AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate

0h 0m 0s

The AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate is one of the most valuable and in-demand cloud certifications, part of the AWS Associate (All-3) series. It covers all of the core AWS services which relate to systems administration and operations and is perfect for DevOps engineers or sysadmins looking to skill-up in a new area..This brand new AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Course is the most in-depth, high quality and up to date course on the market for this certification.  

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  • Be ready to sit and pass the SysOps Administrator Associate exam with confidence
  • Be able to design local, global, elastic architectures in AWS that are secure, cost-effective, resilient, efficient and adhere to AWS best practices.
  • Understanding and appreciation for technical fundamentals which AWS products and services rely on
  • Practical experience of:-
  • Building in AWS
  • Evolving architectures in AWS
  • and implementing serverless applications
  • Level Up your career in terms of $ and project opportunities
  • A foundation for the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional or Specialty level certifications

Watch Online AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate

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# Title Duration
1 Public Introduction 03:17
2 Finding and Using the Course Resources 14:32
3 Site tools and features 09:18
4 AWS Exams 17:33
5 Scenario - Animals4life 13:29
6 Connect with other students and your instructor 03:57
7 AWS Accounts - The Basics 11:34
8 [Updated 202204] [DEMO] Creating an AWS Account 20:18
9 Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) 08:26
10 [Updated 202204] [DEMO] Securing An AWS Account 09:51
11 [Updated 202204] [DEMO] Creating a Budget 07:15
12 [DOITYOURSELF] Creating the Production Account 05:00
13 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics 13:02
14 [Updated 202204] Adding an IAM Admin - GENERAL ACCOUNT 12:38
15 [Updated 202204] Adding an IAM Admin User - PRODUCTION ACCOUNT 07:35
16 IAM Access Keys 07:11
17 [DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools 17:25
18 [ASSOCIATESHARED] What is Cloud Computing 15:25
19 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Public vs Private vs Multi vs Hybrid Cloud 08:53
20 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Cloud Service Models 11:33
22 JSON101 - JavaScript Object Notation 07:33
23 Encryption 101 - PART1 13:57
24 Encryption 101 - PART2 06:43
25 Network Starter Pack - 0 - INTRO 05:01
26 Network Starter Pack - 1 - PHYSICAL 10:01
27 Network Starter Pack - 2 - Data Link - Part 1 08:48
28 Network Starter Pack - 2 - Data Link - Part 2 14:25
29 Decimal to Binary Conversion (IP Addressing) 17:20
30 Network Starter Pack - 3 - Network - Part 1 12:07
31 Network Starter Pack - 3 - Network - Part 2 19:14
32 Network Starter Pack - 3 - Network - Part 3 15:22
33 Network Starter Pack - 4&5 - Transport/Session - Part 1 15:40
34 Network Starter Pack - 4&5 - Transport/Session - Part 2 14:17
35 Network Starter Pack - EXTRA - Network Address Translation - PART1 11:01
36 Network Starter Pack - EXTRA - Network Address Translation - PART2 09:39
37 Network Starter Pack - EXTRA - Subnetting - PART1 14:37
38 Network Starter Pack - EXTRA - Subnetting - PART2 10:34
39 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack 14:39
40 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 11:42
41 Hash Functions & Hashing 13:20
42 Digital Signatures 09:27
43 DNS 101 Miniseries #1 - What does DNS do 02:57
44 DNS 101 Miniseries #2 - Why does DNS need a complex architecture 13:20
45 DNS 101 Miniseries #3 - How DNS actually works ... walking the tre 08:47
46 DNS 101 Miniseries #4 - What happens when a domain is registered? 04:28
47 [ASSOCIATESHARED] AWS Public vs Private Services 07:05
48 [ASSOCIATESHARED] AWS Global Infrastructure 14:54
49 [ASSOCIATESHARED] AWS Default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 15:20
50 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basics 14:47
51 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART1 11:06
52 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART2 09:53
53 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Simple Storage Service (S3) Basics 15:49
54 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] My First S3 Bucket 18:35
55 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation (CFN) Basics 12:29
56 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Simple Automation With CFN [UPDATED202202] 16:53
57 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudWatch (CW) Basics 13:46
58 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [Demo] Simple Monitoring with Cloudwatch 16:11
59 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Shared Responsibility Model 06:21
60 [ASSOCIATESHARED] High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery 17:22
61 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Route53 (R53) Fundamentals 06:30
62 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Registering a Domain 08:51
63 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DNS Record Types 13:26
64 [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Identity Policies 15:55
65 [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Users and ARNs 14:46
66 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Simple Identity Permissions in AWS 16:10
68 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Permissions control using IAM Groups 09:20
69 [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Roles - The Tech 08:43
70 [ASSOCIATESHARED] When to use IAM Roles 15:46
71 Service-linked Roles and PassRole 05:17
72 [ASSOCIATESHARED] AWS Organizations 12:57
73 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations - PART1 07:01
74 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations - PART2 13:56
75 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Service Control Policies (SCP) 12:44
76 [UPDATE202205] [DEMO] Using Service Control Policies 16:46
77 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudWatch Logs 07:17
78 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudTrail 11:41
79 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail 18:27
80 AWS Service Catalog 07:08
81 AWS Cost Explorer 03:24
82 AWS Cost Allocation Tags 04:44
83 SAML2.0 Identity Federation 12:20
84 IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO) 09:34
85 [202205UPDATE] [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART1 14:54
86 [202205UPDATE] [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART2 12:24
87 AWS Control Tower 101 15:43
