CodeFast | Learn to code in weeks, not months.

11h 38m 42s

CodeFast is a course designed specifically for those who want to turn their idea into a real online business quickly and effectively. Unlike traditional engineering courses that focus on theory and complex algorithms, here you learn to create working products that generate revenue.

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Why CodeFast for you?

  • Forget hours of boring lectures and unnecessary theory.
  • Learn to program like an entrepreneur: study only the fundamentals, use AI for code, and create products on the go.
  • Build your first SaaS application in just 14 days.

What you will learn:

  1. Entrepreneurial Mindset (15 minutes):
    • How to create products quickly.
    • How to earn with code.
    • How to find motivation to implement your ideas.
  2. Web Development Basics (1 hour 15 minutes):
    • How the internet works (HTTP, domain names).
    • Basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
    • How to properly use AI for development.
  3. Building Your First SaaS (10+ hours):
    • Frontend Development:
      • Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS.
      • Dynamic pages, responsive design, forms and buttons.
    • Backend and Authentication:
      • Google OAuth, Magic Links.
      • API routes, MongoDB, data structures.
    • Business and Deployment:
      • Stripe and LemonSqueezy for subscriptions.
      • Domain setup, DNS, and hosting.
    • Developer Tools:
      • AI for code and design writing.
      • Git, GitHub, npm, VSCode, and much more.

Who this course is for:

  • Entrepreneurs wanting to quickly execute their ideas.
  • Beginner developers who want to create real products instead of solving theoretical problems.
  • Anyone dreaming of starting their own SaaS business.

Join CodeFast and start your online business today!

