | 01:08 |
115 | Introduction | 02:04 |
116 | Redux vs Redux Toolkit | 03:27 |
117 | Installing Redux JS Toolkit | 01:54 |
118 | What is a Slice & How to Create One? | 05:47 |
119 | What is combineReducers? | 03:01 |
120 | Configuring Store | 04:08 |
121 | Actions in Redux Toolkit | 02:23 |
122 | Redux Logger | 02:51 |
123 | Persisting Store | 07:04 |
124 | Using User Reducer for Building Home Header | 13:06 |
125 | New Reducer for Categories | 04:21 |
126 | useSelector for Creating Categories Flatlist | 09:41 |
127 | Paginating through Categories Flatlist | 09:56 |
128 | Donation Items Reducer, Purging Persisted Store & Updating from Reducers | 07:09 |
129 | Filtering Donation Items According to Selected Category | 04:44 |
130 | Displaying Filtered Items on the Home Screen | 08:05 |
131 | Displaying Donation Items as a Grid | 05:15 |
132 | Using Donations Reducer to Setup Single Donation Screen | 05:39 |
133 | Explore Go Back Function from Navigation | 08:28 |
134 | Route Params & Single Donation Item Screen | 12:31 |
135 | Summary | 01:43 |
136 | Introduction | 02:19 |
137 | Input Component for Log In & Registration Screens | 14:31 |
138 | Log In Screen Creation | 05:02 |
139 | Registration Screen | 04:38 |
140 | What is Firebase | 03:19 |
141 | How Does Authentication Work ? | 06:09 |
142 | Firebase Setup | 10:09 |
143 | Firebase Authentication Setup | 01:34 |
144 | Creating Users using Firebase | 04:49 |
145 | Error & Success Handling | 07:47 |
146 | Logging Users in Using Firebase | 07:17 |
147 | Managing User Authentication State in the App | 05:40 |
148 | Navigation Flows (Authenticated, Non Authenticated) | 02:47 |
149 | Logging Out | 03:30 |
150 | Token Expiration using Firebase & AppState | 09:38 |
151 | Summary | 02:00 |
152 | Introduction | 02:26 |
153 | What is a Server? | 02:37 |
154 | What is API? | 02:25 |
155 | NodeJS, ExpressJS & Setting Up Server on Local Development Environment | 08:48 |
156 | Upgrading our Environment using Nodemon and Babel | 06:24 |
157 | What is Postman and How to Use It | 03:24 |
158 | Body Parser & Get, Post, Delete & Put Requests | 09:26 |
159 | Preparing Our Environment to Use Firebase Cloud Functions | 05:34 |
160 | Transferring Local Setup to Firebase And Testing with Postman | 12:59 |
161 | Summary | 02:08 |
162 | Introduction | 02:02 |
163 | What is Stripe? | 01:39 |
164 | Signing Up For Stripe | 04:04 |
165 | Setting Up Stripe Server Integration | 17:16 |
166 | Setting Up Payment Screen for Donation App | 07:47 |
167 | Installing Stripe in Donation App | 07:29 |
168 | Integrating Stripe Server Side Code in Donation App | 17:16 |
169 | Uploading Server Side Code to Firebase Functions | 10:04 |
170 | Summary | 02:12 |
171 | Introduction | 02:21 |
172 | Custom App Icons for iOS & Android | 07:22 |
173 | Custom Splash Screen for iOS & Android | 11:46 |
174 | (macOS) Apple Developer Account | 05:47 |
175 | Google Developer Account | 03:12 |
176 | (macOS) What is TestFlight? | 06:45 |
177 | Creating Github Account (Optional) | 02:22 |
178 | (macOS) What is Fastlane? | 02:58 |
179 | (macOS) How to Upload Applications to App Store | 22:56 |
180 | (macOS) Updating Firebase Project & Package Naming | 06:18 |
181 | (Windows) Updating Firebase Project & Package Naming | 11:32 |
182 | (macOS) How to Upload Applications to Google Play Store | 32:09 |
183 | (Windows) How to Upload Applications to Google Play Store | 20:11 |
184 | Summary | 01:39 |
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