DevOps Beginners to Advanced | Decoding DevOps with Projects

47h 57m 48s
November 22, 2023

Decoding DevOps course is for anybody who wants to get started with DevOps. As there are many tools & technologies in DevOps, it has become difficult for people to choose the right technologies. This course starts from very basics of command line, hands on demonstrations of many tools & technologies. Also most importantly it will show you how various technologies in DevOps work together by setting up your own projects.


Step 1

  • Basics of Linux

  • Server Management in Linux

  • Vagrant

  • Basics of networking

  • Project

    • Vprofile Project Intro & Setup on VM’s

Step 2

  • Bash Scripting

  • Basics of scripting

  • Variables, Conditions, Loops etc

  • Automating day to day admin tasks

Step 3

  • Cloud Computing Intro

  • IAM

  • Ec2 Instances, EBS Volumes, ELB

  • S3

  • Cloudwatch

  • RDS

  • Autoscaling

  • Route53

  • Project

    • AWS Cloud For Project Set Up Lift & Shift

    • Re-Architecting Web App on AWS Cloud [PAAS & SAAS]

Step 4

  • Version control system = Git & GitHub

  • Build Tools | Build & Test Java Code = Maven

  • Continuous Integration Intro

  • Jenkins

    • Jenkins as a Build Server

    • Jenkins Jobs | Build , Test, Deploy, Notify

    • Jenkins Master/Slave, Nexus, Sonarqube

    • Jenkins CI Pipeline

    • Jenkins Administration

  • Project

    • Continuous Integration Using Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube & Slack

Step 5

  • Python Scripting

  • Basics of python programming

  • vars, datatypes, conditions, loops, function, modules etc

  • Pythons for automating OS tasks

Step 6

  • Ansible Intro

  • Ad Hoc commands

  • Modules

  • YAML into

  • Playbooks

    • vars, conditions, loops,

    • handlers, templates etc etc etc

  • Variables deep dive

  • Roles

  • Ansible for AWS

  • Project

    • Continuous Delivery and Configuration Management [Jenkins plus Ansible]

Step 7

  • AWS Part 2

  • VPC in depth

  • Log management and custom metrics

  • Project

    • Vprofile on Beanstalk & RDS

    • Code Commit, Code Build & Code Pipeline

    • CI & CD on AWS Cloud for Vprofile Project

    • Beanstalk, RDS, CodePipeline etc

Step 8

  • Docker Intro

  • Understanding and Implementing Containers

    • Volumes, Network, logs etc

  • Building Images for Vprofile project

  • Docker compose to run vprofile multi containers

  • Kubernetes Intro

  • Kubernetes setup for production Env

  • Kubernetes objects

    • Pods, Services, Controllers, Deployment

    • Replication, Autoscaling, Resource quotas, secret, configmap, namespace.

