Introduction to Data Engineering

57m 26s

Companies of all sizes have access to massive amounts of data, but the problem is that data is often unstructured. In order to answer important business questions, make decisions, and train AI and machine learning models, this data needs to be cleaned, processed, and managed. In this basic course, you will learn how this is done and get acquainted with the tools that data engineers use in the real world.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:25
2 What Is Data? 06:43
3 What is a Data Engineer - Part 1 04:22
4 What is a Data Engineer - Part 2 05:37
5 What is a Data Engineer - Part 3 05:05
6 What is a Data Engineer - Part 4 03:23
7 Types of Databases 06:51
8 Optional: OLTP Databases 10:55
9 Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce 04:23
10 Apache Spark and Apache Flink 02:08
11 Kafka and Stream Processing 04:34

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