Hydra 2022. Concurrent and distributed computing conference.
36h 1m 42s
Hydra is a tech conference that gathers top-rated scientists and developers willing to dive deep into concurrent and distributed computing. Hydra 2022 will held on June 2-3.
Computing nowadays is inherently concurrent and distributed. Be it a mainstream multi-core machine, a computing cluster, or a large-scale distributed service, a modern computing system involves multiple processes that concurrently perform independent computations and communicate to synchronize their activities. Understanding concurrent and distributed computations is therefore essential to be competitive in practice or research in computer science and engineering.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | ENG Hydra 2022 Online Conference Opening | 15:03 |
2 | ENG Intro to Concurrent Programming 1/3: Classic Stack and Queue Algorithms | 59:59 |
3 | ENG Fusing Efficient Parallel For Loops with a Composable Task Scheduler | 01:04:56 |
4 | ENG How ScyllaDB makes LSM-tree compaction state-of-art by leveraging RUM | 01:02:04 |
5 | Hydra's Heads: Dmitriy Ivanov | 42:37 |
6 | ENG Self-stabilizing Population Protocols | 01:08:00 |
7 | Solving Raft's practical problems in Tarantool. What, how and why | 59:08 |
8 | ENG Java PathFinder: going to Mars without bugs and deadlocks | 55:05 |
9 | Hydra's Heads: Vladimir Ozerov | 41:25 |
10 | ENG Pragmatic Code Generation for Efficient Execution | 48:11 |
11 | ENG Making a desktop IDE distributed and collaborative | 01:02:53 |
12 | Exploring Traffic Jams in Your Data Flows | 59:59 |
13 | ENG Opening | 10:52 |
14 | ENG Intro to Concurrent Programming 2/3: Modern Queues and Flat Combining | 01:01:39 |
15 | ENG A sledgehammer to crack a nut: why blockchain is not (always) a good idea | 56:13 |
16 | Hydra's Heads: Anton Podkopaev | 47:05 |
17 | ENG HTAP Workloads: Challenges and Solutions | 01:01:08 |
18 | Roundtable: Cloud Databases as a Service | 01:04:39 |
19 | Hydra's Heads: Petr Kuznetsov | 45:03 |
20 | ENG Intro to Concurrent Programming 3/3: Relaxed Data Structures for Parallel Algorithms | 01:02:43 |
21 | ENG Scaling Raft | 58:31 |
22 | ENG Summing Up Online Hydra 2022 | 12:01 |
23 | C++ Russia 2022 & Hydra 2022 in-person opening | 13:16 |
24 | Distributed transactions implementation trade-offs | 01:01:51 |
25 | Monolith vs Microservices, and How to Work Effectively with the Latter in C++ | 01:00:58 |
26 | Interview with Vadim Tsesko | 52:45 |
27 | Parallel Asynchronous Replication between YDB Database Instances | 01:01:16 |
28 | Memory as a Concept in Heterogeneous Systems | 01:03:12 |
29 | Is there life without RTTI or how to write your own dynamic_cast | 14:24 |
30 | Interview with Anton Polukhin | 58:34 |
31 | Using machine learning to improve inlining in LLVM | 22:43 |
32 | ENG What about Binary Search Trees? | 01:00:34 |
33 | File system and network stacks in Userland: why we must use them in 2022 | 01:01:04 |
34 | C++ compiler and optimizations for open RISC-V instruction set architecture | 31:42 |
35 | Interview with Konstantin Vladimirov | 43:18 |
36 | ENG Thread pools: variety of algorithms and features | 01:02:46 |
37 | How to make your life easier when developing a client application in modern C++: | 01:02:07 |
38 | Type Sanitizer: a way to detect violations of strict aliasing rules in C++ | 32:34 |
39 | Interview with Andrey Fomichev | 51:39 |
40 | OK S3 | 01:02:13 |
41 | What a C++ developer should keep in mind about processor architecture | 55:34 |
42 | Обзор последних исследований в области подбора оптимальных последовательностей оптимизационных | 39:12 |
43 | Roundtable: Concurrency | 01:02:55 |
44 | C++ Russia 2022 & Hydra 2022 closing | 07:51 |
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