Ethereum Blockchain Developer Bootcamp With Solidity (2023)

23h 38m 36s
November 22, 2023

Do you want to be 'coding the smart contract revolution', but don't know where to start? Want to learn everything there is to know about solidity, with a 'learning by doing' approach? Are you interested in the 'big picture' of the blockchain industry, but often overwhelmed by it all? If so, this is the course for you! You will not only learn the fundamentals, but also the safe handling of solidity and the current industry best practices!


Rather than boring theory, this course is a direct lab entry where we Learn By Doing!

Our digestible HD video lessons will provide you a step by step framework on how to create, test, troubleshoot, deploy to various networks, and Use Smart Contracts in various scenarios and browsers.

We will illustrate the creation of a blockchain application from a to z!

Together We Will Develop A Blockchain Notary Office, test it, and then deploy it to different networks.

The steps we will be taking to build our blockchain application are...

  1. Solidity Basics

  2. Key Characteristics Of How The Blockchain Operates

  3. Our Notary Functionality in Solidity

  4. Understanding Tools & Ethereum

  5. Your Guide To Web 3.0

  6. Tools Of Web 3.0

  7. Understand The Different Blockchain Nodes

  8. Understanding Decentralisation At A Deeper Level

  9. Local Development With Truffle

  10. How to Develop Distributed Applications In HTML & JavaScript

  11. Publication Of Our Project

  • Basic Knowledge In JavaScript / HTML.
  • A Computer (Windows / Linux / Mac).
  • Advantageous: Basic Knowledge In C ++ / Java, Data Types.
  • Advantageous: Basic Knowledge With Git Repositories.
  • Advantageous: Basic Knowledge Of Solidity.
Who this course is for:
  • People Who Already Have Some Experience With Programming In General, But No Solidity Experience.
  • People Who Have Heard Of Ethereum, But Do Not Know How or Where To Start.
  • People Who Want To Know How This Technology Works.
  • People Who Wrote Simple Solidity Programs, But Want To Have A Deeper Understanding Of The Subject.
  • If You Heard About Blockchain Development But You Are Overwhelmed With The Ecosystem then Join This Course!

What you'll learn:

  • Understand The Tools Needed To Create Smart Contracts.
  • Write & Read Secure Solidity Code.
  • Avoiding & Understanding Of Costly Bugs And Blockchain Programming Errors.
  • Understanding Of The Development & Deployment Workflow.
  • Better Understand Of The Benefits & Disadvantages of Blockchain Technologies.
  • Use And Create Private Networks, Test Networks And The Public Main Network.
  • Understand How Transactions Are Structured.
  • How Gas & Gas Costs Can Be Calculated Correctly.
  • Write A Smart Contract On The Ethereum Blockchain And Be Able To Publish And Interact With It.
  • Understand The Difference Between Web3js And Truffle-Contract.
  • Write Tests With The Truffle Framework That Contribute To The Stability Of Smart Contracts.
  • Install, Configure & Use The Truffle Framework.
  • Deploy To IPFS.

Watch Online Ethereum Blockchain Developer Bootcamp With Solidity (2023)

