Modular Monolith Architecture

12h 48m 50s
May 13, 2024

This in-depth course will transform the way you build modern systems. You will learn the best practices for applying the Modular Monolith architecture in a real-world scenario. Join 500+ other students to accelerate your growth as a software architect.


More Than Just Theory

Modular Monolith Architecture includes more than just theoretical discussion.

We're going to build a production-ready system from scratch. This includes dozens of API endpoints, 50+ use cases, and 6000+ lines of code.

I built the course with bonus resources to make sure you apply what you learn.

After Completing This Course You Will

  • Confidently use Modular Monoliths to build robust and scalable systems
  • Learn how to create an architecture that stands the test of time
  • Understand how to implement an event-driven system
  • Easily migrate to microservices (if you need to)

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# Title Duration
1 Agenda, Your Instructor, Course Structure 05:58
2 How To Use This Course 02:33
3 Introduction, Monoliths and Microservices 15:28
4 Modular Monoliths 14:57
5 Module Constraints 15:52
6 Domain-Driven Design, Event Storming, Bounded Contexts 15:21
7 Introducing Evently Sample Application 06:11
8 Building the First Module 35:37
9 Refactoring to Clean Architecture 38:38
10 Events Module Review 11:02
11 Cross-Cutting Concerns 06:20
12 Dependency Injection 14:48
13 Module Configuration 05:13
14 Structured Logging With Serilog and Seq 10:44
15 Exception Handling 05:48
16 Validation With FluentValidation 06:14
17 Distributed Caching With Redis 09:31
18 Health Checks 06:23
19 Automatically Registering Endpoints 08:19
20 Module Communication Patterns 09:07
21 Publishing Domain Events 07:04
22 Introducing the Users Module 07:30
23 Scaffolding the Ticketing Module 04:03
24 Synchronous Communication 17:50
25 Duplicating Data Between Modules 10:07
26 Asynchronous Communication 17:24
27 Eventual Consistency: Introduction 09:26
28 Authentication & Authorization 03:34
29 Keycloak Identity Provider Setup 18:59
30 Token Based Authentication 14:40
31 User Registration With KeyCloak 22:23
32 RBAC Authorization 23:57
33 2 Short Asks 01:14
34 Architecture Enforcement 05:51
35 Modular Architecture 10:04
36 Architecture Testing 19:31
37 Reliable Messaging 04:15
38 Outbox Pattern 31:57
39 Outbox: Idempotent Consumers 21:22
40 Inbox Pattern 12:57
41 Event-Driven Architecture 11:50
42 Event Notifications 05:30
43 Event-Carried State Transfer 05:49
44 Materialized Views and CQRS 11:16
45 Saga Pattern, Orchestration 25:09
46 Testing Modular Monoliths 07:14
47 Unit Testing 14:58
48 Integration Testing 30:32
49 System Integration Testing 13:50
50 Automated Testing in CI/CD Pipelines 07:36
51 Microservices Benefits, Extracting Modules 06:28
52 Distributed Tracing, OpenTelemetry 17:07
53 Distributed Messaging With RabbitMQ 10:54
54 API Gateways, Introducing YARP 19:03
55 Extracting Modules to Microservices 30:47
56 A Note From Me 00:57
57 Introduction, Document Databases 09:22
58 Implementing CQRS With MongoDB 31:01
59 A Small Ask From Me 01:15

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