ChatGPT Masters: Prompt Engineering, Midjourney, Chat GPT 4

9h 44m 12s

We'll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT & Google Bard are, why you should use these tools, and how they work. You'll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT & Google Bard. You will also learn how to use ChatGPT & Google Bard to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies to get the best ChatGPT & Google Bard answers.

Read more about the course

To help you quickly start using Chat GPT & Google Bard, you'll receive a downloadable list of prompts that you can try out yourself.

Key Concepts of this Course:

  • Prompt Engineering

  • Generative AI

  • AI Text Content Generation

  • ChatGPT Intensive

  • Google Bard Intensive

  • Midjourney Intensive

  • Open AI

What can ChatGPT & Google Bard do for you? Here are some examples we'll be covering in this ChatGPT & Google Bard Masterclass.

AI For Content Creation

  1. Find Keywords for Future or Existing Content

  2. Create Outlines for Content

  3. Write Entire Articles and Blog Posts

  4. Generate Title Ideas

AI For Social Media

  1. Research Ideas for Catchy Posts

  2. Write Copy for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, etc posts

  3. Generate Polls

  4. Make Lists - Fun Facts, Stats, Jokes, Quotes

AI For Digital Marketing & Business

  1. Create a complete content calendar

  2. Define your Target audience and buyer persona

  3. Social Media Posts

  4. Writing blogs and articles + SEO

  5. Email Marketing - Email sequences

  6. Write a Sales Page

  7. Write a Facebook Ad

  8. Write a Google Ad

  9. Condense Customer Feedback

  10. Website creation

  11. Branding & E-commerce

AI for Marketing Funnels

  1. Identify your buyer persona with ChatGPT

  2. Creating a lead magnet with ChatGPT

  3. Landing page and social media post

  4. Email sequence for the funnel

AI For Video Creators and YouTubers

  1. Create video outlines

  2. Write video scripts

  3. Correct and improve subtitles

  4. Come up with catchy YouTube titles

AI For Podcasters

  1. Come Up with a Great Podcast Name

  2. Research Episode ideas

  3. Write an Episode Outline

  4. Create Interview Questions

  5. Write Episode Titles

  6. Find Possible Guests

AI For Online Course Creators

  1. Come Up with Your Next Course Idea

  2. Write a Course Outline

  3. Write a Course Description / Landing Page

  4. Write a Promo Video Script

  5. Write Course Promotional Emails

  6. Write Course Promotional Social Media Posts

The course will be divided into sections, including research, content creation, social media, video/YouTube, websites, branding, marketing, office productivity, e-commerce and podcasting. In each section, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT for various tasks, such as finding keywords, creating outlines, writing articles, generating title ideas, and developing marketing strategies.

By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT & Google Bard and how to use these AI tools for your specific needs. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, content creator, or student, you can start using ChatGPT & Google Bard today and take your work and business to the next level.

We'll continue to update this course as OpenAI releases new GPT updates, such as the recent GPT-4 update that will include multimodal AI generation.

More info about how the ChatGPT Masterclass is structured:

The course begins with an introduction to ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Midjourney, offering numerous ideas and prompts for using ChatGPT and Google Bard effectively. You'll also learn about the latest GPT-4 release and how it compares to GPT-3.5.

The following sections dive deep into using ChatGPT for research, content creation, social media, digital marketing, marketing funnels, video creation and YouTube, office productivity, branding and e-commerce, customer feedback analysis, podcasting, and essay writing. You'll also explore the ethical considerations of using ChatGPT in these areas.

Next, you'll be introduced to Google Bard, with lessons on how to use the AI tool for research, content marketing, social media, video creation and YouTube, podcasting, online course creation, digital marketing, office productivity, branding and e-commerce, and customer feedback analysis. Plus, learn how to write ethical essays with Google Bard.

One section features a real-world demonstration of ChatGPT, Google Bard, generative AI, and prompt engineering, showcasing a speed comparison between the AI and a human.

In the following sections, you'll learn how to use Midjourney, an AI tool for creating unique images in seconds, to develop business concepts, create product images and photographs, generate website ideas, and design logos. You'll also explore advanced options and tips for creating better prompts with Midjourney.

