Stripe Payments Cloud Functions

1h 10m 33s
March 4, 2024

This course has been deprecated! While the code here will still work, the it is recommended that you use the latest Stripe APIs shown in the new.



  • NEW Handle 3D Secure 2 Payments
  • Connect Firebase Users to Stripe
  • Attach Payment Sources to Customers
  • Create Single Charges
  • Manage Recurring Subscriptions
  • Apply Coupons
  • Unit Tests with Jest
  • And more…

This Project is for Developers who…

  • want to generate revenue by implementing a custom payment flow.
  • want to learn how implement a modern cloud microservice architecture.
  • enjoy fast-paced to-the-point video tutorials.
  • want direct access to the content creator (let’s chat on Slack).
  • have some experience with NodeJS, TypeScript, and Angular.

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# Title Duration
1 Resources 01:22
2 What is Stripe? 04:32
3 Project Setup 05:46
4 Stripe API Keys Explanation 01:51
5 Unit Testing - Why? 01:41
6 Testing Setup with Jest 02:57
7 First Unit Test 01:04
8 Callable Cloud Functions? 03:18
9 Call a Function 04:03
10 Callable Functions Error Handing 02:25
11 Stripe Customers 01:32
12 Get or Create a Customer 03:43
13 Customer Unit Test 01:46
14 Payment Sources 01:12
15 Attach a Source 02:07
16 Stripe Elements Credit Card Form 02:48
17 Charges 03:30
18 Stripe Elements Charge 01:23
19 Testing Charges 01:57
20 Subscriptions 02:03
21 Manage Subscriptions 03:25
22 Subscriptions with Stripe Elements 02:44
23 Webhooks 03:38
24 Coupons 01:32
25 Angular 08:14

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