Vue JS 3: The Composition API

5h 24m 26s
October 31, 2024

Vue.js 3 and the Composition API is here! Learn to build real world apps with the Composition API, TypeScript, Vue Router and testing with Vue Test Utils. This is an intermediate course. We move fast and introduce all the required topics to build highly dynamic, complex single page apps with Vue.js 3 and the new Composition API.


Unlike other courses, testing and design patterns are at the core of everything we do. We explore the new features Vue.js 3 brings to the table. 

Some of the things you'll learn:

- how to use and test new Vue 3 features like Teleport and Suspense

- building resuable modules using the new reactivity API

- create a flux store from scratch

- Routing, include navigation guards with Vue Router 4

- Writing and testing complex interactions with Vue Test Utils

- TypeScript to create typesafe applications

This is a intermediate to advanced course; some basic programming knowledge is required. I respect your time and have packed as much content into the course as possible. We won't explain the same basic concept 10 times over, rather, move quickly and see the same concepts applied in different contexts to reinforce them.

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# Title Duration
1 Installation and Configuration 03:56
2 Vue Single File Components 07:07
3 Directives and the Setup Function 03:58
4 Bindings with v-bind 03:06
5 Reactivity with ref 05:20
6 Derived Data with computed 06:31
7 Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 1) 05:16
8 Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 2) 06:53
9 Refactoring with Confidence 05:21
10 Loading with Suspense 04:51
11 Defining a Reactive Store 03:50
12 State Data Structures 05:03
13 Fetching Posts Asynchronously 04:05
14 The useStore Composable 07:51
15 Mocking Axios 04:34
16 Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 3) 08:44
17 Routing with Vue Router 05:59
18 New Post Route 04:13
19 Post Editor and Volar 05:48
20 v-model Directive and Template Refs 07:10
21 Two way binding with contenteditable 06:14
22 Rendering HTML with Marked 09:11
23 Syntax Highlighting 05:41
24 Quick Styling Fix 02:43
25 Optimizations: watch, watchEffect and debounce 07:10
26 Custom Events and Saving a Post 07:16
27 Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 4) 12:46
28 Persisting Posts and Routing with useRouter 08:11
29 Teleport for Modals 03:36
30 Creating the useModal Composable 05:08
31 v-model with Custom Components 07:30
32 Framework Agnostic Validation 10:10
33 Signup Form Component 07:24
34 Fixing a bug in FormInput 02:52
35 Submitting the Form and Event Modifiers 07:38
36 Plugins with Provide and Inject 05:51
37 Testing Plugins - Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 5) 04:36
38 Testing New Post - Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 6) 07:48
39 Introduction to Authentication and Authorization 01:41
40 Persisting Users 06:19
41 Dynamic Components 08:06
42 Optimizations with markRaw 04:32
43 Advanced Routing with Router Guards 08:43
44 Access Params with useRoute 05:44
45 Loading Posts and a Mysterious Bug 05:44
46 Editing Posts 03:15
47 Fixing Two Subtle Bugs 04:56
48 Authorizing the Current User 04:25
49 Conditional Edit Button 01:55
50 Testing Vue Router - Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 8) 09:20
51 Test Maintenance - Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 9) 07:46
52 Rendering Post HTML 04:54
53 Editing Posts 03:54
54 Modular Tests - Testing with Vue Test Utils (Part 10) 07:30
55 Deploying to Production 04:21

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