Website Automation Testing for Beginners with Protractor

7h 48m 33s

This course will teach you everything you will need to know to get started automating website testing. You do not need any prior knowledge to be successful in this course. To be successful in web automation, you first must understand the basics of how a website works. We will teach you how to build a website from the ground up. You will be building a website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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We will be using Protractor 5 as our automation framework for writing our test scripts. Protractor was built for Angular applications but it is not limited to only Angular. We are going to demonstrate that by testing the HTML website what we created. Protractor is fully featured and easy to use once you learn all the fundamental concepts from this course. You may ask, "Why are we not using Selenium?". Protractor is built with Selenium at its core. What that means is that when you use Protractor, you are using Selenium.

Industry Famous Tools

You will learn how to use some of the most common tools in the web development and testing industry. 

These tools include:

  • Protractor 5

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Node.js

  • Bootstrap

  • No prior knowledge
  • PC required
  • All software used in this course is free
Who this course is for:
  • QA Engineers
  • Web Developers
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to automate website testing
  • Anyone who wants to automate website tasks

What you'll learn:

  • Learn basic HTML, CSS, and javaScript skills
  • Build an HTML Website
  • Automate websites
  • Become a QA Automation Engineer

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to Getting Started Section 00:34
2 Why do we need automation? 03:41
3 What is Selenium? 01:42
4 Why do I need to learn to code? 02:50
5 Browsers 00:50
6 Installation - Visual Studio Code 03:00
7 Installation - Sublime Text 09:58
8 Installation - ConEmu 04:36
9 How to get help 04:06
10 Introduction to HTML Section 00:21
11 Browser Developer Tools 01:22
12 HTML Structure - The DOM 01:28
13 HTML Tags and Elements 01:43
14 HTML Attributes 01:41
15 Absolute and Relative Paths 01:56
16 Introduction to CSS Section 00:17
17 What is CSS? 02:06
18 Bootstrap 01:06
19 Introduction to the JavaScript Section 01:07
20 Variables and Data Types 08:51
21 If Statements 06:44
22 While Loops 04:17
23 For Loops 01:05
24 Functions 06:54
25 Project Introduction 02:14
26 Project Setup 06:38
27 Navbar 08:04
28 Text and Images 08:25
29 Lists 03:08
30 Forms 13:19
31 Tables 04:07
32 Modals 05:49
33 jQuery 00:59
34 Add a Superhero to the List 08:38
35 Superhero List Alert 10:00
36 Vote for a Movie 12:50
37 Vote for a Movie Alert 03:49
38 Search 05:51
39 Login Overlay 11:01
40 Login and Logout 16:58
41 Additional Styling 02:22
42 One more update to the site 02:28
43 Introduction to Getting Started with Protractor Section 00:17
44 Installation - Java Development Kit 05:20
45 Installation - Node.js 02:13
46 Installation - Protractor & Webdriver-Manager 05:44
47 Config File 04:58
48 Test File 06:35
49 Interacting with elements on the page 03:51
50 Validating elements on the page 09:18
51 beforeEach and afterEach 02:21
52 Page Object File 05:49
53 Create a page object 07:12
54 Locators 05:16
55 Introduction to Testing Our Site 00:22
56 Test the Login 35:12
57 Test the Add a Hero 34:17
58 Test the Vote for a Movie 35:58
59 Test the Header and the Modals 50:07
60 Test the Logout 14:07
61 Test the Search 13:13
62 Final Updates 04:58
63 Better Console Reports - Jasmine Spec Reporter 07:57
64 HTML Test Reports - Protractor Jasmine 2 Screenshot Reporter 11:57
65 Next steps 02:36

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