Maker Ads Guide - Learn Facebook Ads for Saas & Softwares

4h 19m 28s
September 21, 2024

Guide to advertising your SaaS and software on Facebook. Don't just create apps, attract users quickly. Learn everything you need to find new users with Facebook Ads. No more waiting a year for SEO to work (if it even works at all) – get results fast.


The First Advertising Guide for SaaS and Software Creators

Without guidance:

  • No clear understanding
  • Wasting money on figuring things out on your own
  • Most attempts are fruitless
  • No understanding of what worked when results are achieved

With guidance:

  • Quickly attract new users
  • Create ads that convert
  • Understand the Facebook interface
  • Don’t waste money on ineffective ads
  • Benefit from 7+ years of experience and more than $1 million spent on advertising

What you'll learn:

  1. How Facebook works
  2. Learn how Facebook advertising works, how the algorithm prioritizes ads, and how to leverage this.
  3. Account setup
  4. Learn how to properly set up your account and avoid common mistakes.
  5. How to choose budget, audience, and objectives
  6. Discover how to choose an appropriate budget, find the best audience, and select goals for your ads.
  7. How to create conversion ads
  8. Learn to create ads that effectively convert for your SaaS, software, or infoproduct.
  9. Setting up campaigns and ads
  10. Learn how to correctly set up campaigns, ad groups, and ads to achieve the best results.
  11. How to analyze results
  12. Learn how to analyze your ad results and take action accordingly.

Some myths:

  • "Facebook advertising doesn’t work for SaaS and software"
  • Not true. Looking at big companies (Zapier, Jasper), all of them use Facebook ads because it works.
  • "Advertising requires thousands of dollars"
  • Yes, money is needed, but you can start with $5 a day and scale from there.
  • "Advertising needs a proven product"
  • Advertising only amplifies your reach. Of course, it’s easier and cheaper with a proven product, but you can also use ads to test new ideas.

This course is for you if:

  • You are a technical founder looking to improve your marketing skills in 2024
  • You are involved in marketing SaaS, software, newsletters, or infoproducts
  • You want to explore a new reliable marketing channel
  • You have never tried advertising, didn’t achieve desired results, or want a better understanding of the process
  • You are ready to work on yourself and improve your skills

This course is NOT for you if:

  • You just want to develop features for an app and don’t care about promoting it
  • You are looking for a marketing solution with a 100% guaranteed result (such a thing doesn’t exist)
  • You are in e-commerce (there are other courses for that)

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# Title Duration
1 Interuption vs Search Advertising 05:23
2 Facebook Ads Overview 05:42
3 Introduction 00:22
4 Acquisition Cost and Profit 07:09
5 Managing Cashflow 04:05
6 Knowing your customers 03:03
7 Funnel & landing page 04:04
8 Introduction 00:34
9 Business Manager 05:18
10 Ad accounts 07:20
11 Pixel & Tracking 12:33
12 Facebook Page 04:00
13 Custom Audiences 11:15
14 Introduction 00:37
15 Creative formats 04:20
16 Hooks and Scroll stoppers 09:38
17 Writing copy for ads 03:15
18 Getting inspiration 03:35
19 Campaigns, Adsets and ads 01:33
20 Campaigns Overview 06:44
21 Adset Overview 17:24
22 Ads Overview 13:44
23 Choosing the right goal 06:01
24 Structuring your account 19:29
25 Naming Conventions 03:40
26 Managing your budgets 11:03
27 Other account setups 09:24
28 Intro 00:35
29 Understanding KPIs 19:16
30 Analyzing your results 09:36
31 Taking action from your results 07:49
32 Managing Emotions 04:56
33 Real account analysis #1 19:12
34 Real account analysis #2 09:47
35 Avoiding bans 07:02

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