  • Project

    • Vprofile Project deployment on Kubernetes

Step 9

  • Terraform for AWS Cloud automation

  • Cloudformation for AWS loud automation

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:12
2 Why Learn DevOps 07:47
3 What is DevOps? 15:36
4 What is Continuous Integration? 07:31
5 What is Continuous Delivery? 05:12
6 Q&A, Messages & Feedbacks 05:02
7 Tools Prerequisite Information 03:59
8 Chocolatey for Windows 03:46
9 Homebrew for MacOS 02:28
10 Installing Softwares 06:14
11 Signups 07:37
12 AWS Setup 28:37
13 What is Virtualization 08:40
14 Introduction 03:54
15 VM-Manually(Windows & MacOS Intel chip) 15:12
16 VM-Automatically(Windows & MacOS Intel chip) 15:37
17 VM on MacOS M1 chip 11:19
18 Introduction to Linux 19:45
19 Commands and File systems 08:39
20 More Commands ( mkdir, cp, mv, touch etc) 12:40
21 Vim editor 12:57
22 File Types 10:54
23 Filters 21:15
24 Redirections 14:02
25 Users and Groups 13:52
26 File permissions 14:08
27 Sudo 09:06
28 Package Management 14:38
29 Services 05:21
30 Processes 10:13
31 Archiving 05:51
32 Ubuntu commands 10:16
33 Vagrant IP, RAM & CPU 11:21
34 Vagrant Sync Directories 10:20
35 Provisioning 07:11
36 Website Setup 10:49
37 Website Setup, Wordpress 13:07
38 Automate Website setup 08:03
39 Automate Wordpress Setup 12:32
40 Multi VM Vagrant file 13:09
41 Introduction 08:53
42 VM Setup 08:50
43 DB, Cache & Queue Setup 16:43
44 App setup 10:59
45 Nginx Setup 03:00
46 Validate 05:46
47 Automated - Introduction 00:50
48 Automated - Code 06:33
49 Automated - Execution 05:55
50 ISO 15:50
51 Understanding Networks & IP 15:10
52 Protocols, ports etc 08:29
53 Networking Commands 14:49
54 What are containers 06:23
55 What is Docker 03:26
56 Hands on Docker Containers 11:25
57 Vprofile Project on Containers 06:07
58 Microservices 08:01
59 Microservice Project 07:40
60 Introduction 03:46
61 VM Setup 02:33
62 First Script 06:43
63 Sample Script 07:12
64 Variables 06:04
65 Command line arguments 06:38
66 System Variables 01:46
67 Quotes 03:28
68 Command Substitution 04:12
69 Exporting Variables 07:57
70 User Input 03:14
71 Decision Making part1 05:12
72 Decision Making part2 04:20
73 Monitoring Script 10:57
74 Loops 04:31
75 While Loops 05:05
76 Remote Command Execution 09:08
77 SSH Key Exchange 03:30
78 Finale Part1 08:15
79 Finale Part2 07:51
80 What is Cloud Computing 05:07
81 Introduction 11:19
82 Ec2 Introduction 05:26
83 Ec2 Quick Start 15:17
84 More In Ec2 Part1 15:39
85 More in Ec2 Part2 09:32
86 AWS CLI 09:23
87 EBS 17:44
88 EBS Snapshots 15:54
89 ELB Introduction 05:45
90 ELB Hands On 20:43
91 Cloudwatch Introduction 05:12
92 Cloudwatch Hands On 13:34
93 EFS 15:12
94 Autoscaling Group Introduction 03:51
95 Autoscaling Group Hands On 18:35
96 S3 34:07
97 RDS 24:26
98 Introduction 10:35
99 Security Group & Keypairs 07:57
100 EC2 Instances 20:53
101 Build and Deploy Artifacts 15:46
102 Load Balancer & DNS 06:05
103 Autoscaling Group 07:38
104 Validate & Summarize 02:42
105 Introduction 12:52
106 Security Group And Keypairs 02:45
107 RDS 12:31
108 Elastic Cache 04:16
109 Amazon MQ 03:33
110 DB Initialization 07:08
111 Beanstalk 16:58
112 Update on Security Group & ELB 05:31
113 Build & Deploy Artifact 10:03
114 Cloud front 04:55
115 Validate and Summarize 05:36
116 Introduction 16:35
117 Versioning 18:04
118 Branches & More 12:08
119 Rollback 06:56
120 Git Ssh Login 04:19
121 Introduction 1 24:36
122 Introduction 2 06:50
123 Installation 08:40
124 Freestyle Vs Pipeline As A Code 02:29
125 First Job 06:57
126 Tools in Jenkins 07:03
127 Plugins, Versioning & more 17:00
128 Flow of Continuous Integration Pipeline 04:42
129 Steps for Continuous Integration Pipeline 01:53
130 Jenkins, Nexus & Sonarqube Setup 10:11
131 Server UI Logins 06:53
132 Plugins for CI 01:57
