How to Survive in Space

5h 51m 19s
April 7, 2024

From launch to landing, spaceflight is a horror show of hazards. Discover how to overcome them, with the help of a biomedical/aerospace engineer.

Taught by veteran biomedical space researcher Dr. Ronke Olabisi of the University of California, Irvine, this 12-lecture course focuses on the many hazards of spaceflight and how astronauts deal with them. From launch to landing, from spacewalks to sponge baths, these lectures provide an in-depth look at living and working in a truly alien environment. Learn how it takes more than the “right stuff” to survive in space.

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# Title Duration
1 1 How tu survive launch 30:02
2 2 How to survive short-term weightlessness 29:56
3 3 How to survive long-term weightlessness 24:27
4 4 How to survive microbes in space 29:27
5 5 How to survive in a space suit 26:20
6 6 How to survive in a vacuum 24:06
7 7 How to survive extreme temperatures 29:12
8 8 How to survive space food 29:14
9 9 How to survive extreme confinement 33:32
10 10 How to survive space radiation 30:50
11 11 How to survive a medical emergency in space 34:11
12 12 How to survive touchdown 30:02

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# Title
1 How to Survive in Space

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