The Ultimate React Native Series: Advanced Concepts

5h 28m 42s
June 6, 2024

Master advanced techniques and best practices for building professional-quality apps.


By the end of this course…

You’ll be able to:

  • Build mobile apps with React Native with confidence
  • Build beautiful user interfaces
  • Build reusable components
  • Write clean code like a pro

What You'll Learn

This course is divided into two parts: basics and advanced topics. Each part is about 5 hours long so you can easily complete it.

In the first part, you'll learn how to:

  • Use essential tools for React Native development
  • Properly structure your React Native projects
  • Run and debug your React Native apps
  • Understand and troubleshoot common errors
  • Work with the core components and APIs
  • Build layouts with Flexbox
  • Build reusable components
  • Apply beautiful styles to your components
  • Get input from the user
  • Build forms with Formik
  • Implement data validation with Yup
  • Publish your apps to Expo
  • Apply React Native best practices
  • Write clean code like a pro
  • Use my favorite shortcuts to write code fast

The second part covers advanced topics. You'll learn how to:

  • Access native device features
  • Implement navigation using React Navigation
  • Add beautiful tabs
  • Communicate with REST APIs
  • Upload images and show progress bars
  • Build offline capable apps
  • Cache data and images
  • Implement authentication and authorization
  • Send and receive push notifications
  • Log and monitor errors
  • Manage configuration settings across different environments
  • Build and distribute your apps

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# Title Duration
1 1- Introduction 00:56
2 2- Prerequisites 01:11
3 5- VSCode Code Snippet 01:23
4 1- Introduction 00:29
5 2- Device Features 02:16
6 3- Using ImagePicker 02:13
7 4- Requesting Permissions 05:33
8 5- Permissions Module 01:55
9 6- Accessing the Library 03:14
10 7- Exercises 02:13
11 8- Building ImageInput- Layout 03:57
12 9- Building ImageInput- Touches 05:55
13 10- Building ImageInputList- Basics 06:11
14 11- Building ImageInputList- Scrolling 04:19
15 12- Building FormImagePicker 04:59
16 13- Improving ListingEditScreen 02:34
17 14- Getting the User's Location 04:15
18 15- Building Custom Hooks 03:49
19 1- Introduction 00:33
20 2- Installing React Navigation 02:16
21 3- Stack Navigator 05:21
22 4- Navigating Between Screens 04:15
23 5- Passing Parameters to Routes 01:18
24 6- Setting Screen Titles 01:15
25 7- Customizing Headers 01:55
26 8- Creating a TabNavigator 02:43
27 9- Customizing Tabs 02:51
28 10- Nesting Navigators 01:46
29 11- Exercises 00:35
30 12- Building AuthNavigator 03:27
31 13- Navigation Theme 01:50
32 14- Building AppNavigator 02:01
33 15- Building FeedNavigator 05:09
34 16- Building AccountNavigator 02:50
35 17- Beautifying the Tabs 07:19
36 18- Refactoring Routes 02:01
37 1- Introduction 00:33
38 2- Setting Up the Backend 02:02
39 3- Calling APIs Using ApiSauce 02:56
40 4- Creating an API Layer 02:42
41 5- Fetching Data 03:08
42 6- Inspecting API Calls 02:58
43 7- Handling Errors 03:23
44 8- Simulating a Slow Connection 01:25
45 9- Showing an Activity Indicator 01:49
46 10- Building a Beautiful Activitiy Indicator 05:49
47 11- Creating a Reusable Hook 05:46
48 13- Extending the API Layer 04:12
49 14- Posting Data 03:32
50 15- Tracking Upload Progress 03:50
51 16- Building the Upload Screen 04:07
52 17- Adding a Progress Bar 02:26
53 18- Showing the Done Animation 03:32
54 19- Resetting the Form 04:04
55 1- Introduction 00:35
56 2- Strategies for Building Offline Capable Apps 01:03
57 3- Detecting Network Status 04:04
58 4- Caching 01:17
59 5- AsyncStorage 02:46
60 6- Inspecting AsyncStorage 01:11
61 7- The Cache Layer 02:02
62 8- Implementing a Cache Layer 07:42
63 9- Caching Successful Request Data 04:41
64 10- Caching Images 07:18
65 11- Caching with Redux 03:01
66 12- Storing User Actions When Offline 02:27
67 14- Showing an Offline Notice 05:54
68 1- Introduction 00:25
69 2- Authentication Providers 01:03
70 3- Authentication Flow 02:26
71 4- Authentication API 02:50
72 5- Getting the AuthToken 03:47
73 6- Extracting the User from the AuthToken 04:14
74 7- Storing the Current User 04:05
75 8- Getting the Current User 01:00
76 9- Logging Out the User 01:10
77 10- Persisting the Authentication State Across Restarts 07:59
78 11- Controlling the Splash Screen 03:12
79 12- Refactoring 03:15
80 13- Creating a Custom Hook 06:06
81 14- Calling Protected APIs 03:54
82 15- Exercise 00:59
83 16- Implementing the Registration 03:02
84 17- Showing an Activity Indicator 04:49
85 18- Adding an Overlay 04:29
86 1- Introduction ( 00:23
87 2- Push Notification Services 01:19
88 3- Architecture 01:21
89 4- Getting a Push Notification Token 04:04
90 5- Storing the Push Notification Token 02:39
91 6- Sending Test Notifications 01:26
92 7- Sending Notifications on the Server 01:40
93 8- Handling Received Notifications 01:19
94 9- Navigation Upon Receiving a Notification 05:02
95 10- Creating a Custom Hook 02:14
96 11- Local Notifications 02:34
97 13- Building the Contact Form 01:44
98 1- Introduction 00:41
99 2- App Icon 01:14
100 3- Optimizing Assets 01:41
101 4- Optimizing JavaScript Bundle 03:14
102 5- Error Reporting 06:20
103 6- Environment Management 02:57
104 7- Publishing 01:58
105 8- Building Standalone Apps 01:03
106 9- Building the iOS App 05:11
107 10- Distributing to the App Store 04:10
108 11- Building the Android App ( 04:20
109 13- Over-the-air Updates 01:31
110 15- Course Wrap Up 00:50

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