Messenger! Queue work for Later

5h 5m 31s
May 2, 2024

Symfony's Messenger component gives you a beautiful system for designing your code around "message" objects and decoupled "handlers" that do the work! ... wait... that's not right, it's really... Symfony's Messenger component gives you the power to execute code asynchronously via queues and workers!


Actually, it's both! Messenger is one of the newest parts of Symfony and we absolutely ❤️ it. In this tutorial, we'll create an important application that asynchronously adds our favorite cat (Ponka) to all of your favorite photos. Along the way, we'll learn to:

  • Create a messages classes
  • Add & configure "handler" classes that do the work
  • Dispatch messages through the bus
  • Configure "transports" for async messages
  • Route messages to transports
  • Execute "worker" processes that "consume" queued messages
  • Things fail!? Retry message and set up the "failure transport"
  • Middleware
  • Add & understand message stamps
  • Prioritized transports
  • A little CQRS: a Query bus
  • Testing & Dev: handling messages "sync"
  • Deployment and supervisor
  • RabbitMQ & AMQP

Let's get to work!

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# Title Duration
1 Installing Messenger 06:15
2 Message, Handler & the Bus 08:36
3 Doing Work in the Handler 06:33
4 Message, Handler & debug:messenger 05:52
5 Transport: Do Work Later (Async) 07:33
6 Worker Command 05:34
7 Problems with Entities in Messages 04:54
8 Passing Entity Ids inside of Messages 08:01
9 Dispatching a Message inside a Handler? 05:30
10 Partial Handler Failures & Advanced Routing 04:36
11 Envelopes & Stamps 06:24
12 Retrying on Failure 05:11
13 Retry Delay & Retry Strategy 04:41
14 The Failure Transport 05:37
15 Investigating & Retrying Failed Messages 05:42
16 Middleware 05:59
17 Tracking Messages with Middleware & a Stamp 05:31
18 Logger Channel Setup and Autowiring 05:27
19 Middleware Message Lifecycle Logging 07:48
20 High Priority Transports 05:41
21 Handling Messages Sync while Developing 05:54
22 Functional Test for the Upload Endpoint 09:23
23 Testing with the "in-memory" Transport 05:26
24 Deployment & Supervisor 09:08
25 Killing Workers Early & on Deploy 05:55
26 Events & Event Bus 05:23
27 Creating & Handling Events 07:55
28 Dispatching the Event & No Handlers 07:07
29 Messenger vs EventDispatcher 03:19
30 Doctrine Transaction & Validation Middleware 05:59
31 Event & Command Bus Organization 07:23
32 Query Bus 08:48
33 Advanced Handler Config: Handler Subscribers 07:59
34 Sending Handlers to Different Transports: from_transport 03:22
35 AMQP with RabbitMQ 07:22
36 AMQP Internals: Exchanges & Queues 08:11
37 AMQP Priority Exchange 07:16
38 Delaying in AMQP: Dead Letter Exchange 07:23
39 Exchange Routing and Binding Keys 06:39
40 Dynamic AMQP Routing Key (AmqpStamp) 07:51
41 Serializing Messages as JSON 06:41
42 JSON, Message Headers & Serializer Options 03:15
43 Setup for Messages from an Outside System 06:01
44 Transport for Consuming External Messages 05:51
45 Custom Transport Serializer 06:34
46 The Lifecycle of a Message & its Stamps 08:17
47 Graceful Failure in the Transport Serializer 04:48
48 Mapping Messages to Classes in a Transport Serializer 04:56

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