Practical TLS

13h 24m 49s

A deep dive into SSL and TLS: The protocols that secure the Internet.  Become An Expert In SSL/TLS.Even If You’re New To Online Security.

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Banging your head against the keyboard over SSL and TLS?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

There’s not a tech in the world that hasn’t googled an ambiguous SSL error.

Sometimes you might get lucky with a tech hero at the end of your search.

Other times, that answer you found on Stack Exchange from 2016 seems to have worked. But you're left with a nagging suspicion that at best you’ve merely achieved “security” by concealing the holes.

When you treat each area of SSL/TLS as individual components, you miss out on the opportunity to understand the complete TLS ecosystem.

Without this understanding, you’ll always be banging your head against your keyboard when new errors arise.

You’ll dread the conversation coming up in interviews. And when your company faces a new deployment, you’ll be back at square one. 

Become an SSL/TLS expert without…

  • The frustration of the trial and error approach
  • Spending thousands of dollars on workshops or bootcamps
  • Wasting time digging through confusing, non-holistic resources
  • Uncertainty about the practical application of what you’re learning
  • Struggling alone with no one to bounce questions off  

You can’t develop an SSL solution without an expert.

Someone’s got to figure that stuff out. Why not you?

Accurately Diagnose Problems

Once you understand how it all fits together, you eliminate the guesswork. As people describe problems, you're able to accurately diagnose the failure and respond appropriately. No more crossing your fingers and hoping your solution works. You identify the problem. And you know how to fix it.

Impress Future Employers

When you interview for IT roles, employers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate technical expertise. If you can demonstrate that you are an expert in SSL/TLS, you’ll gain access to new job opportunities. Instead of hoping SSL won’t come up in your next job interview, you’ll be glad that it did.

Be The SSL/TLS Expert Your Colleagues Come to for Advice

Become the tech hero that steps in when others run into SSL errors. Be the trusted SME that your team depends on. Next time your colleague is perplexed tinkering with a new deployment, they’ll be relieved you were there to answer their questions.

Drive Home Your Skills with Hands-On Application

This course contains over 30 lab tasks so you can practice and master your new skills. You’ll amass practical knowledge with various OpenSSL commands through real-world demonstrations and labs. Gain confidence you can successfully execute the same tasks that emerge on the job. 

‌End‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Status‌ ‌as‌ ‌a ‌Crypto Amateur

The cryptography used in SSL and TLS is the same cryptography used in any other secure communication protocol, like SSH, IKE, and IPsec. Deepening your cryptography knowledge with SSL will pave the way for you to easily become an expert in these other protocols as well.

Master the OpenSSL Toolset

Gain a practical understanding of Open SSL through step-by-step demonstrations and labs. Get laser-focused instructions on how to use Open SSL with worked examples of common implementation tasks. Create CSRs and install your SSL/TLS certificates with ease. 

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# Title Duration
1 What is SSL? What is TLS? 06:58
2 How do SSL/TLS Protect your Data? 04:39
3 Anti-Replay and Non-Repudiation 04:33
4 Key Players 05:04
5 TLS / SSL Versions - Part 1` 05:48
6 TLS / SSL Versions - Part 2 13:06
7 Hashing 11:06
8 Data-Integrity 06:48
9 Encryption 13:23
10 Public and Private Keys 12:04
11 How TLS and SSL use Cryptography 07:22
12 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 05:13
13 RSA 15:12
14 Diffie-Hellman 06:20
15 Digital Signature Algorithm 05:11
16 Overview of the SSL Process 03:51
17 What is in a Certificate? 16:02
18 Inspecting a Certificate 09:53
19 Certificate Extensions 13:31
20 What is in a Private Key? 09:05
21 What is in a CSR? 06:39
22 File Formats 09:02
23 Overview of the SSL Process, part 2 04:41
24 Certificate Validation - Part 1 05:35
25 Certificate Validation - Part 2 09:51
26 Certificate Chains - Part 1 10:24
27 Certificate Chains - Part 2 04:35
28 Basic Constraints 07:38
29 Certificate Types (DV, OV, EV) 11:26
30 Certificate Revocation 15:46
31 Checking Revocation Status 18:40
32 Cipher Suites 03:58
33 CS - Key Exchange - Part 1 07:41
34 CS - Forward Secrecy - Key Exchange - Part 2 06:27
35 CS - Authentication 08:10
36 CS - Encryption - Part 1 12:58
37 CS - Encryption - Part 2 07:19
38 CS - Hashing 07:57
39 Cipher Suites - Avoid, Accept, Prefer 07:49
40 Enumerating Cipher Suites 07:15
41 Records - Part 1 05:09
42 Records - Part 2 08:28
43 TLS Handshake 25:48
44 Handshake: Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman 03:28
45 Handshake: Session Resumption 09:36
46 Handshake: Mutual Authentication 06:23
47 TLS Extensions 04:14
48 Extension: OCSP Stapling 02:44
49 Extension: Server Name Indication (SNI) 05:36
50 Extension: Session Tickets 09:15
51 Decrypting TLS 09:50
52 Major SSL/TLS Failures over the Years 05:34
53 HTTP Strict Transport Security 09:54
54 Certificate Authority Authorization 05:44
55 Certificate Transparency - Part 1 - Overview 07:41
56 Certificate Transparency - Part 2 - Process and Demonstration 13:47
57 Certificate Transparency - Part 3 - Merkle Hash Trees 12:51
58 Insecure Renegotiation (Session Renegotiation) 14:48
59 Differences with TLS 1.3 05:07
60 Changes to Cipher Suites 16:09
61 Changes to Handshake 16:46
62 Changes to Renegotiation 13:21
63 Changes to Session Resumption 15:29
64 Middleboxes and Complications with migrating to TLS 1.3 13:55
65 Forward Secrecy and TLS 1.3 11:23
66 Decrypting TLS 1.3 12:55
67 TLS 1.3 Key Schedule - Part 1 14:07
68 TLS 1.3 Handshake 35:04
69 TLS 1.3 Key Schedule - Part 2 21:10
70 TLS 1.3 Session Resumption 13:02
71 TLS 1.3 PSK Mode Handshake 14:40
72 TLS 1.3 Session Tickets 13:17
73 TLS 1.3 0-RTT Handshake 17:16
74 TLS 1.3 Mutual Authentication 08:12
75 Extensions Overview 08:34
76 Review of TLS 1.3 Extensions already discussed 13:14
77 Extension: Signature Algorithm & Signature Algorithm Certificate 07:54
78 Extension: Cookies 09:51
79 Extension: ALPN - Application Layer Protocol Negotiation 06:53
80 Extension: PHA - Post Handshake Authentication 06:40

Read Book Practical TLS

1Lab 0-0
2Lab 3-1
3Lab 4-2
4Lab 4-1
5Lab 5-1
6Lab 6-1
7Lab 6-2
8Lab 6-4
9Lab 6-4
10Lab 6-3
11Lab 9-1
12Lab 10-1
13Lab 10-2

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