88 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) 18:20
89 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Static Hosting 10:37
90 [SHAREDALL] [Demo] Creating a static website with S3 - PART1 09:27
91 [SHAREDALL] [Demo] Creating a static website with S3 - PART2 10:04
92 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Object Versioning & MFA Delete 07:57
93 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] - S3 Versioning 15:46
94 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Performance Optimization 11:43
95 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] - S3 Performance 05:07
96 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Key Management Service (KMS) 18:39
97 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battleplans with KMS 12:44
98 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Object Encryption - PART1 10:10
99 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Object Encryption - PART2 11:32
100 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Object Encryption 17:08
101 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 09:24
102 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 11:42
103 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Lifecycle Configuration 08:14
104 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Replication 14:06
105 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website 20:03
106 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 PreSigned URLs 11:12
107 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs 19:26
108 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Select and Glacier Select 05:33
109 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 09:27
110 S3 Access Points 05:53
111 S3 Inventory 13:55
112 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Events 04:33
113 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Access Logs 03:06
114 [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Object Lock 09:53
115 Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 1 10:24
116 Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 2 09:13
117 Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 3 11:00
118 AWS Permissions Evaluation 10:26
119 Amazon Inspector 06:29
120 Amazon GuardDuty 04:15
121 Trusted Advisor 08:55
122 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART1 11:49
123 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART2 11:17
124 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Custom VPCs 15:30
125 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Subnets 10:43
126 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets 20:35
127 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Routing, Internet Gateway & Bastion Hosts 17:36
128 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jumpbox - PART1 14:10
129 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jumpbox - PART2 11:44
130 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls 14:05
131 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) 12:39
132 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Security Groups (SG) 11:49
133 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART1 13:44
134 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART2 11:09
135 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways 19:28
136 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Virtualization 101 12:28
137 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Architecture and Resilience 12:37
138 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Instance Types - PART1 11:53
139 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Instance Types - PART2 08:14
140 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect 18:35
141 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Storage Refresher 14:17
142 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture 08:44
143 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EBS Volume Types - General Purpose 09:24
144 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS 06:16
145 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based 04:33
146 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Instance Store Volumes - Architecture 09:01
147 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Choosing Between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS 08:50
148 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) 10:56
149 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 17:00
150 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 14:23
151 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 14:30
152 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EBS Encryption 08:23
153 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS 15:59
154 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 13:23
155 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 12:37
156 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Amazon Machine Images (AMI) 13:59
157 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 10:23
158 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 11:02
159 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI 10:44
160 EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 09:23
161 EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 11:57
162 Reserved Instances - the rest 11:59
163 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery 07:43
164 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection 05:41
165 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Horizontal & Vertical Scaling 11:24
166 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] 15:47
167 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudWatch Architecture - PART1 09:45
168 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudWatch Architecture - PART2 09:20
169 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudWatch Logs Architecture 07:17
170 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Eventbridge // CloudWatch Events 06:55
171 AWS Config 06:15
172 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Flow Logs 09:57
173 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Athena 08:20
174 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Athena - Part 1 13:32
175 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Athena - Part 2 11:38
176 AWS X-Ray 06:21
177 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Introduction to Containers 17:14
178 [202207UPDATE] [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Creating 'container of cats' Docker Image 18:13
179 [ASSOCIATESHARED] ECS - Concepts 10:26
180 [ASSOCIATESHARED] ECS - Cluster Mode 13:10
181 [202207UPDATE] [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] - Deploying 'container of cats' using Fargate 16:59
