HTML/CSS Bootcamp - Learn HTML, CSS, Flexbox, and CSS Grid
Hi and welcome to the HTML/CSS Bootcamp course, where we'll walk through the same course I teach code bootcamp students around the world. My name is Jordan Hudgens, and I'll be your instructor for the course.
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In this course, you're going to learn all of the key skills that you're going to need in order to start building out professional websites. Before building this new course out, I interviewed hiring managers at companies around the world and asked them what HTML/CSS skills they expected developers to know and that's how I came up with the list of concepts that you're going to learn.
Some of the skills that you're going to learn are going to be:
CSS Grid
Media queries for building responsive layouts from scratch
CSS Selectors
How to integrate and style images
Front end development best practices
And much more!
As we go through the course material, you'll notice that I'm going to teach you my own process that I use whenever I'm building out a website.
My goal for this entire course isn't just to teach you how to build a single website, but instead my goal is to be able to leverage this project build that we're going to put together, teach you the fundamentals as we implement every single feature, and then by the end of it, you're not just going to be able to build the single website and follow along with what I do, but you'll be able to build any type of website.
There are no technical prerequisites for going through this course. This is the perfect course to go through if you want to learn how to build websites completely from scratch.
The ideal student is someone who is dedicated, wants to learn, and also wants to learn how to build websites using the most modern and up to date technologies. So, thank you for spending the time and going through this material, and good luck with the coding.
- Basic computer skills
- Anyone interested in learning what it takes to build websites with HTML and CSS
What you'll learn:
- Build websites using HTML and CSS
- Use Flexbox to easily align content on the page
- Work with CSS Grid to build a website's layout
- Create responsive websites that render custom layouts for smartphones, tablets and desktops
- Work with images
- Integrate custom fonts
- Using CSS based animations
- Build real world projects
- Create HTML forms for getting user input
Watch Online HTML/CSS Bootcamp - Learn HTML, CSS, Flexbox, and CSS Grid
# | Title | Duration |
1 | HTML, CSS, Flexbox, and CSS Grid Course Introduction | 02:02 |
2 | What are HTML and CSS? | 06:09 |
3 | The Website We're Going to Build in the HTML/CSS Course | 04:47 |
4 | Tools We'll Use in the Course and Basic HTML Structure Overview | 17:45 |
5 | Introduction to Using CSS Styles | 12:49 |
6 | Deep Dive: How the CSS Cascading Process Works | 10:30 |
7 | Guide to HTML Links | 16:14 |
8 | Working with the div Tag in HTML | 09:52 |
9 | Guide to HTML Classes and IDs | 08:34 |
10 | Introduction to Flexbox | 15:40 |
11 | Guide to Padding in CSS | 07:53 |
12 | Guide to Margin in CSS | 04:04 |
13 | Course Update: FontAwesome Import Fix | 03:07 |
14 | Integrating Icons with Font Awesome | 05:22 |
15 | How to Select and Style Child Tag Elements | 08:42 |
16 | Introduction to CSS Grid | 13:16 |
17 | How to Import and Use Custom Fonts in HTML | 10:08 |
18 | How to Import and Style Images in HTML | 07:40 |
19 | Refactoring the CSS Code to Use More Specific Selectors | 13:59 |
20 | Integrating Flexbox Inside of a CSS Grid Container to Align Items | 07:22 |
21 | Introduction to CSS Animations | 09:18 |
22 | Styling the Right Column of the Navigation Bar | 13:45 |
23 | Finalizing the Navigation Bar and Organizing the Style Files to Conform with Dev | 08:02 |