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# Title Duration
1 1. Welcome to CodeFast 03:00
2 2. What happens when you type 01:44
3 3. Webpage 101 00:56
4 4. Ready to code. 01:05
5 5. HTML structure 02:33
6 6. Developer console 01:03
7 7. Headings 01:18
8 8. Live server 01:56
9 9. Paragraph 01:03
10 10. Images 02:12
11 11. Dynamic webpage 01:56
12 12. Container 00:41
13 13. Prettier 01:13
14 14. Links 02:46
15 15. Embed videos 01:37
16 16. HTTP & URL 03:48
17 17. Recap 01:53
18 18. Style your webpage 02:15
19 19. Colors 01:41
20 20. Debug CSS properties 01:35
21 21. Spacing (margin & padding) 04:35
22 22. Font 02:46
23 23. Border radius 02:38
24 24. Display 01:56
25 25. Recap_2 01:07
26 26. Add interactions 02:40
27 27. Variables 02:08
28 28. Types 01:08
29 29. Functions 04:13
30 30. Comme 00:33
31 31. Obje 01:50
32 32. Listen to event 03:09
33 33. Manipulate element 02:20
34 34. Do not repeat yourself 00:55
35 35. Seperation of concerns 01:00
36 36. If-else 01:24
37 37. Recap_3 01:32
38 38. Build a real business (SaaS) 01:36
39 39. Tech stack 02:51
40 40. Terminal 02:26
41 41. NodeJS 01:20
42 42. NextJS 03:35
43 43. Why it matters 00:35
44 44. package.json 02:45
45 45. Dependencies 03:42
46 46. Scripts 01:23
47 47. Recap_4 01:38
48 48. Intro 01:00
49 49. Install Git 01:31
50 50. Sign-up for GitHub 03:01
51 51. Git is good 02:36
52 52. Git ignore 01:18
53 53. NextJS structure 02:46
54 54. Headline 01:10
55 55. ESLint 00:33
56 56. New page 02:47
57 57. Link 04:04
58 58. Layout container 02:07
59 59. Why React 02:48
60 60. Compone = LEGO blocks 00:54
61 61. Your first component 03:02
62 62. return in JavaScript 01:25
63 63. import-export in JavaScript 02:38
64 64. Naming 01:31
65 65. JSX (JavaScript XML) 03:19
66 66. Props 03:19
67 67. Comme and destructuring in JavaScript 02:54
68 68. Children 01:37
69 69. NextJS pages are components 01:40
70 70. function in JavaScript 01:05
71 71. Styling in React 02:15
72 72. CSS classes 05:18
73 73. Why Tailwind CSS 02:51
74 74. Extension 00:53
75 75. Hero section 06:46
76 76. CSS rem unit 00:23
77 77. Screen size 00:38
78 78. Config file 02:49
79 79. daisyUI compone 02:35
80 80. daisyUI themes 01:35
81 81. Flexbox (header) 09:01
82 82. Responsive & media queries 05:42
83 83. Pricing section 11:58
84 84. SVG or Images 08:37
85 85. Ternary operator 02:04
86 86. ESLint rules 01:22
87 87. Template literals 02:53
88 88. Component customization 03:56
89 89. JavaScript arrays 05:25
90 90. JavaScript in JSX 07:45
91 91. useState hook 05:56
92 92. Server or Client compone 05:33
93 93. FAQ section 09:52
94 94. Anchor links 02:23
95 95. NextJS Image component 04:46
96 96. Style images 06:36
97 97. Vercel 02:59
98 98. How it works 01:59
99 99. Tips 00:59
100 100. Domain name 05:30
101 101. DNS records 02:29
102 102. Database 101 04:46
103 103. Altas 04:16
104 104. Compass 04:13
105 105. Environment variables 04:44
106 106. MongoDB API 06:32
107 107. API 101 02:12
108 108. Your first API endpoint 05:29
109 109. AuthJS 03:34
110 110. User authentication 101 03:26
111 111. Cookies 01:35
112 112. Database connection 01:08
113 113. Emails 05:08
114 114. Magic links 07:43
115 115. Google login 06:47
116 116. Session 05:01
117 117. JavaScript AND & OR operators 03:55
118 118. JavaScript Promise 13:20
119 119. JavaScript async & await 02:13
120 120. JavaScript try & catch 01:52
121 121. signIn 04:13
122 122. Private dashboard 02:59
123 123. signOut 01:38
124 124. Production checklist 04:21
125 125. Data architecture 04:11
126 126. Mongoose 00:40
127 127. Database connection_2 01:49
128 128. Schema 03:48
129 129. Models 01:48
130 130. Users schema & model 03:06
131 131. Back-end & Front-end 01:35
132 132. Board creation API 08:50
133 133. HTTP status code 02:14
134 134. FormNewBoard component 05:34
135 135. HTML forms 00:42
136 136. HTML inputs 01:53
137 137. React controlled forms 04:56
138 138. API call 06:11
139 139. Axios 01:16
140 140. User boards list 04:56
141 141. Router refresh 02:04
142 142. Error messages 05:13
143 143. Optional chaining operator 03:26
144 144. ESLint rules_2 02:14
145 145. Overview 01:51
146 146. Your first dynamic page 02:32
147 147. Board admin page 04:16
148 148. Public board page 01:36
149 149. Link from dashboard 03:27
150 150. Back to dashboard 01:49
151 151. Copy board link 05:08
152 152. Delete board API 06:34
153 153. Delete board button 05:07
154 154. Serialisation 03:57
155 155. Pricing is marketing 05:17
156 156. Payment processing solutions 02:27
157 157. Legal 02:38
158 158. Subscription overview 02:10
159 159. User model 02:05
160 160. Payment processor setup 03:37
161 161. Checkout process 02:28
162 162. Checkout API route 07:04
163 163. ButtonCheckout 07:26
164 164. Test credit cards 01:57
165 165. Success page 02:48
166 166. Webhook event 04:26
167 167. New customer event 08:51
168 168. Conditional rendering 00:59
169 169. Paid-only API 01:50
170 170. Customer Portal overview 01:17
171 171. Customer Portal API 02:38
172 172. ButtonPortal 03:48
173 173. Subscription cancel event 06:44
174 174. Going to production 09:29
175 175. Coding with AI 01:17
176 176. GitHub Copilot 01:02
177 177. How it works_2 03:04
178 178. 3 tips 05:00
179 179. Overview_2 03:45
180 180. Post Model 04:15
181 181. Create post API 06:35
182 182. Internet is wild 01:33
183 183. FormAddPost 07:43
184 184. CardPost 09:26
185 185. Board page design 05:26
186 186. CSS position 06:11
187 187. Refresh page data 02:23
188 188. Server compone are safe 03:18
189 189. Delete post API 03:36
190 190. CardPostAdmin 03:55
191 191. ButtonDeletePost 04:15
192 192. Overview_3 03:18
193 193. Post Model update 00:51
194 194. Vote API 04:01
195 195. Design tips 04:12
196 196. Coding fast with AI 05:35
197 197. ButtonVote 06:13
198 198. Transform CSS 05:00
199 199. Group hover CSS 02:26
200 200. Transition duration CSS 01:42
201 201. CSS class specificity 03:36
202 202. Client validation 03:01
203 203. Local Storage 07:12
204 204. React useEffect hook 04:26
205 205. Server Side Rendering 03:47
206 206. Security 05:33
207 207. Optimistic updates 01:51
208 208. Sort by votesCounter 02:34

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