Nuxt 3 Fundamentals: Build Full-Stack Vue.js Apps

3h 5m 56s

Nuxt is meta-framework built on top of Vue. It is the go-to way for creating server rendered apps for Vue and the latest version (v3) includes a huge number of new features for end users and devs alike.

In this course learn:

  • how to create a new Nuxt 3 project from scratch
  • how to quickly creates routes with file-based routing
  • how to work with async data
  • and more!

Plus, get a first hand look at how well Nuxt integrates with TypeScript and the auto-complete options in your IDE!

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# Title Duration
1 What is Nuxt. 07:18
2 Create a Nuxt App from Scratch 06:40
3 File Based Routing in Nuxt.js 05:09
4 NuxtLink for Navigation 04:17
5 Dynamic Route Params in Nuxt.js 05:28
6 Fetch Data with $fetch 09:22
7 Provide a Single Root Element for Page Components 02:31
8 Create Components that Auto Import 03:26
9 Fetch data with useAsyncData 03:42
10 De-dupe Async Data with a Key 03:11
11 Configure useAsyncData with Options 03:59
12 Call useFetch for a $fetch + useAsyncData Shorthand 02:16
13 Handle useFetch Errors 06:39
14 Call the useHead Composable for Good SEO 07:19
15 Create Flexible Custom Layouts 05:29
16 Define Nuxt Route Middleware 06:22
17 Abort Navigation or Redirect In Nuxt Middleware 06:00
18 Nuxt Server API Routes 04:54
19 Handle Different Nuxt API Request Methods 08:16
20 Global State Management with useState 10:37
21 Global State Management with Pinia 11:30
22 Overview of Nuxt Deployment Options 03:09
23 Deploy a Nuxt Site to Netlify 07:16
24 Hybrid Rendering with Nuxt 10:42
25 Course Conclusion 02:38
26 Intro to Nuxt Image 03:55
27 Installing Nuxt Image 01:56
28 The NuxtImage Component 05:45
29 Controlling When Images Load 03:00
30 Responsive Images 08:13
31 Image Modifiers 05:18
32 The NuxtPicture Component 04:43
33 Responsive Art Direction Hack 04:56

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