Introduction to industry REST microservices in Golang (Go)

15h 45m 33s

In this course I'm doing the very same I've been doing for the past 6 years: Analysis, design and development of high-performance microservices in Go. This is not an introduction to Go's concepts, you have free resources for that like the Go Tour (I strongly suggest you to take it!). This is real-life and industry experience revealed in 13+ hours of video and resources that you will not easily find online.

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We will cover everything you need:

  • Native web server.

  • HTTP frameworks.

  • Benchmarks.

  • Package organization.

  • MVC pattern.

  • Interfaces: How to design and implement them.

  • Dealing with dates.

  • Unit, Integration and Functional testing.

  • Mocking different artifacts of your application.

  • Consuming external APIs.

  • Mocking external APIs responses

  • Different concurrency designs based on each requirement.

  • Parallelism when we have multi-core VMs.

  • Stress-test our applications

  • Metrics, logging, debugging, profiling.

  • And a lots of more... EVERYTHING you need to work with this amazing technology.

  • Just complete the Golang tour available at Golang's website
Who this course is for:
  • Software engineers.
  • Software developers.
  • Technical leaders.
  • Architects.
  • Anyone who wants to get serious about microservices in Go.

What you'll learn:

  • Install, configure and setup Go
  • Analysis and design of REST microservices.
  • Different architectures and patterns for implementing them in Go.
  • Test as you Go. Ensure the quality of your work.
  • Advanced concurrency patterns.
  • Parallel execution on Multi-Core VMs.
  • HTTP frameworks, comparison and appliance.
  • Consuming external APIs. Test them. Mock them. Measure them. Use them.
  • The ultimate and best way of mocking different layers of your application.
  • Debugging and completely testing your application.
  • Create native webservices.

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# Title Duration
1 Golang installation & configuration 12:40
2 Configuring environment 20:57
3 Testing our first websever 12:21
4 Introduction to MVC 13:17
5 Package organization 45:53
6 Pushing our changes to Git and first PR 14:22
7 Introduction to testing 13:22
8 Unit tests 30:13
9 Benchmarks 35:41
10 How to structure Go artifacts and mock 38:09
11 HTTP Frameworks 35:40
12 Analyzing our target APIs. 13:40
13 Defining our domain structs 34:14
14 REST Api Calls - Native HTTP client 47:40
15 Testing: Mocking native REST Api calls. 39:21
16 Putting all together 48:26
17 Testing: Unit & Integration tests 56:19
18 Concurrency is NOT parallelism 19:23
19 Implementation of concurrent API calls 01:11:28
20 Testing concurrent models 46:51
21 How to limit concurrency 38:25
22 Calculate the shipping box 07:15
23 How to use Mutex 14:09
24 Introduction to logging systems 12:24
25 Log library - logrus 38:42
26 Log library - zap 23:07
27 Infrastructure design for your microservices 31:38
28 Creating an OAuth authentication microservice 01:32:30
29 Mocking entire layers of the application 26:16
30 End of course - Part 1 07:38
31 Extra class - Take a look at my website 03:32

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