182 [SHAREDALL] Kubernetes 101 11:28
183 [SHAREDALL] Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 101 06:15
184 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data 10:26
185 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 15:35
186 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 06:47
187 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Instance Roles & Profile 04:44
188 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles 13:32
189 [ASSOCIATESHARED] SSM Parameter Store 06:17
190 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Parameter Store 16:12
191 [ASSOCIATESHARED] System and Application Logging on EC2 06:16
192 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CW Agent-PART1 12:26
193 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CW Agent-PART2 09:08
194 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Placement Groups 14:30
195 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized 06:58
196 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources 07:31
197 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 10:29
198 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 11:29
199 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters 06:54
200 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions 14:29
201 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Mappings 04:31
202 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Outputs 03:38
203 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Template v2 - Portable 13:35
204 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Conditions 07:25
205 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation DependsOn 07:15
206 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal 11:53
207 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Nested Stacks 13:56
208 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Cross-Stack References 10:06
209 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Stack Sets 09:13
210 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Deletion Policy 05:25
211 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Stack Roles 06:48
212 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Init (CFN-INIT) 08:49
213 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation cfn-hup 04:14
214 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] wait conditions, cfnsignal, cfninit and cfnhup-PART1 12:52
215 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] wait conditions, cfnsignal, cfninit and cfnhup-PART2 14:43
216 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation ChangeSets 11:04
217 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CloudFormation Custom Resources 11:03
218 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 09:13
219 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 13:27
220 [ASSOCIATESHARED] R53 Public Hosted Zones 06:29
221 [ASSOCIATESHARED] R53 Private Hosted Zones 05:11
222 [ASSOCIATESHARED] CNAME vs R53 Alias 05:20
223 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Simple Routing 02:18
224 [ASSOCIATESHARED] R53 Health Checks 12:42
225 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Failover Routing 01:54
226 [202207UPDATE] [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 16:42
227 [202207UPDATE] [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 06:29
228 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Multi Value Routing 02:33
229 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Weighted Routing 03:25
230 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Latency Routing 02:45
231 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Geolocation Routing 05:03
232 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Geoproximity Routing 04:51
233 [ASSOCIATESHARED] R53 Interoperability 11:51
234 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Architecture 14:57
235 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Behaviours 10:46
236 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations 13:49
237 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - SSL/TLS & SNI 15:00
238 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Origin Types & Origin Architecture 10:07
239 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Adding a CDN to a static Website using S3 and CloudFront - Part 1 15:40
240 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Adding a CDN to a static Website using S3 and CloudFront - Part 2 12:20
241 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL to CloudFront 11:06
242 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins 08:51
243 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Using Origin Access Identity (OAI) 11:27
244 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Security - Private Distributions 09:15
245 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Geo-Restriction 09:41
246 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - Field Level Encryption 09:01
247 [SHAREDALL] CloudFront - lambda@edge 08:04
248 Application Layer (L7) Firewall 07:45
249 Web Application Firewall (WAF), WEBACLs, Rule Groups and Rules 19:18
250 AWS Shield 09:48
251 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART1 08:52
252 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART2 14:46
253 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Databases on EC2 13:09
254 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED][DEMO] Splitting Wordpress Monolith => APP & DB 18:31
255 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Relational Database Service (RDS) Architecture 10:28
256 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART1 18:58
257 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART2 13:13
258 [ASSOCIATESHARED] RDS High-Availability (Multi AZ) 08:54
259 [ASSOCIATESHARED] RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots and Restore 13:26
260 [ASSOCIATESHARED] RDS Read-Replicas 07:53
261 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART1 14:23
262 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART2 12:21
263 [ASSOCIATESHARED] RDS Data Security 07:04
264 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Aurora Architecture 13:45
265 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Migrating Wordpress onto Aurora - PART1 08:32
266 [202205UPDATE] [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Migrating Wordpress onto Aurora - PART2 12:57
267 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Aurora Serverless 09:53
268 [DEMO] Migrating to Aurora Serverless [DONT DO THIS DEMO, IT WON'T WORK, UPDATING to SERVERLESSv2] 14:48
269 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Aurora Global Database 05:09
