Getting Started with Embedded AI | Edge AI
Nowadays, you may have heard of many keywords like Embedded AI /Embedded ML /Edge AI, the meaning behind them is the same, I.e. To make an AI algorithm or model run on embedded devices. Due to a massive gap between both technologies, techies don't know where to start with it.
Read more about the course
So we thought to share our engineer's experience with you via this course. We have created an application to recognize the fault of a motor based on the vibration pattern. An Edge AI node developed to perform the analysis on the data captured from the accelerometer sensor to recognize the fault.
We have created detailed videos with animation to give our students an engaging experience while learning this stunning technology. We assure you will love this course after getting this hands-on experience.
The Motivation behind this course
One and half years back, It was surprising when techies heard of the embedded systems running standalone Deep learning model. We thought to design an application using this concept and share the same with you via this platform.
How to start the course?
There are two possible ways to start this course. We have divided this course into Conceptual Learning and Practical Learning. You can either jump directly to the Practical videos to keep the motivation to learn and later can go to fundamental concepts. Or you can start with the basic concepts first then can start building the application.
What you will get after enrolling in the course
1. You will get Conceptual + Practical clarity on Embedded AI
2. After this course you will be able to build similar kind of applications in Embedded AI
3. You will get all the Python scripts and C code(stm32) for Data capturing ,Data Labeling and Inference.
4.You will be able to know in depth working behind the neural networks
- Knowledge of C or Python Language is plus
- Knowledge of stm32 is plus
Who this course is for:
- Embedded AI Explorer
- Embedded Enthusiast
- Engineers
- Artificial Intelligence/Deep learning Enthusiast
- M-Tech/PhD Students
What you'll learn:
- Learn basic concept behind AI/DL
- Learn how to use KERAS deep learning library in python?
- Learn how to capture and label data from sensors via Microcontroller
- Learn to create a Neural network and how to train them on data
- Learn to implement Deep learning model on a microcontroller and can run inference on it.
Watch Online Getting Started with Embedded AI | Edge AI
# | Title | Duration |
1 | What is an Artificial intelligence? | 04:36 |
2 | What is Machine Learning? | 02:09 |
3 | What is Deep Learning? | 03:53 |
4 | What is an Embedded/Edge AI? | 04:53 |
5 | Applications of Embedded AI | 02:54 |
6 | Overview of the Tools used. | 01:47 |
7 | What is Tensorflow? | 06:11 |
8 | What is Keras? | 03:27 |
9 | Comparison between Keras and Tensorflow | 05:33 |
10 | Installation of Keras and Tensorflow | 01:22 |
11 | What is STM32 and X-CUBE AI | 01:55 |
12 | Development Board used | 01:14 |
13 | What is Supervised Learning? | 02:13 |
14 | What is Unsupervised Learning? | 01:59 |
15 | Artificial Neuron Vs Real Neuron | 02:19 |
16 | What is an Artificial Neural Network? | 02:36 |
17 | What are layers and Forward propagation in NN | 04:30 |
18 | What is an Activation Function? | 03:57 |
19 | What is Gradient and Gradient Descent? | 03:40 |
20 | Optimization Algorithm and Loss function | 04:24 |
21 | How a Neural Network Learns? | 04:27 |
22 | The Concept of Loss functions in detail | 02:56 |
23 | The process of training and testing a NN | 05:00 |
24 | Why Overfitting occurs in NN and How to avoid it? | 04:45 |
25 | Why Underfitting occurs in NN and How to avoid it? | 03:29 |
26 | Hyperparameter of NN -> Learning Rate | 03:16 |
27 | What is Batch and Batch size of a Training samples? | 03:19 |
28 | Transfer Learning and Fine tuning Hyperparametrs in NN | 05:21 |
29 | What is Convolution? | 06:06 |
30 | What is a Convolution Layer in NN? | 04:42 |
31 | What is Max Pooling Layer? | 03:58 |
32 | What is Dropout layer? | 01:44 |
33 | One Hot Encoding of Output Classes or Labels | 06:07 |
34 | What is Confusion Matrix? | 03:53 |
35 | Difference between with or without normalization Confusion matrix | 01:57 |
36 | Introduction To Python and Writing first Program | 06:25 |
37 | Inroduction to Numpy Package | 05:23 |
38 | Introduction to Pandas Package | 04:20 |
39 | Introduction to Matplotlib | 02:00 |
40 | Key Steps for the implementation of Edge AI | 03:27 |
41 | Accelerometer Sensor Module | 02:34 |
42 | C code to capture data from Accelerometer | 14:28 |
43 | Python Script to Collect and Save Data in Binary file | 08:52 |
44 | Python script to Clean and Label Data | 05:53 |
45 | Defining a Convolution Neural Network to Learn from Captured Data | 05:10 |
46 | Python Script to Train the Neural Network | 11:08 |
47 | How we captured data and trained the model on it | 02:10 |
48 | Performance Evaluation of the Model (Plotting Confusion Matrix) | 02:22 |
49 | Convert KERAS model to c code | 06:54 |
50 | Integration of generated c code to acccelerometer module code | 02:53 |
51 | Infer the Fault State on the machine (demo) | 03:11 |
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