Master Class: React + Typescript 2021 Web Development
Many new React Developers find ReactJS easy to learn and that is totally true. But the problem is when they are coding complex structures, the code becomes unmaintainable and ends up having spaghetti code. Some developers as well do not know all the functionalities that React offers and they end up coding like they are using Vanilla JS instead of doing everything the React Way. Bad way of coding always produce bugs and worst, an unfixable one.
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If all React Developers know how to code the React Way, it will be very easy to create a future proof ReactJS application.
So in this course, we will learn everything that you need to know to master ReactJS. Everything will be created from scratch and we will not use any UI libraries so that you can create your own in the future. We will also use Typescript and rest assured that every code will have types.
To apply all the things that you will learn, we will create an E-commerce Shop with a lot of functionalities and components created from scratch. We will also apply the best practices in coding to make our code clean and create a future proof application.
After this course, you will know all everything that you need to know in ReactJS and be an expert in coding the React Way! You will be your own stackoverflow every time you encounter issues because you will have a total understanding of every functionalities and how they work.
Watch Online Master Class: React + Typescript 2021 Web Development
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Course Overview | 01:30 |
2 | Your Instructor | 03:01 |
3 | What/Why React? | 06:21 |
4 | First Taste of React | 07:50 |
5 | Typescript Overview | 01:17 |
6 | Webpack Overview | 02:45 |
7 | Introduction | 00:52 |
8 | Var, Let and Const | 03:52 |
9 | Var, Let and Const - Hands On | 06:09 |
10 | Logical OR and AND | 01:15 |
11 | Logical OR and AND - Hands On | 03:42 |
12 | Primitive Values vs Reference Type | 01:38 |
13 | Primitive Values vs Reference Type - Hands On | 02:13 |
14 | Shallow and Deep Copy | 04:46 |
15 | Shallow and Deep Copy - Hands On | 06:01 |
16 | Spread Operator, Rest Parameter, Destructuring | 04:55 |
17 | Spread Operator, Rest Parameter, Destructuring - Hands On | 08:47 |
18 | Class | 03:03 |
19 | Class - Hands On | 06:01 |
20 | This Object + Arrow Function | 05:00 |
21 | This Object + Arrow Function - Hands On | 03:50 |
22 | Promises and Async+Await | 12:17 |
23 | Promises and Async+Await - Hands On | 13:11 |
24 | Export & Import | 03:56 |
25 | Summary | 03:53 |
26 | Introduction | 01:26 |
27 | Setup Environment | 06:23 |
28 | Component & Props | 09:57 |
29 | Component & Props - Hands On | 10:56 |
30 | State | 03:21 |
31 | State - Hands On | 13:26 |
32 | Lifecycle - Mounting & Unmounting | 03:25 |
33 | Lifecycle - Mounting & Unmounting - Hands On | 13:45 |
34 | Lifecycle - Updating | 05:02 |
35 | Lifecycle - Updating - Hands On | 17:39 |
36 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 06:18 |
37 | Lifecycle - Error Handling | 03:36 |
38 | Lifecycle - Error Handling - Hands On | 09:54 |
39 | Extras - Lifecycle | 01:21 |
40 | Pure Components & React Memo | 05:25 |
41 | Pure Components & React Memo - Hands On | 08:25 |
42 | RenderProps & Higher Order Component | 04:36 |
43 | RenderProps & Higher Order Component - Hands On | 17:01 |
44 | List & Keys | 03:47 |
45 | List & Keys - Hands On | 06:47 |
46 | Refs | 05:31 |
47 | Refs - Hands On | 12:38 |
48 | Context API | 06:33 |
49 | Context API - Hands On | 14:41 |
50 | Form Elements | 04:29 |
51 | Form Elements - Hands On | 07:56 |
52 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 12:07 |
53 | Code Splitting | 04:35 |
54 | Code Splitting - Hands On | 04:59 |
55 | Children, cloneElement & isValidElement API | 04:20 |
56 | Children, cloneElement & isValidElement API - Hands On | 06:48 |
57 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 03:31 |
58 | Summary | 04:35 |
59 | Introduction | 00:34 |
60 | Render & Hydrate | 03:30 |
61 | Render API - Hands On | 01:47 |
62 | Unmount Component At Node API | 02:43 |
63 | Find Dom Node API | 01:12 |
64 | Find Dom Node API - Hands On | 01:48 |
65 | Create Portal API | 02:26 |
66 | Create Portal API - Hands On | 11:17 |
