Mastering Nuxt 3

9h 56m 5s

The complete guide to developing and deploying fast, production-ready Nuxt apps. MasteringNuxt is the biggest and most in-depth, fun, and realistic course ever made on Nuxt.js.

Read more about the course

An Introduction to Mastering Nuxt 3

The team behind Nuxt 3 and the Mastering Nuxt 3 course share their insights into the journey of creating Nuxt and the ultimate guide to learning the platform. The video includes the team from NuxtLabs, Vue School and Mastering Nuxt. Discover the epic path that has lead the launch of the course.

Build awesome websites

Learn how to build robust, modern websites with Nuxt from scratch. Or improve your website performance, code quality, while making better use of the framework.

Learn the best practises, common pitfalls to avoid, and tons of tips and tricks. Prior experience with Nuxt is beneficial but not required.

Nuxt.js is a modular framework built on top of the easiest web development framework in 2020 Vue.js. It allows developers of any kind to create elegant websites progressively. We see huge enterprise companies and governments using Nuxt to build websites quickly — very important especially during the pandemic. We also see solo devs building exceptional side projects with Nuxt.

What you will build

Learn the best practises, common pitfalls to avoid, and tons of tips and tricks

Get to grips with building your own online course and database, and then build a blazing-fast landing page to sell your course. Explore technologies like VueUse, Nuxt, Vue.js.

Who is this for?

The course is for anyone that wants to learn how to build professional websites!

You just need to be interested in learning Nuxt. No matter what level you’re at you can learn at your own pace and become a master in Nuxt with this course.

Senior Developers - develop full-blown, performant Vue and Nuxt 3 applications.

Junior Developers - build your first state-of-the-art website using Nuxt 3 and the best practices. Avoid common gotchas in learning and get ahead of the herd.

Students - start learning a new skill and join the global community of Nuxt developers. You can add the Mastering Nuxt 3 project to your portfolio and GitHub.

Business & Agencies - some of the largest business and agencies use Nuxt because it makes building modern websites easy and quick. Agencies also appreciate the great performance and SEO that Nuxt comes with.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 02:06
2 Building our MVP 00:36
3 Getting Set Up 07:41
4 File based routing 06:11
5 Displaying Course Lessons 03:57
6 Nested Routes 05:52
7 Dynamic Routes 09:06
8 Loading in Course Data 06:12
9 Update Lesson Styling 01:03
10 Add VideoPlayer Component 02:55
11 What is Universal Rendering 05:18
12 Navigating with NuxtLink 04:16
13 More with Nuxt Links 04:55
14 useHead composable 03:12
15 Tracking progress with useState 09:26
16 Saving our course progress 10:35
17 Deploying our MVP to Netlify 10:52
18 Chapter 1 - Summary 00:47
19 Organizing our Code 01:02
20 Smaller is better 03:45
21 Understanding App.vue 01:56
22 Understanding Layouts 08:22
23 Pages vs. Layouts vs. Components 11:32
24 Understanding Composables in Nuxt 03:24
25 Chapter 2 - Summary 00:32
26 Making Our App Robust 00:37
27 Adding in TypeScript 05:56
28 Adding a 404 page 02:36
29 Handling Client-Side Errors with NuxtErrorBoundary 08:39
30 Advanced Error Handling 06:27
31 Handling Sever-Side Errors 05:59
32 Route Validation 03:20
33 Chapter 3 - Summary 00:39
34 4-Intro 01:34
35 4-1 Route Middleware Basics 05:55
36 4-2 Creating a Login Page 06:05
37 4-3 Inline, Named, and Global Route Middleware 11:25
38 4-4 Setting Up Supabase 08:31
39 4-5 Adding Environment Variables 08:13
40 4-6 Logging in with Github 07:58
41 4-7 Logging Out 06:43
42 4-8 Protecting Routes with Auth 07:04
43 4-9 Understanding OAuth Basics 17:47
44 4-Summary 00:45
45 5-1 Server Route Basics 10:57
46 5-2 Lesson Endpoint 10:22
47 5-3 Fully Typing Our Endpoint 10:18
48 5-4 Course Metadata Endpoint 11:33
49 5-5 Basic Data Fetching 12:54
50 5-6 Advanced Data Fetching 14:49
51 5-7 Creating the useFetchWithCache Composable 07:50
52 5-8 Fetch Course Metadata 09:56
53 5-9 Setting up Prisma 14:43
54 5-10 Creating the Prisma Schema 10:54
55 5-11 Initialize Prisma and Seed Database 15:47
56 5-12 Getting data from Prisma 07:22
57 5-13 Update Lesson Endpoint 05:25
58 5-14 Update Course Meta Endpoint 12:26
59 5-15 Auth and Server Routes 15:53
60 5-16 Understanding Nitro and h3 14:23
61 5-Summary 00:35
62 6-Intro 00:38
63 6-1 Setting up Pinia 12:03
64 6-2 Fixing the Meta Endpoint 05:57
65 Add LessonProgress Model to Our Schema 05:10
66 6-4 Add Endpoint to Update Progress 12:20
67 6-5 Add User Progress Endpoint 11:05
68 6-6 Show Course Completion Percentage 10:17
69 6-Summary 00:44
70 7-Intro 00:41
71 7-1 Adding the Landing Page 07:18
72 7-2 Static Generation and Pre-Rendering 10:34
73 7-3 Route Rules 04:19
74 7-4 Managing Static Assets 12:35
75 7-5 Lazy Loading Checkout Components 04:14
76 7-6 Runtime Config and App Config 04:35
77 7-7 Setting up Stripe 06:06
78 7-8 Handle Payments with Stripe 08:27
79 7-9 Add the PaymentIntent Endpoint 08:23
80 7-10 Overview of Granting Access 05:16
81 7-11 Create CoursePurchase in the Database 04:25
82 7-12 Verify Purchase with Stripe Webhooks 06:58
83 7-13 Testing our Webhook Handler 09:19
84 7-14 Link Purchase with Github 08:39
85 7-15 Grant Access to the Course 07:30
86 7-Summary 00:39

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