Finally, the course concludes, leaving you equipped with the skills and knowledge to use ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Midjourney to their full potential in your personal and professional life.

By the end of this course, you'll be an expert in using these powerful AI tools to enhance your content creation, marketing, and productivity efforts. 

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome & Let's Start Using ChatGPT 05:33
2 How to Sign Up for ChatGPT and 5+ Prompt Tips to Get the Best ChatGPT Results 04:50
3 UPDATE: GPT 4 Release & Testing, Comparison to GPT 3.5 04:14
4 Google Bard Crash Course & Comparison to ChatGPT 06:48
5 Better Than Google Research with ChatGPT 03:59
6 Find Keywords & Content Ideas with ChatGPT 03:49
7 Create Article, Video, Podcast Outlines with ChatGPT 03:22
8 Write an Entire Article with ChatGPT 04:26
9 Generate Catchy Titles & Headlines with ChatGPT 02:33
10 Come Up with Great Social Media Post Ideas with ChatGPT 04:00
11 Write Social Media Post Copy with ChatGPT (Instagram, Facebook, etc) 06:14
12 Create Engaging Polls & Quizzes with ChatGPT 03:42
13 Create Fun Facts, Inspirational Quotes and Jokes on any Topic with ChatGPT 03:47
14 Welcome to ChatGPT Marketing 02:28
15 Target Audience: How a well defined target audience can help you sell more 02:20
16 Target Audience: ChatGPT for audience research and analysis 10:20
17 Content Calendar ChatGPT: How to create a complete Content Calendar 06:42
18 SEO ChatGPT: Optimized Keywords and Blog Titles 08:16
19 SEO ChatGPT: Writing an optimized Blog Post in seconds 07:06
20 Email Marketing ChatGPT: Overview of email marketing 03:47
21 Email Marketing ChatGPT: Developing optimized email sequences 03:50
22 Sales Pages ChatGPT: Developing sales page copy 06:13
23 Online Advertising ChatGPT: Facebook Ads 06:29
24 Online Advertising ChatGPT: Google Ads 02:59
25 Steps to create a powerful marketing funnel with ChatGPT 05:23
26 Identifying your buyer persona with ChatGPT 05:13
27 Creating a lead magnet with ChatGPT 08:15
28 Creating copy for the landing page and social media with ChatGPT 06:35
29 Writing a complete email sequence for your funnel with ChatGPT 04:00
30 Generate Trending YouTube Video Ideas with ChatGPT 06:12
31 Write a Video Script with ChatGPT 04:09
32 Generate YouTube Video Tags with ChatGPT 02:44
33 Write a YouTube Video Descriptions with ChatGPT 04:39
34 Improve Your Closed Captions on YouTube with ChatGPT 03:48
35 Introduction to Office productivity with ChatGPT 01:45
36 Research and Problem solving with ChatGPT 08:53
37 Meeting notes, key points, decisions, action points. 03:47
38 Replying to emails with ChatGPT 02:54
39 Optimize my resume with ChatGPT 02:42
40 Generating Product and Business names with ChatGPT 06:26
41 Taglines and slogans for your brand with ChatGPT 01:58
42 Product descriptions for your online store with ChatGPT 01:02
43 Generating FAQ with ChatGPT 01:57
44 ChatGPT: Analyzing reviews and optimizing your products and services 06:21
45 Research Podcast Ideas & Come Up with a Catch Podcast Name with ChatGPT 02:30
46 Outline & Script Podcast Episodes with ChatGPT 03:12
47 Brainstorm Interview Questions & Find Potential Podcast Guests with ChatGPT 03:39
48 Introduction to using ChatGPT in your website 02:13
49 Website copy for the homepage, about us page and contact us page 03:56
50 Landing page headlines and copy 02:58
51 Meta descriptions with ChatGPT 01:47
52 Website Creation Crash course 31:51
53 Come Up with Your Next Great Course Idea with ChatGPT 01:45
54 Write a Course Outline with ChatGPT 03:23
55 Write the Course Landing Page / Description and Promotional Emails with ChatGPT 02:46
56 Create Educational Content & Write Educational Emails with ChatGPT 04:39
