Build an MVP with AngularJS + Firebase by cloning TaskRabbit

3h 31m 43s
March 13, 2024

TaskRabbit is an online and mobile marketplace that allows users to outsource small jobs and tasks to others in their neighbourhood. Users name the task they need done, name the price they are willing to pay, and a network of pre-approved contractors bid to complete the job. To learn with this project, it requires students knowing a bit of basic Javascript, HTML and Bootstrap.


[NOTE]: This project was built with the Firebase's legacy version so if you don't have legacy Firebase account, you shouldn't take this project for now. It will be updating with Firebase 3 (new version) soon.

What skills will we learn during this project?

  • Learn AngularJS with practical code & design.

  • Learn how to work with Firebase for real-time updates.

  • Combine Angular and Firebase to create an MVP for your Startup.

  • Learn to design your database for Firebase effectively.

  • Secure your application with Firebase Security Rules.

  • How to deploy and host this app Live on Firebase host.

  • This version was built with Angular 1.3.8, AngularFire 0.9.1; Firebase 2.1.0

What features will we build in this project?

  • Real-time database with Firebase 2.

  • Sign In/Sign Up new user with email and password.

  • Notification system with Toaster.

  • Real-time listing all available tasks from database.

  • Real-time task creating/editing.

  • Real-time offer making.

  • Real-time offer accepting.

  • Real-time comment system.

  • Personal Dashboard showing tasks and offers.

  • Sending transactional emails when a offer accepted.

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# Title Duration
1 What are we going to build in this project 04:54
2 Setting Up 04:29
3 What are we going to build in this task 01:08
4 Working with Views and Controllers 08:46
5 Working with Firebase 12:25
6 .What are we going to build in this task 01:28
7 Create Nav Bar 06:42
8 Create Authentication 23:04
9 Adding notification with Toaster 03:22
10 What are we going to build in this task 02:04
11 Creating post and edit Modal 04:45
12 Refactoring Browsing page 09:35
13 Working with Services 19:01
14 What are we going to build in this task 01:41
15 Denormalisation data in NoSQL world 03:10
16 Creating mark-up for Comment 02:10
17 Creating comment service 02:37
18 Update Browse controller 05:32
19 What are we going to build in this task 02:14
20 Firebase tree structure for this task 00:51
21 Creating offer function for Runners 04:32
22 Creating offer service 01:43
23 Implement Offer service in Browse controller 12:15
24 Creating Cancel Offer function for Poster 04:12
25 What are we going to build in this task 02:45
26 Accepting offer 04:50
27 Completing Task 03:48
28 What are we going to build in this task 04:43
29 Update Task & Offer Services 05:38
30 Create Dashboard mark-up and Service 03:41
31 Create Dashboard Controller with authentication updated 06:25
32 What are we going to build in this task 02:24
33 Setting up Mandrill & Zapier 06:10
34 Setting up Zapier for Notification action 08:17
35 Let's hack task-ninja by using cURL 05:48
36 Building Firebase security rules 07:57
37 Apply and Test 02:03
38 Deploying & hosting on Firebase for FREE 04:34

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