AngularJS Authentication with JWT

31m 11s

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a more modern approach to authentication. As the web moves to a greater separation between the client and server, JWT provides a terrific alternative to traditional cookie based authentication models. For more information on JWT visit

In this series, we’ll be building a simple application to get random user information from a node server with an Angular client. We’ll then implement JWT to protect the random user resource on the server and then work through the frontend to get JWT authentication working.

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By the end, we’ll have an application which has a single username/password combination (for simplicity) and uses tokens to authorize the client to see the random user information. You’ll be able to login, get random users, and logout.

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# Title Duration
1 JSON Web Token (JWT) Introduction 01:24
2 Basic Server Setup for JWT Authentication 01:45
3 Client Setup for JWT Authentication 03:34
4 JWT Authentication Setup 04:16
5 Server JWT Authentication Setup 04:04
6 Auth Interceptor in Angular for JWT 07:54
7 Finalizing JWT Authentication with AngularJS 08:14

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