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# Title Duration
1 Your Instructor For This Course 02:16
2 Who Is This Ethereum Course For? 02:15
3 Course Structure - So You Get The Most Out Of It 02:58
4 A Quick Note On Udemy Reviews 02:30
5 Section Overview 01:17
6 Setup Remix 01:42
7 Remix File Management 04:58
8 Starting, Stopping And Interacting With Smart Contracts 08:25
9 Blockchain Basics 11:14
10 Read And Write To Smart Contract 05:40
11 Section Wrap Up 10:20
12 Congratulations 01:03
13 Overview 01:35
14 Booleans 04:27
15 (Unsigned) Integers 09:30
16 Integer Rollover - SafeMath 05:02
17 Strings And Bytes 07:28
18 Address Types 04:13
19 (Behind The Scenes) The Msg. Object 03:57
20 Writing And Reading Functions - View Vs. Pure 06:00
21 Understanding The Constructor 03:43
22 Section Wrap Up 07:30
23 The Blockchain Messenger Implementation 03:55
24 Congratulations 00:59
25 Overview 01:18
26 Installing And Configuring Metamask 10:19
27 Get Free Ether And Send Transactions 13:37
28 (Behind The Scenes) Metamask 06:23
29 (Behind The Scenes) An Ethereum Transaction 10:28
30 (Behind The Scenes) Hashing 09:22
31 Cancel Or Update Ethereum Transactions 05:03
32 Remix And The Injected Web3 Provider 05:55
33 The Payable Modifier And Msg.value 08:58
34 (The Fallback Functions) Fallback And Receive 11:56
35 Section Summary 10:48
36 The Smart Money Implementation 10:22
37 Congratulations 01:09
38 Overview 01:03
39 Solidity Mappings 09:51
40 Mappings: A Wallet Example 10:03
41 Structs Vs. Child Contracts 11:52
42 Structs And Mappings 14:24
43 (Exceptions) Require 07:27
44 (Exceptions) Assert 04:50
45 Try/Catch In Solidity 09:37
46 Low-Level Solidity Calls In-Depth 19:06
47 Section Summary 15:35
48 The Smart Contract Wallet Implementation 19:57
49 Congratulations 01:41
50 Overview 01:01
51 Web3.js Introduction 08:55
52 Understanding The ABI Array 11:09
53 Events As Return Variables 05:36
54 Metamask, Web3.js, And Event Listeners 19:33
55 (Behind The Scenes) Events 07:12
56 Modifiers And Inheritance 08:24
57 (Behind The Scenes) Modifiers 05:24
58 (Behind The Scenes) Reserved Keywords 06:45
59 Destroying Smart Contracts With Self-Destruct 05:36
60 Block Explorers And Source Code Verification 12:01
61 The ERC20 Token Explained 18:47
62 Implementing An ERC20 Token Sale 13:48
63 Congratulations 01:23
64 Introduction To The NFT Project 01:24
65 Deploy ERC721 Token From OpenZeppelin As OpenSea NFT On Goerli Using Remix 14:33
66 How To Get Truffle Prerequisites On Your System For Windows, Linux And Mac 08:06
67 Start A New Truffle Project Correctly And Understand The Folder Structure 11:13
68 Truffle Migrations And How To Run Them From The Command Line Interface 10:51
69 Using The Truffle Console To Interact With Smart Contracts On All Networks 05:04
70 Write Your First Truffle Unit Test & Understand Advanced Event Assertions 15:41
71 Deploy A Smart Contract Using HDWallet Provider Vs. Truffle Dashboard 17:27
72 Debug Smart Contracts #1: Using Console.Log Inside Solidity Using Ganache 12:23
73 Debug Smart Contracts #2: Using The Powerful Truffle Debugger And Chain Forking 13:01
74 Summary: Truffle and Smart Contract Development 24:16
75 ERC20 Vs. ERC777 And ERC721 Vs. ERC1155 Tokens Explained 08:43
76 Hardhat Setup And Configuration Overview 12:02
77 Deploying To Görli With HardHat And Verifying Smart Contracts On Etherscan 09:38
78 Unit Testing With HardHat And Console.Log In Solidity 11:59
79 Installing and Configuring Foundry and Forge 05:13
80 Adding our NFT Contract to Foundry 04:15
