Understanding React | Don’t Imitate Understand

16h 37m 49s

Even if you've been using React for years, your mental model is likely inaccurate. That's because the best mental model is understanding how something really works.

React is wildly popular and well-established in the job market for web developers. However, to use and debug it well, you must understand how it actually works.

In this course, designed for both React beginners and experienced React devs you will come to deeply understand how React works under-the-hood by diving into React internals: the React source code itself.

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Most courses teach you how to use React. In this course you will fully understand how React works, which will enable you to use and debug React well.

You will gain truly under-the-hood knowledge on topics such as the React Element Tree, the Fiber Tree, JSX, Rendering, Reconciliation, State, Hooks, Effects, Suspense, React Server Components, and more.

That knowledge will give you a clarity that will serve you well every day you use React, or React-based frameworks like Next.js or Remix.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:49
2 Setup 01:54
3 A Basic React App 02:08
4 The React Source Code 02:07
5 The DOM and Declarative Programming 00:21
6 HTML and Trees 02:01
7 HTML, The Browser, and the DOM 04:03
8 DOM Manipulation 06:33
9 Conceptual Aside: Imperative vs. Declarative Programming 03:01
10 The DOM and Imperative Programming 03:13
11 The DOM and Declarative Programming 04:09
12 React Elements 00:27
13 Conceptual Aside: Recursion 04:18
14 Conceptual Aside: POJOs 12:53
15 Creating React Elements 11:37
16 React Element Trees 05:26
17 Conceptual Aside: DOM Element References 01:32
18 React Elements and DOM Elements 06:04
19 React DOM Updates 12:12
20 Components 06:02
21 Components and Reusability 11:08
22 Conceptual Aside: Pure Functions 05:19
23 Props 12:25
24 Template Logic 14:12
25 Element Properties 07:19
26 JSX 00:22
27 Conceptual Aside: Markup and Tree Creation Shorthand 01:57
28 Conceptual Aside: Transformation 01:49
29 React Elements and JSX 19:41
30 JSX and Thinking In Elements 12:01
31 Conceptual Aside: HTML Authoring 02:48
32 Fragment and HTML Authoring 10:04
33 Fiber and Reconciliation 00:42
34 Root Creation and render 08:58
35 Conceptual Aside: Trees and Linked Lists 04:23
36 Fiber, Fiber Nodes, and Fiber Trees 06:58
37 Conceptual Aside: Tree Reconciliation and the Tree Edit Distance Problem 03:45
38 Work-In-Progress Nodes 09:29
39 Reconciliation and Work 05:49
40 Execution Contexts 00:22
41 Conceptual Aside: Execution Contexts and the Event Loop 03:43
42 Fiber and Custom Execution Contexts 04:15
43 Units of Work and The Work Loop 03:01
44 Conceptual Aside: Equality 03:35
45 Beginning, Completing, Bailing Out and Pausing Work 07:02
46 Lanes and Priority 02:36
47 React DOM and Rendering 00:15
48 Committing Work and The Renderer 02:56
49 Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting 04:49
50 Events 00:24
51 DOM Events 11:37
52 React Event Objects 07:53
53 Synthetic Event Properties and Methods 05:44
54 State 00:17
55 Conceptual Aside: State Machines 06:37
56 Conceptual Aside: Pure Functions (again) 02:42
57 UI: A Function of State 02:47
58 Conceptual Aside: Reducers 06:32
59 Actions and State 08:57
60 Hooks and State 00:25
61 Fibers, Hooks, and State 04:05
62 Conceptual Aside: Queues 03:55
63 Update Queues 02:47
64 State and Re-renders 02:39
65 useReducer (Part 1) 07:49
66 useReducer (Part 2) 06:05
67 useState (Part 1) 04:17
68 useState (Part 2) 10:48
69 Rules of Hooks 07:44
70 useState (Part 3) 10:38
71 Conceptual Aside: Shallow Equality and Object.is 08:11
72 Immutable State 07:47
73 Adding Your Own Side Effects: useEffect 00:16
74 Conceptual Aside: Pure Functions and Side Effects 01:32
75 Adding Your Own Effects 11:47
76 Dependencies 08:07
77 A Game of Ping Pong 02:35
78 Unmounting and Effects 09:55
79 Fetching Data...or not 10:27
80 Conceptual Aside: Stale Closures 04:09
81 useEffect and Stale Closures 09:52
82 What Not to Do 10:26
83 useRef and forwardRef 00:24
84 useRef 04:27
85 useRef and the DOM 05:16
86 forwardRef 04:16
87 Custom Hooks 00:25
88 Extracting Custom Hooks 12:31
89 Component Design 00:22
90 Real World Complexity and Loops 18:31
91 Lifting State Up 28:52
92 &&, 0, and Ternary Operators 12:28
93 Children 06:02
94 useContext 00:51
95 Prop Drilling 04:29
96 Context 39:23
97 Context with Caution 02:21
98 useId and Key 00:31
99 useId 08:49
100 Key 15:29
101 memo, useMemo, and useCallback 00:19
102 Conceptual Aside: Memoization 07:32
103 memo 16:01
104 useMemo 20:16
105 useCallback 10:33
106 React Forget 01:38
107 useContext and Reducer 00:22
108 useContext + Reducer 27:23
109 3rd Party State Management 06:15
110 Toolchains 00:50
111 Conceptual Aside: Toolchains 03:50
112 Conceptual Aside: ES Modules 06:02
113 Create React App 01:53
114 Vite 18:46
115 Frameworks 03:51
116 Strict Mode 00:33
117 Adding Strict Mode 03:34
118 Extra Re-render 10:28
119 Extra Effect Re-run 09:14
120 Forms 00:18
121 Reorganizing Our App 15:05
122 Uncontrolled Inputs 05:29
123 Controlled Inputs 13:44
124 form 08:00
125 textarea, select, and More 11:17
126 3rd Party Form Help 01:58
127 Future Form Features 02:13
128 React Dev Tools 00:17
129 Using Dev Tools 03:22
130 useDebugValue 01:47
131 CSS and Components 00:24
132 CSS and React 03:16
133 Toolchains and CSS 04:11
134 CSS Modules and more 04:12
135 Class Project 00:24
136 Spelling Bee 01:59
137 HTML Authoring 03:22
138 Getting the Data 06:22
139 Header 08:49
140 Honeycomb 14:34
141 Shuffle 09:30
142 Words and Letters 12:10
143 Word List 14:50
144 Score 06:07
145 Highlighted Letter 06:09
146 Final Thoughts 03:30
147 Meta-Frameworks 00:21
148 NextJS 03:42
149 Remix 02:26
150 Suspense 00:31
151 Suspense and Frameworks 03:45
152 Suspense and Remix 10:16
153 React Server Components 00:53
154 Server Components 11:55
155 Client Components and 'use client' 05:29
156 RSC Payload 07:59
157 Composing Client and Server Components 07:30
158 Conclusion 01:37

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