24 | How to Build a Parallax Scrolling Feature | 10:47 |
25 | Adding Text Overlays On Top of the Parallax Image | 07:13 |
26 | Adding the HTML Structure and Icons for the Feature Section of the Homepage | 09:14 |
27 | How to Create Columns with Animated Hover Effects in CSS | 13:38 |
28 | Working with nth Child Selectors in CSS | 08:18 |
29 | How to Work with Box Shadows in CSS | 09:28 |
30 | How to Embed a Google Map into a Website | 04:27 |
31 | Building the Footer's HTML Structure | 11:29 |
32 | Controlling the Flex Direction to Layout the Footer Styles | 09:47 |
33 | How to Apply Filters and Control an Image's Opacity with CSS | 02:57 |
34 | Finalizing the Footer Styles | 15:55 |
35 | Building the HTML Structure for the About Page Header | 06:05 |
36 | How to Skew Images in CSS | 16:18 |
37 | Using the CSS Float Property to Have Text Flow Around an Image | 14:52 |
38 | Building the Square Grid HTML Structure | 08:14 |
39 | Creating a Two Column Layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox | 13:01 |
40 | Finalizing the About Page Styles and Review of Code Organization Best Practices | 10:15 |
41 | Populating the Menu Page with the Two Column Grid | 05:04 |
42 | Guide to HTML Bullet Point and Numbered LIsts | 05:14 |
43 | How to Implement Anchor Tags in HTML | 07:13 |
44 | Overview of the Before and After Pseudo Selectors in CSS | 07:19 |
45 | Creating the Initial Structure for the Contact Page | 15:46 |
46 | Building the Contact Page Layout with CSS Grid | 09:46 |
47 | Introduction to HTML Form Elements | 08:38 |
48 | How to Style Text Inputs with CSS | 10:41 |
49 | Styling the Form Textarea and Button | 07:30 |
50 | Building the Label and Form Element Drop Shadow Styles | 09:08 |
51 | Integrating Custom Form Placeholder Text Styles | 02:40 |
52 | How to Animate Form Labels | 06:05 |
53 | Finalizing Contact Page Styles | 08:45 |
54 | Introduction to CSS Media Queries | 13:36 |
55 | Finalizing the Homepage Responsive Styles | 06:59 |
56 | Implementing Responsive Styles to the Square Grid, Image Skew, and Form Elements | 16:06 |
57 | How to Deploy a Static Site to the Web with Netlify | 05:03 |
58 | How to Build Animated Flipping Cards Using Just CSS | 49:54 |
59 | How to Create Custom Cursors in HTML and CSS | 07:52 |
60 | Live Coding Webinar: Build out Tooltips with HTML and CSS | 01:06:50 |
61 | Tools We'll Use in the Course | 03:53 |
62 | Basic HTML Website Structure | 03:47 |
63 | Working with the HTML Head Tag | 06:56 |
64 | Creating Page Components with the Div Tag | 06:40 |
65 | Implementing Inline Components with the Span Tag | 04:55 |
66 | Integrate Headings into Web Pages | 05:02 |
67 | Using Multi Line Content with Paragraph Tags | 05:24 |
68 | Working with HTML Hyperlinks | 04:37 |
69 | Adding Page Breaks with the Horizontal Rule Tag | 02:12 |
70 | Integrating Line Breaks into HTML Pages | 02:59 |
71 | Creating HTML Numbed Lists | 03:48 |
72 | Working with Bullet Point Lists in HTML | 05:44 |
73 | Working with Bold HTML Styles | 04:12 |
74 | Using the Italic Style for Text | 02:28 |
75 | Comprehensive Set of HTML Style Tags | 09:04 |
76 | How to Add Images to Websites | 06:17 |
77 | Mapping Links on Images | 10:41 |
78 | How to work with Custom Tags in HTML | 02:59 |
79 | Adding Comments to HTML Code | 08:55 |
80 | Guide to Using Web Developer Tools | 12:34 |
81 | Working with HTML IDs | 05:46 |
82 | Working with HTML Classes | 04:11 |
83 | Implementing Inline CSS Styles | 07:51 |
84 | Using Embedded CSS Styles | 06:36 |
85 | Using CSS Best Practices with External Stylesheets | 07:21 |
86 | How to Use CSS Selectors | 10:05 |
87 | Using CSS Webkit Animations | 05:16 |
88 | How to Add a Background Image to a Website | 06:46 |