57 Answer Student Questions with the Help of ChatGPT 05:08
58 How to Ethically Write Essays with ChatGPT 08:27
59 The Ethics of Using ChatGPT 06:11
60 Welcome to the Google Bard Lessons 01:38
61 Key Differences Between Google Bard & ChatGPT 03:48
62 How to Research with Google Bard 03:56
63 Create a Travel Itinerary & Do Travel Research with Google Bard 04:15
64 Keyword Research with Google Bard 07:10
65 Create Outlines for Articles, Videos & Podcasts with Google Bard 03:18
66 Write an Entire Article with Google Bard 03:07
67 Generate Catchy Keyword-Rich Article Titles with Google Bard 03:57
68 Make Existing Article Titles More SEO-Friendly with Google Bard 01:45
69 Come Up with Social Media Post Ideas with Google Bard 03:42
70 Write Instagram, Facebook & Twitter Posts with Google Bard 05:32
71 Create Social Media Polls with Google Bard 01:51
72 Generate Fun Facts, Quotes & Jokes with Google Bard 03:12
73 Come Up with Great Video Ideas with Google Bard 09:55
74 Write an Entire Video Script with Google Bard 05:22
75 Write Your YouTube Video Title, Description and Tags with Google Bard 05:46
76 Turn YouTube Videos into Articles and Create Podcast Shownotes with Google Bard 03:13
77 Generate Names for Your Podcast with Google Bard 05:03
78 Brainstorm Podcast Episode Ideas & Find Interview Guests with Google Bard 05:33
79 Write an Email Interview Request with Google Bard 01:32
80 Come Up with Interview Questions with Google Bard 02:33
81 Research Online Course Topic Ideas 07:07
82 Outline an Online Course and Course Lessons with Google Bard 04:01
83 Write Course Landing Pages, Title, and Learning Outcomes 04:52
84 Write Supplemental Learning Materials Like PDF Guides with Google Bard 04:15
85 Write Promotional Emails with Google Bard 04:53
86 Answer Student Questions with Google Bard 02:50
87 Introduction to Digital Marketing with Google Bard 01:28
88 Target Audience: Google Bard for audience research and analysis 06:50
89 Content Calendar Google Bard: How to create a complete Content Calendar 08:22
90 Write copy like a Pro with Google Bard and Copywriting Frameworks 04:02
91 SEO Google Bard: Optimized Keywords and Blog Titles 08:26
92 SEO Google Bard: Writing an optimized Blog Post in seconds 06:26
93 Email Marketing Google Bard: Developing optimized email sequences 06:18
94 Sales Pages Google Bard: Developing sales page copy 07:44
95 Online Advertising Google Bard: Facebook Ads 05:25
96 Online Advertising Google Bard: Google Ads 04:19
97 Complete Marketing Funnel Creation with Google Bard 13:25
98 Research and Problem solving with Google Bard 10:20
99 Replying to emails with Google Bard 02:44
100 Meeting notes, key points, decisions, action points with Google Bard 04:17
101 Optimize my resume with Google Bard 03:33
102 Generating Product and Business names with Google Bard 04:44
103 Taglines and slogans for your brand with Google Bard 02:16
104 Product descriptions for your online store with Google Bard 02:42
105 Generating FAQ with Google Bard 02:26
106 Google Bard: Analyzing reviews and optimizing your products and service 07:50
107 How to Write an Ethical Essay with Google Bard 02:55
108 Who is Faster - Me or ChatGPT? 17:54
109 Creating your Midjourney Free account 03:32
110 Generating images with Midjourney 09:17
111 Midjourney Parameters, Prompts, and advanced options 09:19
112 Creating product images with Midjourney 04:10
113 Creating product photographs with Midjourney 02:48
114 Creating website ideas with Midjourney 02:24
115 Creating a Logo for my business with Midjourney 02:26
116 Create better prompts with Midjourney 07:25
117 Midjourney: Bringing it all together 01:41
118 Thank You & What's Next? 01:43

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