67 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 04:51 |
68 | Summary | 01:04 |
69 | Introduction | 01:16 |
70 | Routing | 11:08 |
71 | Routing - Hands On Part 1 | 10:44 |
72 | Routing - Hands On Part 2 | 12:04 |
73 | Link and Redirect | 03:35 |
74 | Link and Redirect - Hands On | 08:50 |
75 | withRouter HOC | 03:44 |
76 | History Library | 03:04 |
77 | History - Hands On | 04:36 |
78 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 06:47 |
79 | Summary | 01:47 |
80 | Introduction | 10:29 |
81 | Create & Access Store - Hands On | 13:48 |
82 | Dispatch Action - Hands On | 06:33 |
83 | Combine Reducers | 01:39 |
84 | Combine Reducers - Hands On | 07:51 |
85 | Middleware | 01:49 |
86 | Middleware - Hands On | 10:10 |
87 | Middleware Typescript - Hands On Part 1 | 07:55 |
88 | Middleware Typescript - Hands On Part 2 | 10:08 |
89 | Reselect | 06:13 |
90 | Redux Devtools | 03:05 |
91 | Assignment Solution (Optional) | 16:37 |
92 | Summary | 03:08 |
93 | Introduction | 04:31 |
94 | Setup Environment | 06:40 |
95 | Apply Server-side Rendering | 07:38 |
96 | Add Redux in Server | 06:17 |
97 | Summary | 01:24 |
98 | Ecom Shop Overview | 03:05 |
99 | Let's setup our environment | 07:51 |
100 | Create initial pages | 08:22 |
101 | Add Some Navigations! | 07:09 |
102 | Decorate our Home Page! Cover Image & Shop Quality | 06:07 |
103 | More decoration for Home Page! Best Seller & Partners | 09:21 |
104 | Setup our Redux | 13:43 |
105 | Redux Saga Overview | 02:43 |
106 | Use Redux Saga as our Middleware | 14:16 |
107 | Monitor our Redux, Let's add Redux Devtools! | 03:06 |
108 | Show some products in All Products Page | 09:24 |
109 | API Changes. Backend Developers are here! | 05:52 |
110 | Let's Refactor our Code! | 21:44 |
111 | Connect Best Seller to Redux | 17:13 |
112 | Refactor Code & Add Filters Data | 19:37 |
113 | Create reusable Checkbox Component! | 08:14 |
114 | Add Sidebar Component UI | 08:29 |
115 | Use Filters and Update Products List | 24:07 |
116 | Pagination Overview & Button Component | 07:51 |
117 | Create Initial Pagination Component | 16:07 |
118 | Update Redux for Pagination | 11:10 |
119 | Let's finish Pagination Feature! | 14:56 |
120 | Reusable Modal Component | 10:01 |
121 | Initial Product Card Modal Component | 15:10 |
122 | Refactor our Product Card/Modal Components | 16:06 |
123 | Complete our Product Card Modal UI | 22:55 |
124 | Refactor our Product Card Modal UI | 10:34 |
125 | Add Quantity and Select Variants in Product Card Modal | 22:00 |
126 | Add To Cart! | 08:40 |
127 | Cart Items Notification | 05:15 |
128 | Reusable Popover Component | 24:20 |
129 | Enhance Popover for our Cart Use Case | 10:20 |
130 | Complete our Cart Component! | 18:23 |
131 | Show Products in Checkout Page! | 21:03 |
132 | Reusable Input Component | 05:56 |
133 | Customers, please input your details! | 13:53 |
134 | Add Functionalities to Customer Information UI | 21:02 |
135 | Refactor our APIs | 04:49 |
136 | Let's complete customer's purchase! | 13:56 |
137 | Let's add some Themes in our Shop | 19:25 |
138 | Refactor UI to change Theme | 04:51 |
139 | Apply Code Splitting | 08:13 |
140 | Make this a Universal App! | 20:51 |
141 | Complete Server-side Rendering Implementation | 10:46 |
142 | It's now in your hands | 06:47 |
143 | Introduction | 04:04 |
144 | add state to functional component, useState Hook! | 08:51 |
145 | Lifecycle? Let's use useEffect hook | 08:28 |
146 | useLayoutEffect vs useEffect | 07:43 |
147 | Memoization? useCallback and useMemo are here | 13:16 |
148 | Refs? useRef hook is here | 08:13 |
149 | Override ref properties? useImperativeHandle hook | 06:46 |
150 | Want to be creative? Let's create a Custom Hook | 08:20 |
151 | useContext hook to access our Context | 02:24 |
152 | Complex state logic? useReducer Hook is here! | 14:13 |
153 | Using Redux? We have React-Redux Hooks | 15:24 |
154 | Debugging? Use useDebugValue hook! | 07:20 |
155 | Summary | 09:03 |
156 | Introduction | 00:28 |
157 | Convert Pagination Component | 06:22 |
158 | Convert Modal Component | 04:57 |
159 | Convert Popover Component | 12:53 |
160 | Convert All Products Page | 13:34 |
161 | Refactor & Optimization | 12:38 |
162 | Convert Customer Information Component | 14:30 |
163 | It is now in your hands! | 01:03 |
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