Docker for DevOps Engineers

4h 41m 11s

Docker is tool to package and deploy software using containers. Unlike Virtual Machines, Docker is lightweight and does not require a lot of resources to run. Docker has become the tool that everyone is using to release software and it used in CD/CI.

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In this course you will learn and have full understanding of

  • What is docker and how it differs from Virtual Machines
  • Docker Images and Containers
  • Docker Architecture
  • Volumes
  • Build Docker Images
  • Docker Compose
  • Image Tagging and Versioning
  • Networking
  • Debugging
  • Docker Security
  • Best Practices

Are you ready to learn the tool that has revolutionised how code from your computer is packaged in a way that it just works elsewhere, allowing you to release code faster to to end users.

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# Title Duration
1 Hi 00:44
2 What is Docker 01:32
3 Docker vs VM 04:34
4 Installing Docker 02:54
5 Exploring Docker Dashboard 03:11
6 Tools 02:06
7 Getting started with Docker 05:58
8 Undestanding Containers 06:10
9 Docker Images and Containers 08:51
10 Managing Containers 05:06
11 Docker ps format 03:16
12 Exposing Ports 04:38
13 Exposing Multiple Ports 05:11
14 Naming Containers 03:12
15 Running Container in the background 03:45
16 Docker Images 02:25
17 Managing Docker Images 04:21
18 Docker Pull 02:55
19 Inspecting Images 02:59
20 Docker Architecture 02:43
21 Docker Daemon 04:54
22 Volumes 04:11
23 Bind Mount Volumes 01:11
24 Bind Mount Volumes in Action 05:28
25 Using Vomules for Local Dev 08:28
26 Docker Volumes 04:09
27 TMPFS Mount 01:15
28 Dockerfile 01:17
29 Creating Dockerfile 05:06
30 Building DockerImages 03:21
31 Running a container from Custom Image 02:57
32 Investigate Container file system 01:59
33 Buliding ExpressJS API 08:40
34 Dockerfile and Building image for user-api 05:13
35 Running Container for user-api image 03:55
36 Exploring Dockerfiles 04:26
37 Dockerfile reference 02:35
38 Pulling Images using a Specifc Tag 05:00
39 Creating tags 06:02
40 Creating Version 2 of the Dashboard 06:39
41 Never Run Latest In Production 02:20
42 Image Variants 06:19
43 Docker Registries 04:13
44 Docker Login 05:49
45 Docker push 06:51
46 Docker Inpect 02:54
47 Logs 03:26
48 Running commands in Containers 04:16
49 How to comunicate between containers 01:40
50 Docker Network 03:37
51 MongoDB Container 05:07
52 MongoExpress 06:30
53 Understanding Container Communication 07:02
54 Another example 05:31
55 What is Docker Compose 01:08
56 Docker Compose cmd 02:19
57 Services 08:37
58 Docker Network 03:46
59 Docker Compose Up 07:07
60 Exploring docker compose commands 05:06
61 Docker Volume 02:57
62 Docker Compose Documentation 01:46
63 Docker scan 04:43
64 Trivy 04:50
65 Distroless Images 04:44
66 Security Best Practices 05:16

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