Angular automation with Protractor + Typescript + Cucumber

7h 12m 36s
November 20, 2023

Angular automation with Protractor + Typescript + Cucumber course is designed in such as way that anyone with basic knowledge in Typescript and selenium can get started with this course without any hiccups. This course is the first ever course which covers Protractor automation with Typescript language, which in turn helps people to understand how easy it is to work with Typescript comparing to Javascript.


In this course we will cover following topics

  • Understand building Angular 2 application with Angular-cli
  • Understanding and working with Jasmine
  • Understanding and working with Protractor (Basic)
  • Understanding and working with Protractor (Advanced)
  • Working with Cucumber and Protractor with Typescript

The course has not only covered very basic topics on Protractor, but it has also covered some of the advanced concepts which are required for production ready and industry standard.

  • Basic understanding on Typescript
  • Basic understanding in Selenium
  • Basic understanding in Javascript and cucumber
Who this course is for:
  • QA
  • Automation Engineers
  • Developers
  • BA
  • DevOps

What you'll learn:

  • Understand what Angular 2 application is
  • Understand and work with Jasmine
  • Understand and work with Protractor with Typescript
  • Working with Page Object Models in protractor
  • Working with different tools and techniques of Protractor with Typescript
  • Working with BDD using Cucumber with Protractor

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:27
2 Part 2 - Understanding and building Angular 2 application 11:38
3 Part 3 - Understanding and building Angular 2 application with angular-cli 12:45
4 Part 4 - An Introduction to Jasmine 15:43
5 Part 5 - Jasmine Specs with Describe and It block 06:01
6 Part 6 - Jasmine Specs with Expect and Match 04:58
7 Part 7 - Executing Jasmine specs with SpecRunner 12:45
8 Part 8 - An Introduction to Protractor 08:44
9 Part 9 - Introduction, Installing and Configuring Protractor with VS Code 15:51
10 Part 10 - Working with Locators in Protractor (Part A) 19:11
11 Part 11 - Working with Locators in Protractor (Part B) 05:36
12 Part 12 - Locators shorthand and finding element within element 11:49
13 Part 13 - Working with Page Object Models in Protractor 12:50
14 Part 14 - Working with Page Object Models with custom utilities in Protractor 10:57
15 Part 15 - Working with Page Object models with custom utilities (Contd) 07:04
16 Part 16 - Running Protractor test interactively with Shell 07:24
17 Part 17 - Configuring the debugger of Protractor with VS Code 08:59
18 Part 18 - How Protractor Works ? 07:17
19 Part 19 - Understanding Async/Await in Typescript and its impact in Protractor 09:17
20 Part 20 - An Introduction to Cucumber with Protractor with Typescript 06:46
21 Part 21 - Installing and getting started with Cucumber in Protractor 08:01
22 Part 22 - Writing first code using Cucumber in Protractor (Part A) 13:11
23 Part 23 - Writing first code using Cucumber in Protractor (Part B) 10:47
24 Part 24 - Understanding and working with Scenario Hooks (Part A) 06:24
25 Part 25 - Understanding and working with Scenario Hooks (Part B) 06:59
26 Part 26 - Introduction to Cucumber reporting 05:55
27 Part 27 - Writing Cucumber Reporting Extension (Part A) 12:31
28 Part 28 - Writing and running Cucumber reporting extension (Part B) 09:06
29 Part 29 - Working with Cucumber Tags 05:10
30 Part 30 - Working with Protractor Suites 05:44
31 Part 31 - Working with Data Tables in Cucumber 11:45
32 Part 32 - Working with Data Driven Testing using JSON 14:58
33 Part 33 - Working with Data Driven Testing using Excel 14:48
34 Part 34 - Taking screenshot when test fail and attach in cucumber report 10:02
35 Part 35 - Cucumber Gherkin Extension for VS Code 10:38
36 Part 36 - Handling Global timeout in Protractor 06:50
37 Part 37 - Handling multiple browsers and running test in parallel 07:13
38 Upgrading Protractor, Cucumber and Cucumber HTML report to latest version 03:59
39 Upgrading Protractor, Cucumber, Cucumber HTML report to latest version (Part 1) 12:11
40 Upgrading Protractor, Cucumber, Cucumber HTML report to latest version (Part 2) 05:48
41 Upgrading Protractor, Cucumber, Cucumber HTML report to latest version (Final) 02:31
42 Continuous Integration with Protractor + Jenkins 18:50
43 Jenkins Pipeline project 07:20
44 Modifying code to run with Jenkins Pipeline project 06:21
45 Upgrade packages to latest (2019) 08:13
46 Performance improvement of test run in Protractor 05:19

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