Complete Vue Developer 2023: Zero to Mastery (Pinia, Vitest)
27h 56m 34s
The only Vue.js tutorial + projects course you need to learn Vue (including all new Vue 3 features), build large-scale Vue applications from scratch & get hired as a Vue developer in 2022. Go from Zero To VUE Mastery.
Read more about the course
- Build enterprise level Vue applications and deploy to production
- Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior developer
- Learn to build beautiful applications using TailwindCSS, Sass, CSS Animations and Transitions
- Become a top 10% Vue.js Developer
- Learn to compare tradeoffs when it comes to performance and scalability
- Use Firebase to build full stack applications
- Master Vue design patterns
- Converting apps to Progressive Web Apps
- Using the latest ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10/ES11 JavaScript to write clean code
- File Uploads, Testing, PWAs, Internationalization, Authentication with Vue 3
- Learn the latest features with Vue 3 including Composition API, Vuex, Vue Router + more
- Master the latest ecosystem of a Vue Developer from scratch
- Use Vuex for state management in your applications
- Set up authentication and user accounts
- Learn to lead Vue projects by making good architecture decisions and helping others on your team
- Routing with Vue Router
- Testing your application with Jest, snapshot testing, and even E2E testing
- Learn why Vue is outgrowing React and Angular in developer popularity
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Course Outline | 05:56 |
2 | Join Our Online Classroom! | 04:02 |
3 | Vue vs React vs Angular | 12:08 |
4 | Composition vs. Options API | 02:14 |
5 | ZTM Resources | 04:24 |
6 | Getting Started | 07:38 |
7 | Vue Dev Tools | 06:02 |
8 | Working with Data | 08:44 |
9 | Multiple Vue Instances | 04:07 |
10 | Accessing the Instance Data | 06:03 |
11 | Methods | 04:41 |
12 | Directives | 05:08 |
13 | Two-way data binding | 07:14 |
14 | Binding Attributes | 02:40 |
15 | Outputting Raw HTML | 06:02 |
16 | Listening to Events | 07:07 |
17 | Passing on Data with Events | 02:34 |
18 | Event Modifiers | 02:32 |
19 | Keyboard Events and Modifiers | 04:55 |
20 | v-model Modifiers | 05:20 |
21 | Computed Properties | 09:07 |
22 | Watchers | 03:13 |
23 | Binding Classes | 08:10 |
24 | Binding Styles | 05:14 |
25 | Conditional Rendering | 10:05 |
26 | The v-show Directive | 04:25 |
27 | List Rendering | 12:01 |
28 | Understanding the role of the key attribute | 08:16 |
29 | Creating a Perspective Playground | 11:46 |
30 | Copying to the Clipboard | 04:07 |
31 | Mounting the Vue Instance | 04:19 |
32 | Understanding Lifecycle Hooks | 04:41 |
33 | Using Lifecycle Hooks | 09:22 |
34 | Virtual DOM | 07:23 |
35 | Understanding Reactivity with Proxies | 07:34 |
36 | The Vue Compiler | 13:03 |
37 | Introduction to Components | 07:43 |
38 | Overview | 02:17 |
39 | Introduction to Vite | 05:30 |
40 | Exploring Vite | 05:47 |
41 | Understanding SASS | 08:01 |
42 | PostCSS | 06:38 |
43 | Installing ESLint | 04:53 |
44 | Configuring ESLint | 07:28 |
45 | Webpack | 08:22 |
46 | Conclusion | 00:47 |
47 | Scaffolding a Vue Project | 09:09 |
48 | Sidebar: Understanding Servers | 05:26 |
49 | Reviewing the Files | 09:30 |
50 | Creating Components | 04:05 |
51 | Child Components | 08:17 |
52 | Component Styles | 06:30 |
53 | Using SASS in Components | 02:06 |
54 | Communicating Between Components | 02:22 |
55 | Props | 06:14 |
56 | The Limitations of Props | 03:47 |
57 | Emitting Events | 08:35 |
58 | Validating Props | 07:36 |
59 | Callback Functions | 04:59 |
60 | Inserting content with slots | 08:34 |
61 | Named Slots | 07:08 |
62 | Dynamic Components | 09:39 |
63 | Animating with CSS Transitions | 09:48 |
64 | Fine-tuning Transitions | 05:12 |
65 | Animating with CSS Animations | 08:33 |
66 | Animating with JavaScript | 06:35 |
67 | JavaScript Zoom Animation | 06:52 |
68 | CSS and JavaScript Transitions | 03:25 |
69 | Animating a List | 08:54 |
