Getting Started: Solution Architecture

4h 47m 43s
June 5, 2024

No subject in software engineering will add more value to an engineer's skillset than having a good understanding and, eventually, mastery of the topic of solution architecture. It is the bedrock of everything we do; without it, we can't create good solutions, no matter how good our code is. The phrase "the right tool for the right job." rings true with solution architecture more than any other subject in engineering, and knowing when to choose the correct database or even the right technologies to build your solution reasonably, depends on a sound understanding of solution architecture. In this course, James Eastham, Senior Software Architect for Amazon Web Services (AWS), will introduce you to the concept of Solution Architecture and give you all the foundational knowledge you need to master the subject.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 00:42
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:47
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 01:02
4 Context For The Course 00:53
5 What is a software architect? 05:25
6 The Software Architect's Elevator 04:31
7 The importance of the business context 07:19
8 Optimizing for Change 06:04
9 Impact as an Architect 03:31
10 Defining Architecture Tenets 02:28
11 Systems Thinking 07:48
12 The Value Of Communication 03:01
13 Functional vs non-functional requirements 05:02
14 Gathering Functional Requirements 04:59
15 Architectural -ilities and understanding trade offs 07:20
16 Architect in characteristics 07:58
17 Modularity, Coupling and Cohesion 04:46
18 Customers & their Access Patterns 04:20
19 Monoliths 04:05
20 Layered Architecture 05:13
21 Hexagonal Architecture 05:55
22 Service Oriented Architecture 05:38
23 The Fallacies of Distributed Computing 04:21
24 Microservices 07:19
25 Why Choose Microservices 03:56
26 Adopting Microservices 05:27
27 Event Driven Architecture 07:07
28 Thinking Serverless First 04:43
29 Conway's Law and Aligning Architecture to the Organisation 08:58
30 Ocams Razor - Keep It Simple Stupid 04:22
31 Choosing the Appropriate Architecture 07:57
32 Thinking In Patterns 02:39
33 API First Design 04:51
34 Streaming Vs Batch Processing 06:34
35 Scaling Systems 08:49
36 Caching 08:47
37 Integration Styles 08:47
38 Messaging and Reactive Systems Design 07:56
39 Architect for Failure 07:34
40 Integrating with External Systems 05:48
41 Architecting Data 06:42
42 The Importance of Documentation 02:46
43 Architecture Decision Records 07:03
44 Documenting Use Cases 04:19
45 Architect in Patterns 04:48
46 The Importance Of Context 05:33
47 Context Mapping 06:30
48 The Importance Of Interoperability 06:25
49 Evolutionary as a default 03:23
50 The Importance of Observability 05:59
51 Fitness Functions 03:42
52 Human-Centric Architecture 04:05
53 Architecture In Practice 10:46

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