Getting Started: Microservices Architecture

5h 21m 13s
June 7, 2024

Embark on a journey with 'Getting Started with Microservices Architecture' meticulously crafted by James Eastham, a Solution Architect at AWS. This course is your gateway to mastering the intricacies of microservices architecture, a pivotal skill in today's tech landscape. James, with his extensive real-world experience, delves deep into the fundamentals of microservices, ensuring a solid foundation for learners of all levels. This course is designed not only to impart theoretical knowledge but also to equip you with practical skills, essential for navigating the complexities of modern software development. Whether you're a budding developer, an aspiring architect, or a seasoned professional, this course offers valuable insights into the modular world of microservices. By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how microservices operate, how they enhance scalability and flexibility, and why they're a preferred choice for contemporary applications. Join James Eastham in this enlightening journey, and unlock the door to a new realm of architectural possibilities.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 00:52
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:22
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 01:39
4 The Monolith 05:28
5 Service Oriented Architecture 03:09
6 Microservices 03:43
7 Finding Microservice Boundaries 05:27
8 Key Concepts of Microservices 05:16
9 The Good and the Bad of Microservices 02:21
10 The Fallacies of Distributed Computing 04:33
11 Are microservices right for you? 04:15
12 Coupling 04:18
13 Understanding microservice boundaries 05:13
14 Sharing Data 04:19
15 Microservice Communication - Synchronous 02:36
16 Microservice Communication - Asynchronous 03:13
17 Dealing with Consistency 03:54
18 Microservice Deployment 03:30
19 Code sharing 04:40
20 Service Discovery 03:48
21 Optimize for rate of change 02:51
22 3.11How big is a microservice? 03:33
23 Enterprise Integration Patterns 03:43
24 Shared Data 05:46
25 Request/Response 12:39
26 Publish/Subscribe 06:57
27 Point to Point Integrations 06:19
28 Event Driven Architecture 10:02
29 Streaming & Batch Processing 05:57
30 Distributed transactions 10:48
31 Choosing the right communication method 05:23
32 Integrating with external services 07:50
33 API First Design 03:33
34 Everything fails all the time 04:35
35 Handling failures in microservices 04:11
36 Timeouts and retries 04:06
37 Circuit breakers 07:08
38 Bulkheads 05:01
39 Understanding idempotency 03:21
40 Vertical vs horizontal scaling 04:43
41 Caching 05:58
42 Chaos engineering and planning for failure 03:52
43 Optimize for feedback loops 03:32
44 Types of testing 04:39
45 Unit testing 05:16
46 Integration Testing 08:46
47 End to end tests, yes or no? 07:14
48 Testing in production 03:54
49 6.7 03:53
50 Containers or serverless? 05:19
51 The Basics of CI/CD 05:25
52 Deploy vs release 03:49
53 Canaries & Blue Green Deployments 07:28
54 Feature flagging 05:45
55 Observability vs monitoring 03:08
56 Distributed tracing 07:15
57 Log aggregation 05:03
58 Metrics 04:41
59 Alerting 05:24
60 Service Level Objectives 05:17
61 Conways Law 05:27
62 The Human Side of Microservices 03:22
63 Team Topologies 06:44
64 What about the frontend? 02:41
65 Shift left and autonomy 05:19

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