89 | Adding CSS Border Styles to HTML Elements | 04:08 |
90 | Rounding Div Corners with Border Radius Styles | 05:44 |
91 | Customizing Height and Width Attributes in CSS | 05:15 |
92 | How to Implement Custom Fonts in HTML and CSS | 07:04 |
93 | How to Add Custom Font Styles in CSS | 06:54 |
94 | How to Properly Center Div Elements on a Page | 09:36 |
95 | Working with CSS Pseudo Class Selectors | 06:51 |
96 | Implementing Ease In Animations with CSS | 06:21 |
97 | Customizing Bullet Points Using CSS | 02:33 |
98 | Using the CSS Float Property to Align Page Elements | 04:55 |
99 | Introduction to HTML Tables | 06:25 |
100 | How to Style HTML Headers | 03:10 |
101 | Styling Table Rows | 05:54 |
102 | Working with Column Spans | 04:23 |
103 | How to Customize Row Sizes in HTML Tables | 04:55 |
104 | Introduction to HTML forms | 07:58 |
105 | Working with HTML Text Input Fields | 11:35 |
106 | How to Use the Text Area HTML Element for Large Amounts of Text Input | 06:21 |
107 | How to Use HTML Form Checkboxes | 04:37 |
108 | Working with HTML Form Radio Buttons | 03:44 |
109 | How to Use Select Boxes in an HTML Form | 08:29 |
110 | How to Group Drop Down Form Elements into Categories | 04:24 |
111 | Working with HTML Form Calculated Fields | 06:50 |
112 | How to Use HTML Entities for Custom Character Values | 11:08 |
113 | Google Homepage Project Overview and Instructions | 03:01 |
114 | Project Solution: Building the HTML Structure | 15:10 |
115 | Project Solution: Integrating the CSS Header and Content Styles | 12:14 |
116 | Project Solution: Building the Styles for the Buttons and Footer | 08:57 |
117 | Project Solution: CSS Hover Effects for Links | 10:39 |
118 | Project Solution: JavaScript Auto Focus and Summary | 04:40 |
119 | Pinterest Project Overview and Instructions | 04:18 |
120 | Project Solution: Creating the HTML structure for the Pinterest homepage | 13:43 |
121 | Project Solution: Customizing the Navigation Header Styles with CSS | 11:26 |
122 | Project Solution: Integrating Font Awesome for Website Icons | 04:42 |
123 | Project Solution: Styling Font Awesome Icons | 04:18 |
124 | Project Solution: Styling Pinterest Pins | 14:15 |
125 | Project Solution: Pinterest Homepage Summary | 02:49 |
126 | HTML Email Project Overview and Instructions | 02:02 |
127 | Project Solution: HTML Email Tag Structure | 06:42 |
128 | Project Solution: HTML Email Integration of CSS Styles | 10:26 |
129 | Tesla Homepage Clone Overview and Instructions | 04:18 |
130 | Project Solution: Tesla Homepage HTML Structure | 15:33 |
131 | Project Solution: Customizing the Tesla Homepage Navigation Styles with CSS | 08:17 |
132 | Project Solution: Implementing Content Styles and Buttons | 10:26 |
133 | Project Solution: Styling the Footer of the Tesla Homepage | 03:23 |
134 | Project Solution: Integrating Custom Fonts | 03:03 |
135 | Project Solution: Final Project Fixes and Summary | 04:44 |
136 | Twitter Bootstrap + Social Network Project Overview and Instructions | 06:58 |
137 | Project Solution: Implementing Responsive Tags into the Head Tag | 11:27 |
138 | Project Solution: Building the Social Network Navigation Bar | 15:10 |
139 | Project Solution: Integrating Responsive Dropdowns with Bootstrap Components | 11:47 |
140 | Project Solution: Customizing Content Headings | 10:01 |
141 | Project Solution: Final Content Integrations for the Homepage | 06:03 |
142 | Project Solution: Implementing CSS Styles | 11:58 |
143 | Project Solution: Responsive Media Queries | 07:03 |
144 | Project Solution: Bug Fixes | 06:58 |
145 | Project Solution: Integrating Custom Fonts | 08:40 |
146 | Project Solution: Favicon Integration and Social Network Summary | 04:43 |
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