133 Pipeline As A Code Introduction 14:03
134 Code Analysis 06:58
135 Code Analysis Demonstration 12:06
136 Quality Gates 05:18
137 Software Repositories Intro (Nexus) 05:24
138 Nexus PAAC Demo 09:32
139 Notification, Slack 14:48
140 CI for Docker | Intro 01:56
141 Docker PAAC Prereqs info 09:42
142 Docker PAAC Demo 11:53
143 Docker CICD Intro 04:25
144 Docker CICD Code 02:16
145 AWS ECS Setup 10:31
146 Docker CICD Demonstration 05:01
147 Cleanup 01:27
148 Build Triggers Intro 12:31
149 Build Triggers Demo 17:41
150 Jenkins Master and Slave 18:25
151 Authentication & Authorization 13:56
152 Introduction 10:50
153 Python on Linux, Versions & Indentation 09:47
154 Quotes and Comments 04:18
155 Variables 14:40
156 Print Format 05:18
157 Slicing 15:43
158 Operators 16:34
159 Conditions 15:13
160 Loops 13:34
161 Break & Continue 12:24
162 Built-in Functions or Methods 16:56
163 Functions part-1 17:25
164 Functions part-2 10:50
165 Modules 06:38
166 OS Tasks 19:34
167 Python Fabric 31:26
168 Introduction 15:38
169 Setup Ansible & Infra 09:02
170 Inventory & Ping Module 13:43
171 YAML & JSON 09:04
172 Ad Hoc Commands 09:21
173 Playbook & Modules 26:33
174 Modules - Find, Use, Troubleshoot & Repeat 10:48
175 Ansible Configuration 19:49
176 Variables & Debug 10:45
177 Group & Host Variables 18:04
178 Fact Variables 14:15
179 Decision Making, Loops & More 08:46
180 Loops 10:40
181 File, copy & template modules 19:40
182 Handlers 07:06
183 Roles 28:19
184 Ansible for AWS 22:15
185 VPC Introduction 27:51
186 VPC Design & Components 08:35
187 VPC Setup 38:49
188 Ec2 Logs 29:31
189 Introduction 02:23
190 Beanstalk 15:58
191 RDS & App Setup on Beanstalk 16:39
192 Code Commit 16:08
193 Code build 14:11
194 Build, Deploy & Code Pipeline 11:04
195 Introduction 18:53
196 Docker Setup 09:10
197 Docker commands & concepts 22:24
198 Docker Logs 08:01
199 Docker volumes 17:09
200 Building images 20:54
201 Entrypoint and CMD 06:51
202 Docker Compose 15:00
203 Containerizing project 01:08:33
204 Multi Stage Dockerfile 09:42
205 Containerizing Microservice Project 21:47
206 Build & Run Microservice App 12:20
207 Introduction 22:40
208 Minikube for K8s Setup 09:15
209 Kops for K8s Setup 20:35
210 Objects and Documentation 05:20
211 Kube Config 10:05
212 Namespace 07:33
213 Pods 15:06
214 Different levels of Logging 08:35
215 Service 21:05
216 Replica Set 11:01
217 Deployment 12:21
218 Command and Arguments 06:59
219 Volumes 08:39
220 Config Map 14:32
221 Secret 12:29
222 Ingress 19:18
223 Kubectl CLI & Cheatsheet 11:54
224 Extras 12:52
225 Lens 06:46
226 Introduction 05:11
227 Spin K8s Cluster 02:48
228 Volume Prerqs for DB POD 02:32
229 Source Code Overview 03:09
230 Kube secret for passwords 04:22
231 DB Deployment Definition 12:21
232 DB Service Definition 02:14
233 Memcached Deployment & Service 02:15
234 RabbitMQ Deployment & Service 02:55
235 Tomcat Deployment, Service & Init containers 05:57
236 Provision Stack on K8s Cluster 03:08
237 URL for Website & Wrap up 04:03
238 CICD Introduction 09:46
239 Jenkins,Sonar & Docker Integration 12:49
240 Plugins, Kubernetes Cluster & Helm 07:25
241 Helm Charts & git repo Setup 11:49
242 Writing Pipeline Code 20:21
243 Execution, troubleshooting & Summarizing 11:55
244 Introduction and Exercise 1 24:48
245 Exercise 2 - Variables 12:27
246 Exercise 3 - Provisioners 24:52
247 Exercise 4 - Output 05:04
248 Exercise 5 - Backend 04:46
249 Exercise 6 - Multi Resource 26:06
250 Introduction 10:33
251 First Example 09:44
252 Intrinsic Function 04:26
253 Change Set 06:18
254 More Intrinsic Functions 06:08
255 Multiple Resources 08:02
256 Mappings And Pseudo Parameters 08:17
257 Parameters 11:22
258 Outputs 06:47
259 Init 15:32
260 Resumes 06:01

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