70 | Fixing the Animation | 04:20 |
71 | Transition CSS Class Names | 05:38 |
72 | Setting up the Quiz Application | 05:01 |
73 | Rendering the Questions | 12:05 |
74 | Moving between Questions | 10:45 |
75 | Finishing Touches | 11:28 |
76 | Exercise: Imposter Syndrome | 02:57 |
77 | The Next Step | 01:32 |
78 | Creating a New Project | 04:40 |
79 | Reviewing the Files | 06:20 |
80 | Formatting with ESLint and Prettier | 04:31 |
81 | Adding the Template | 08:14 |
82 | What is Tailwind? | 05:37 |
83 | Installing Tailwind | 07:59 |
84 | Practicing with Tailwind | 05:16 |
85 | Loading Assets | 04:01 |
86 | Understanding State | 05:35 |
87 | Reviewing the Pinia Configuration | 06:06 |
88 | Splitting the Template into Components | 05:24 |
89 | Disabling Vue’s Rules | 04:54 |
90 | Working with State | 06:41 |
91 | Alternative Mapping Functions | 03:07 |
92 | Understanding Getters | 01:32 |
93 | Using Getters | 04:10 |
94 | Closing the Modal | 02:06 |
95 | Aliases | 03:14 |
96 | Adding Tabs | 05:34 |
97 | Setting up Form Validation | 04:31 |
98 | Registering a Plugin | 05:35 |
99 | Validation Components | 05:32 |
100 | Defining Rules | 03:49 |
101 | Applying Rules | 05:36 |
102 | Additional Rules | 06:32 |
103 | Validating Emails | 03:41 |
104 | Validating Numbers | 04:33 |
105 | Validating Passwords | 05:02 |
106 | Dropdown and Checkbox Fields | 07:30 |
107 | Validating the Form | 04:02 |
108 | Sidebar: Slot Properties | 08:35 |
109 | Rendering Multiple Error Messages | 06:23 |
110 | Default Values | 01:55 |
111 | Custom Error Messages | 10:35 |
112 | Validation Triggers | 03:59 |
113 | Showing Alerts | 08:58 |
114 | Setting up the Login Form | 18:01 |
115 | Understanding Authentication | 06:25 |
116 | Reviewing the Rules | 04:51 |
117 | Setting up the Firebase SDK | 07:38 |
118 | User Registration | 06:31 |
119 | Handling the Response | 04:49 |
120 | Exporting Services | 04:55 |
121 | Storing the User Form Data | 07:57 |
122 | Understanding Authentication | 06:26 |
123 | Logging the user in after Signup | 06:48 |
124 | Understanding Actions | 02:23 |
125 | Using Actions | 07:46 |
126 | Connecting the User with their Data | 08:26 |
127 | Initializing Firebase First | 04:40 |
128 | Persisting the User Authentication | 06:30 |
129 | Setting up the Login | 06:43 |
130 | Signing Out | 08:04 |
131 | Sidebar: JSON Web Tokens | 09:12 |
132 | Understanding Routing | 04:46 |
133 | Reviewing the Router Configuration | 05:07 |
134 | Creating Routes | 07:10 |
135 | History Mode | 08:48 |
136 | Navigating with Links | 05:48 |
137 | Custom Links | 05:22 |
138 | Tailwind Styles for Active Links | 05:03 |
139 | Naming Routes | 04:16 |
140 | Setting up “Catch-All” and Redirect Routes | 06:24 |
141 | Route Alias | 02:39 |
142 | Guarding Routes | 05:14 |
143 | Route Specific Guards | 04:55 |
144 | Guarding Authentication Only Routes | 03:21 |
145 | Redirecting after Logging Out | 04:56 |
146 | Route Meta Fields | 08:27 |
147 | Preparing the Upload Component | 06:19 |
148 | Handling Drag and Drop Events | 08:13 |
149 | Handling the File | 06:35 |
150 | Enabling Firebase’s Storage Service | 01:21 |
151 | Uploading Files with Firebase | 05:58 |
152 | Firebase Rules and Validation | 07:02 |
153 | Adding the Progress Bar | 06:54 |
154 | Making the Progress Bar Dynamic | 03:14 |
155 | Improving the Progress Bar | 04:53 |
156 | Handling Errors and Successful Uploads | 06:43 |
157 | Storing the File Data in the Database | 10:42 |
158 | Firebase References and Snapshots | 02:38 |
159 | Fallback Upload | 04:39 |
160 | Canceling Uploads | 04:46 |
161 | Cancelling Uploads with Refs | 07:02 |
162 | One more thing about References | 04:44 |
163 | Querying the Database | 06:05 |
164 | Storing the List of Songs | 04:45 |
165 | Displaying the List of Songs | 03:03 |
166 | Prop Validation | 02:53 |
167 | Toggling the Form | 02:48 |
168 | Validating the Song Form | 07:01 |
169 | Editing a Song | 12:54 |
170 | Deleting a Song from the Storage/Database | 10:07 |
