Build an End-to-End Web App from Scratch in AWS

31m 54s

In this project-based course you'll be guided step-by-step through designing and building a web application that actually does something, using five different AWS services.

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AWS is a hot skill right now, but getting a job (or even just building your own personal projects) requires going beyond basic concepts and services. This project-based course will teach you to apply those concepts and work with multiple services together to build something real that you can show off to potential employers.

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# Title Duration
1 Project Demo 03:23
2 AWS Amplify 03:02
3 AWS Lambda 05:51
4 Amazon API Gateway 05:26
5 Amazon DynamoDB + AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 06:47
6 Connecting Amplify and API Gateway 04:43
7 Challenge: Make Your Web App Even Better! 00:28
8 Conclusion + Important Reminder 02:14

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