Learn CSS Today
9h 31m 49s
Learn modern CSS features and advanced CSS concepts in less than a day with this highly focused project-based CSS course.
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What Will You Get?
- Access to all HD course videos covering topics from the fundamentals to advanced animations
- 61 Videos
- 21 Project Tutorials
- 9 Project Exercises
- Source code for every project broken down by video
- All future updates free of charge
- Exclusive access to the Learn CSS Today Discord channel where you can talk with me and all other members of the course
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | 01 - What Is CSS? | 02:11 |
2 | 02 - Basic Syntax | 11:30 |
3 | 03 - How To Add CSS | 06:31 |
4 | 04 - Comments | 02:59 |
5 | 05 - Inheritance | 04:03 |
6 | 06 - Your First CSS Project - A Simple Blog | 09:36 |
7 | 07 - User Profile Introduction | 01:43 |
8 | 08 - User Profile Project Walkthrough | 05:40 |
9 | 09 - Color | 12:41 |
10 | 10 - Specificity | 12:28 |
11 | 11 - Pseudo Classes | 11:52 |
12 | 12 - Box Model | 13:09 |
13 | 13 - Units | 11:37 |
14 | 14 - Button Component Library Project | 23:17 |
15 | 15 - Input Component Library Introduction | 01:20 |
16 | 16 - Input Component Library Project Walkthrough | 11:20 |
17 | 17 - Module One Final Project - Portfolio | 27:15 |
18 | 18 - Document Flow | 08:26 |
19 | 19 - Floats | 04:35 |
20 | 20 - Flexbox | 19:18 |
21 | 21 - Modal Project | 13:56 |
22 | 22 - Navbar Project Introduction | 00:45 |
23 | 23 - Navbar Project Walkthrough | 04:50 |
24 | 24 - Grid | 25:09 |
25 | 25 - Grid Home Page Project | 12:19 |
26 | 26 - Image Gallery Project Introduction | 00:57 |
27 | 27 - Image Gallery Project Walkthrough | 07:03 |
28 | 28 - Position | 10:45 |
29 | 29 - Z-Index | 07:35 |
30 | 30 - Multi-Column Layout | 08:02 |
31 | 31 - Overflow | 04:38 |
32 | 32 - Bootcamp Landing Page | 38:56 |
33 | 33 - Custom Properties | 10:05 |
34 | 34 - Calc | 05:28 |
35 | 35 - Button Component Library Project Upgrade | 10:32 |
36 | 36 - Input Component Library Upgrade Introduction | 00:51 |
37 | 37 - Input Component Library Project Upgrade Walkthrough | 04:03 |
38 | 38 - Advanced Selectors | 11:14 |
39 | 39 - Pseudo Elements | 06:29 |
40 | 40 - Custom Checkbox Project | 12:13 |
41 | 41 - Tooltip Project | 14:22 |
42 | 42 - Advanced Margins | 02:54 |
43 | 43 - CSS Resets | 03:22 |
44 | 44 - Browser Support | 03:50 |
45 | 45 - Feature Query | 05:49 |
46 | 46 - Media Query | 05:54 |
47 | 47 - Custom Fonts | 08:57 |
48 | 48 - Bootcamp Landing Page Pricing Section | 23:20 |
49 | 49 - Transition Property | 08:08 |
50 | 50 - Button Transition Project Introduction | 00:56 |
51 | 51 - Button Transition Project Walkthrough | 05:02 |
52 | 52 - Animation Property | 14:11 |
53 | 53 - Transform Property | 10:34 |
54 | 54 - Button Animation Project | 09:25 |
55 | 55 - Loading Text Project Introduction | 00:44 |
56 | 56 - Loading Text Project Walkthrough | 08:08 |
57 | 57 - Tooltip Animation Project | 06:36 |
58 | 58 - Perspective Property | 07:42 |
59 | 59 - 3D Cube Project | 11:19 |
60 | 60 - Bootcamp Landing Page Animations | 18:58 |
61 | 61 - Next Steps | 04:17 |
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