171 | Updating the list of songs after an Upload | 08:05 |
172 | Router Leave Guards | 09:44 |
173 | Creating the Home Page | 09:41 |
174 | Checking the Scroll Position | 08:13 |
175 | Infinite Scrolling | 08:24 |
176 | Path Parameters | 04:48 |
177 | Creating the Song Template | 09:54 |
178 | Validating the Comment | 03:59 |
179 | Prepping the Form | 04:44 |
180 | Finalizing the Comment Form | 10:24 |
181 | Displaying the Comments | 06:22 |
182 | Updating the Comments List | 07:35 |
183 | Query Parameters | 05:45 |
184 | Detecting Query Parameters | 06:56 |
185 | Updating the Comment Count | 04:28 |
186 | Storing the song in the State | 07:28 |
187 | Playing Audio | 03:34 |
188 | Toggling Audio | 10:04 |
189 | Duration and Current Position | 06:14 |
190 | Formatting the Time | 04:33 |
191 | Player Progress Bar | 08:22 |
192 | Changing the Audio Position | 10:24 |
193 | Creating links with Hash Fragments | 04:49 |
194 | Route Transitions | 04:45 |
195 | Introduction to Directives | 05:32 |
196 | Writing our First Directive | 05:48 |
197 | Passing Values to Directives | 05:23 |
198 | Directive Modifiers | 05:07 |
199 | Registering a Directive Locally | 04:41 |
200 | Introduction to i18n | 06:02 |
201 | Our First Translation | 07:08 |
202 | Formatting and Pluralization | 06:41 |
203 | Number Localizations | 08:40 |
204 | Translating HTML with Component Interpolation | 05:57 |
205 | Changing Locales | 05:42 |
206 | Exercise: Translating the Rest of the App | 02:51 |
207 | What are Progressive Web Apps? | 04:20 |
208 | The Manifest File | 05:25 |
209 | Generating the Manifest File | 05:36 |
210 | Configuring the Manifest File | 03:31 |
211 | Offline Support with Service Workers | 06:01 |
212 | Understanding Caching | 03:01 |
213 | Workbox | 05:17 |
214 | Firebase Data Persistence | 04:19 |
215 | Handling Offline Uploads | 05:36 |
216 | Overview | 01:55 |
217 | Auto-Registering Global Components | 10:39 |
218 | Perceived Performance | 07:18 |
219 | Dynamic Route Imports | 05:54 |
220 | Progress Bar | 05:40 |
221 | Code Coverage | 04:01 |
222 | Rollup Visualizer | 05:03 |
223 | Deploying an App with Vercel | 11:18 |
224 | Introduction to Testing | 12:16 |
225 | Introduction to Vitest | 02:51 |
226 | Adding the Vitest UI | 02:56 |
227 | Writing Our First Test | 08:58 |
228 | Mounting with Vue Test Utils | 06:40 |
229 | Testing the Inner Content | 04:16 |
230 | Passing Data to Components | 05:12 |
231 | Stubbing Components | 04:51 |
232 | Avoid Boolean Assertions | 01:38 |
233 | Testing Children Components | 06:31 |
234 | Mocking Methods | 05:34 |
235 | Testing Attributes | 06:29 |
236 | Testing Pinia Actions | 06:08 |
237 | Mocking Promises | 04:15 |
238 | Testing Router Components | 06:36 |
239 | Snapshot Testing | 11:55 |
240 | E2E Testing Overview | 06:31 |
241 | Writing an E2E Test | 12:22 |
242 | The Composition API | 06:01 |
243 | Mixins | 10:24 |
244 | Reactive References | 07:10 |
245 | The Reactive Function | 07:05 |
246 | Watchers and Computed Properties | 08:04 |
247 | Lifecycle Functions | 03:08 |
248 | Props | 06:10 |
249 | Template Refs | 04:39 |
250 | Emitting Events | 01:55 |
251 | Advantages of the Composition API | 11:52 |
252 | Router Hooks | 07:43 |
253 | Pinia Hooks | 03:04 |
254 | Verifying Reactivity | 03:09 |
255 | The setup Attribute | 02:59 |
256 | Section Overview | 01:14 |
257 | Controlled Components | 17:57 |
258 | Separation of Concerns | 04:56 |
259 | Third-Party Libraries as Controlled Components | 14:05 |
260 | Moving Beyond Vue’s Event System | 11:28 |
261 | Encapsulating Scrolling | 08:36 |
262 | The Teleport Component | 11:56 |
263 | Thank You! | 01:18 |
264 | Using The Terminal/Command Prompt | 10:06 |
265 | Running script.js In Node | 03:06 |
266 | Modules In Node | 04:23 |
267 | ES6 Modules In Node | 09:01 |
268 | Types of Modules | 05:11 |
Read Book Complete Vue Developer 2023: Zero to Mastery (Pinia, Vitest)
# | Title |
1 | Book 1 |
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