270 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Multi-master writes 07:52
271 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Database Migration Service (DMS) 11:04
272 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE1 06:09
273 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE2 06:45
274 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE3-PART1 11:03
275 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE3-PART2 09:01
276 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE4 16:49
277 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Database Migration Service-STAGE5 04:29
278 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Secrets Manager 07:45
279 [ASSOCIATESHARED] EFS Architecture 09:06
280 [ASSOCIATESHARED][DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 09:10
281 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 12:26
282 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [ DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress 17:41
283 FSx for Windows File Server 11:33
284 FSx for Lustre 13:58
285 [ASSOCIATESHARED] AWS Transfer Family 10:25
286 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Regional and Global AWS Architecture 10:43
287 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer 04:11
288 [SHAREDALL] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 10:19
289 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 12:50
290 [SHAREDALL] Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) 16:21
291 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Launch Configuration and Templates 04:01
292 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Auto-Scaling Groups 16:02
293 [ASSOCIATESHARED] ASG Scaling Policies 10:24
294 [ASSOCIATESHARED] ASG Lifecycle Hooks 04:42
295 [ASSOCIATESHARED] ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB 03:39
296 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 14:27
297 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 11:07
298 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 13:07
299 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 19:31
300 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 18:21
301 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 11:32
302 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 15:07
303 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 05:42
304 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Egress-Only Internet gateway 06:47
305 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Endpoints (Gateway) 11:15
306 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Endpoints (Interface) 11:26
307 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART1 12:32
308 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART2 17:23
309 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3 10:25
310 [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Peering 09:05
311 [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Peering 22:39
312 Border Gateway Protocol 101 17:30
313 IP Sec VPN Fundamentals 14:55
314 AWS Site-to-Site VPN 18:06
315 AWS Global Accelerator 10:30
316 AWS Direct Connect (DX) - Concepts 09:38
317 AWS Direct Connect (DX) - Resilience 13:51
318 Transit Gateway 10:27
319 Advanced VPC Routing - PART1 11:01
320 Advanced VPC Routing - PART2 11:52
321 Accelerated Site2Site VPN 09:54
322 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE1 10:04
323 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE2 - PART1 13:24
324 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE2 - PART2 11:37
325 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE3 - PART1 13:21
326 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE3 - PART2 08:23
327 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE4 21:39
328 [202206UPDATE][AdvancedDEMO] Advanced Site-to-Site VPN - STAGE5 03:21
329 Advanced VPC DNS & DNS Endpoints 15:02
330 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Hybrid R53 and On-premises DNS-PART1 08:28
331 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Hybrid R53 and On-premises DNS-PART2 06:56
332 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Hybrid R53 and On-premises DNS-PART3 16:17
333 [202207UPDATE] [AdvancedDEMO] Hybrid R53 and On-premises DNS-PART4 09:12
334 SSM Architecture and Agent Activation 07:26
335 SSM Run Command 04:48
336 SSM Documents 07:32
337 SSM Inventory & SSM Patching 11:58
338 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 08:53
339 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 13:10
340 [SHAREDALL] AWS Lambda - PART1 11:26
341 [SHAREDALL] AWS Lambda - PART2 14:00
342 [SHAREDALL] AWS Lambda - PART3 17:04
343 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Eventbridge 06:55
344 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 13:45
345 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 18:50
346 [DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART1 07:54
347 [DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART2 16:20
348 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Simple Notification Service 07:50
349 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Simple Queue Service 15:31
350 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Step Functions 16:10
351 [SHAREDALL] API Gateway 101 16:28
352 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 10:06
353 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 08:25
354 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 15:14
355 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 13:57
356 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 14:04
357 [202205UPDATE][ASSOCIATESHARED] [AdvancedDemo] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 02:41
358 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Kinesis Data Streams 07:53
359 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Kinesis Data Firehose 09:12
360 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Kinesis Data Analytics 08:52
361 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Architecture Basics 10:50
362 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART1 13:07
363 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART2 11:25
364 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Indexes (LSI and GSI) 12:36
365 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Streams and Triggers 09:11
366 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) 10:59
367 [ASSOCIATESHARED] DynamoDB Global Tables 05:10
368 ElastiCache Theory & Architecture 12:52
369 [ASSOCIATESHARED] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Architecture 18:13
370 [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Application & Environment - PART1 11:51

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