RabbitMQ: Message queue concepts from start to finish

4h 24m 7s
Use asynchronous Messaging to decouple your systems for easy scalable systems with examples in Python & C#. Ever asked yourself how to decouple your systems without the least amount of friction? Or did you ask yourself how to scale a distributed system? Or are you tired of changing your code over and over again, just because your boss or sales wants this or that little tiny extra feature?
Read more about the course
Then learn decoupling by asynchronous messaging with the message broker RabbitMQ in this online course.

This course will not only cover which benefits this technology offers but also shows you of what you can use it for.
With that out of the way, it dives right into the following topics

  1. RabbitMQ Entities and Message Flow

    1. Exchanges

    2. Queues

    3. Binding, Declare and Queue Properties

  2. RabbitMQ Access Control

    1. Virtual Hosts

    2. Users and Permissions

    3. Authentication and Authorization

  3. Management of the RabbitMQ server

    1. Setup in Docker container

    2. Configure the server for your needs

    3. Different means of configuration

  4. Clustering

    1. Why and How

    2. For High Availability

    3. Throughput

  5. Logging and Monitoring

    1. Logging with Built in mechanisms

    2. Monitoring with clients and built in mechanisms

To follow this course, basic programming knowledge is advised, best with Python and/or .Net (C#). Taking this course should also be done with understanding of basic software and application knowledge.

The course itself is most appropriate if you identify as one of the following groups

  • Anyone who needs to learn RabbitMQ (obv is obv)

  • Software engineer / developer in distributed systems

  • DevOps engineers

  • IT professionals that manage a RabbitMQ Server instance

In general as a developer it is a good idea to learn about a Message Broker, simply because this is a way to easily decouple your applications and make them more maintanable, extendable and failure proof.

To become a more competent developer, advance your career and learn about an extremely well implemented system which is RabbitMQ,

  • Interest in Programming
  • Basic understanding of programming languages helps with the examples: Python or .Net
  • Basic IT concepts
  • Interest in learning distributed Systems design and practices
Who this course is for:
  • Python Developers
  • .Net Developers
  • Microservice systems engineers
  • DevOps engineers

What you'll learn:

  • Learn why RabbitMQ exists and what problems it solves
  • Setup a RabbitMQ Server
  • Learn the different routing mechanisms
  • Understand RabbitMQ architecture
  • Messaging Patterns with RabbitMQ
  • High availability with RabbitMQ
  • Learn Authentication and Access Control in RabbitMQ
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • Clustering with RabbitMQ

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to the course 03:27
2 What is RabbitMQ, Why do you need it? 07:29
3 How RabbitMQ works on a high level 06:08
4 Clients we will be using: .Net & Python 01:42
5 Erlang: the power behind RabbitMQ 04:08
6 Setup for the course: Docker container 03:04
7 Management UI for visualization of RabbitMQ 02:15
8 Visualize Message Flow in RabbitMQ 03:12
9 Message Flow: Direct Exchange 02:49
10 Message Flow: Topic Exchange 03:22
11 Message Publishing: Exchanges 02:57
12 Connect to a Rabbit: Connections and Channels 05:17
13 Vhost and logical seperations 05:54
14 Create a Consumer with RabbitMQ.Client 03:41
15 Create a Publisher with RabbitMQ.Client 03:25
16 An easier way to use the Rabbit Client for .Net 03:51
17 Summary of Server basics 02:11
18 Close look at queues: Declare and Bind 03:28
19 Declare and Bind queues with the pika library 03:31
20 Queue properties: Durable, Auto-delete, exclusive 04:17
21 Queue properties 2: Advanced properties and their use 04:59
22 Message TTL and Queue Expiry with RabbitMQ.Client 04:38
23 MessagePatterns explained 04:55
24 MessagePattern: RPC or Request Response 03:49
25 Message Reliability explained 05:02
26 Message delivery guaranteed: Publisher confirms (.Net) 02:14
27 Message consumption guaranteed: Consumer Acks (Python) 03:13
28 Summary closer look at Messaging 01:44
29 Intro to vhosts and access control 04:19
30 Access Control: Set and use permissions 05:42
31 Plugins in RabbitMQ 02:14
32 What are Policies 02:53
33 CLI for RabbitMQ 04:12
34 Manage RabbitMQ with the HTTP API 03:47
35 Configuration of the RabbitMQ Server 02:11
36 Configure via Configuration Files 04:04
37 Configure with Environment Variables 05:16
38 Summary Rabbitmq Management 02:52
39 Intro to Optimization of RabbitMQ 03:43
40 Tools for Optimization: Built in Clustering 05:36
41 How to create a simple local cluster 02:44
42 High Availability: Replicate Queues with mirroring 04:45
43 High availability: Shovels 04:08
44 Implementing a Dynamic Shovel from management UI 03:23
45 High Throughput with Clustering 06:08
46 Summary Performance and High availability 02:35
47 Monitoring and Logging with RabbitMQ 04:18
48 Enable Tracing Plugin for debugging 03:22
49 Logging with Queues 04:46
50 Use the HTTP REST API for Health checks 03:21
51 Summary Monitoring and Logging 03:46
52 Python config watchdog 04:48
53 Dead Letter Exchange Example 03:29
54 Better RPC with RabbitMQ - Concepts 03:35
55 Better RPC with pika (python) 03:30
56 UseCases Introduction 04:11
57 Use Case:Load balancer explained 01:28
58 Classic example: Load balancing with monitoring of Queue levels and auto scaling 03:53
59 Intro: Temporary BLOB Storage with Redis 02:52
60 Temporary BLOB Storage with Redis - Code 04:27
61 Intro to the application: What we are building 06:59
62 Setup the solution structure 02:07
63 Setup the Middleware: Messages and Bus Library 03:37
64 Setup the Consumer with access to the database 04:20
65 Setup RabbitMQ and the database itself 04:27
66 Setup the Rest API and do a first integration of the system 05:39
67 Create the Database access code and Insert the Order 02:20
68 Integrate the full system 05:38

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