81 Writing Unit Tests for Foundry and understanding VM Pranking 11:27
82 Deploy Smart Contracts using Foundry Scripts and Seed Phrases with Verification 08:36
83 Outro and Thank You 01:33
84 Welcome To The Course 04:58
85 Ownership, Possession And The Double Spending Problem 04:50
86 We Install MetaMask And Get Ether Into The Wallet 07:41
87 Behind The Scenes: MetaMask, Infura, Blockchain Nodes And The Ledger 04:49
88 Send Your First Transaction Using MetaMask 03:21
89 Behind The Scenes: Ethereum Transactions And Signatures, Private/Public-Keys 10:31
90 This Is How Blocks Are Chained Together - Cryptographic Hashing Explained 07:01
91 Housekeeping - Get The Most Out Of The Course! 08:19
92 LAB: Create Your First Smart Contract 06:44
93 Create Your First Smart Contract - Explained 08:18
94 LAB: Understanding Blockchain Nodes 06:01
95 Understanding Blockchain Nodes - Explained 09:15
96 LAB: Variables - (Unsigned) Integers In Solidity 04:11
97 LAB: Variables - Booleans 01:12
98 LAB: Variables - Understanding Integer Wrap Around 01:58
99 LAB: Variables - Addresses And Balances 03:43
100 LAB: Variables - Strings In Solidity 03:15
101 Solidity Value Type Variables - Explained 09:52
102 LAB: Understanding Addresses And The Msg-Object Step-By-Step 11:47
103 Addresses And The Global Msg.object - Explained 09:10
104 LAB: Starting, Stopping, Pausing And Deleting Smart Contracts 12:08
105 Starting, Stopping, Pausing And Deleting Information - Explained 08:55
106 LAB: Introduction To Mappings 08:49
107 LAB: Understanding Mappings By Example 10:42
108 LAB: Understanding Solidity Structs Step-By-Step 05:12
109 Mappings, Structs And Arrays - Explained 10:19
110 LAB: Exception Handling In Solidity - Require + Assert 07:30
111 Exception: Require Assert Revert - Explained 10:52
112 LAB: Constructor, The Fallback Function And View/Pure Getter Functions 12:06
113 Constructor, Fallback Function, View/Pure Functions And Function Visibility 08:55
114 Lab: Modifier, Inheritance, Importing Of Files 08:47
115 Modifier, Inheritance And Importing: Explained 03:21
116 Lab: Events And Return Variables 05:50
117 Events And Return Variables: Explained 09:42
118 LAB: The ABI Array And Debugging Explained 10:10
119 ABI Array, Debugging And Gas Introduction In Solidity Explained 10:43
120 Understanding Gas And Gas Costs Step-By-Step 07:45
121 LAB: Libraries And Using ... For 09:49
122 Libraries And Using ... For Explained Step-By-Step 03:31
123 UPDATE: Solidity 0.6.0 Breaking Changes Walkthrough 17:54
124 Introduction To The Project We Are Developing 03:59
125 Step 1: Define The Basic Smart Contract 02:58
126 Step 2: Securing The Smart Contract 03:36
127 Step 3: Re-Using OpenZepplin Smart Contracts 03:59
128 Step 4: Add Allowance Functionality 08:37
129 Step 5: Add Reduce-Allowance Functionality 05:29
130 Step 6: Improve The Smart Contract Structure For Better Auditability 01:34
131 Step 7: Add Events For The Allowance Smart Contract 05:01
132 Step 8: Add Events For The Simple Wallet Smart Contract 03:36
133 Step 9: Add The SafeMath Library 03:34
134 Step 10: Remove The RenounceOwnership Functionality 02:30
135 Step 11: The Final Smart Contract From Our Project 01:45
136 Installing NodeJS To Get Our Environment Set Up 03:54
137 Use Web3.js In The Node Console To Send Ether From One Account To The Other 12:54
138 Use Web3.JS In The Node Console To Interact With Smart Contracts 11:30
139 Using Web3.js With Chrome To Interact With Smart Contracts - Step-By-Step 08:09
140 Behind The Scenes: Web3.js, Blockchain Nodes, RPC, IPC, WebSocket Connections 09:28
