Great Thinkers, Great Theorems
12h 14m 35s
Delve into the mechanics of some of math's greatest and most awe-inspiring achievements.
Explore the most awe-inspiring theorems in the 3,000-year history of mathematics with the 24 lectures of Great Thinkers, Great Theorems. Professor William Dunham, an award-winning teacher with a talent for conveying the essence of mathematical ideas, reveals how great minds like Pythagoras, Newton, and Euler crafted theorems that would revolutionize our understanding of the world. Approaching great theorems the way an art course approaches great art, Professor Dunham will open your mind to new levels of mathematics appreciation.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | 1 Theorems as Masterpieces | 31:44 |
2 | 2 Mathematics before Euclid | 31:10 |
3 | 3 The Greatest Mathematics Book of All | 28:56 |
4 | 4 Euclid's Elements - Triangles and Polygons | 31:42 |
5 | 5 Number Theory in Euclid | 28:37 |
6 | 6 The Life and Works of Archimedes | 29:16 |
7 | 7 Archimedes' Determination of Circular Area | 31:32 |
8 | 8 Heron's Formula for Triangular Area | 31:21 |
9 | 9 Al-Khwarizmi and Islamic Mathematics | 29:49 |
10 | 10 A Horatio Algebra Story | 28:45 |
11 | 11 To the Cubic and Beyond | 32:04 |
12 | 12 The Heroic Century | 31:13 |
13 | 13 The Legacy of Newton | 30:13 |
14 | 14 Newton's Infinite Series | 30:53 |
15 | 15 Newton's Proof of Heron's Formula | 31:35 |
16 | 16 The Legacy of Leibniz | 30:39 |
17 | 17 The Bernoullis and the Calculus Wars | 31:01 |
18 | 18 Euler, the Master | 30:25 |
19 | 19 Euler's Extraordinary Sum | 31:09 |
20 | 20 Euler and the Partitioning of Numbers | 30:42 |
21 | 21 Gauss - the Prince of Mathematicians | 30:22 |
22 | 22 The 19th Century - Rigor and Liberation | 30:55 |
23 | 23 Cantor and the Infinite | 29:30 |
24 | 24 Beyond the Infinite | 31:02 |
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# | Title |
1 | Great Thinkers, Great Theorems |
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