141 Project Introduction: This Is What We Build 05:42
142 A Demo Of The Final Smart Contract Functionality 04:02
143 Solidity Part: Implement Approach 1 For Payment Notifications 08:43
144 Solidity Part: Test Approach 1 For Payment Notifications 03:24
145 Solidity Part: Improve Approach 1 For Flawless UX For Endusers 12:06
146 Solidity Part: Add Ownable Functionality And Why I Didn't Choose OpenZeppelin 04:21
147 Truffle - Introduction To The Truffle Framework And Truffle Boxes 08:39
148 The Truffle React Box Explained Line-By-Line 12:58
149 Replace Smart Contracts In The Truffle React Box 04:50
150 Modify the App.js And HTML Part In The React Box 12:07
151 Implement The Add-Item functionality To Our Smart Contracts For Item-Tracking 10:38
152 Add Event-Triggers To Track Payments And Start The Delivery-Process 07:22
153 Create Unit-Tests In Truffle To Maintain Code Quality 15:49
154 Let Me Introduce The "Big Picture" 06:09
155 This Is Where You Can Download Geth And How You Install It 02:20
156 This Happens When You Open Geth Without Any Additional Parameters 06:44
157 Log-Output from Geth Explained 05:03
158 This Is Where The Data Is Stored By Default In Geth 01:41
159 This Is How You Attach To A Running Geth Instance 03:05
160 We Are Working With The JavaScript JSON-API 07:02
161 This Is The Difference Between Blockchains and Networks 02:42
162 This Is The Genesis.json File 04:11
163 Let's Create Our Own Private Network With Go-Ethereum 04:01
164 First Steps With The JSON API And Our Private Network 06:04
165 This Is How I Mine Ether On My Private Network 07:23
166 Let Me Show You Some Important Tips and Tricks With Geth 03:34
167 Project Introduction: This Is What We Are building 03:02
168 Fungible vs. Non-Fungible Tokens Summarized 04:14
169 This Is How We Approach This Project: The Implementation Path 07:06
170 We Install Truffle And Initialize Our Project Using Truffle Boxes 02:19
171 Let's Add In The ERC20 Smart Contracts From OpenZeppelin 04:08
172 We Add Migrations For Truffle For The OpenZeppelin Smart Contracts 04:20
173 Let's Add Unit Tests Using Mocha, Chai, Chai-Expect And Chai-As-Promised 11:20
174 It's Time To Add More Unit Tests For Full Testing Of Our MyToken Smart Contract 08:09
175 We Add A Crowdsale Smart Contract For Solidity 0.6.x From OpenZeppelin 04:24
176 This Is How You Use The Crowdsale Smart Contract From OpenZeppelin 02:38
177 Let's Add The Migration For The MyTokenSale Smart Contract 05:39
178 Let's Fix The Unit Test And Encapsulate It From The Other Tests 03:09
179 Let's Consolidate Our Configuration In Truffle Into One .env File Using dotenv 05:36
180 Let's Write A Crowdsale Unit Test Using Mocha And Chai 04:46
181 Fix Multiple Truffle Tests Using A Common Setup For Chai And Chai Expect 03:11
182 Let's Add The Remaining Unit Tests Into Our Crowdsale 06:56
183 We Add A KYC Smart Contract Solution Mockup For Our Crowdsale With Whitelisting 10:52
184 Let's Adapt The React Frontend For Our TokenSale App 09:54
185 Let's Add The KYC Whitelisting Functionality To Our Frontend 06:36
186 Fix Common Errors With Accounts, Contracts And Private Keys 09:14
187 Use Truffle HDWallet Provider To Deploy Smart Contracts 11:44
188 Buy Tokens Using MetaMask And The Send Functionality 05:42
189 Display Tokens Directly In MetaMask 02:43
190 Display And Buy Tokens Via The Website Using Web3.js 09:48
191 Deployment Of The Smart Contracts To Ropsten Using Infura 07:44
192 Introduction 02:04
193 Essential Soft Skills Recruiters Require 10:17
194 Conclusion 00:52

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