End to End Test Automation with Playwright (JS/TS/C#/Java)

10h 24m 42s
November 20, 2023

In this course End to End Test Automation with Playwright, we will learn Playwright from the complete ground up to more advanced concepts which anyone requires to automate their Modern/Legacy web applications in a modern way!


As we all know Playwright enables fast, reliable, and capable automation across all modern browsers and support running different platforms like macOS, Windows, Linux, and its related containers, it's super easy to automate applications with Playwright in various popular language bindings such as Javascript, Typescript, Java, C#, Go, Python!

In this course, we will discuss:

  • Introduction to Playwright (JS)

  • Understanding basic building blocks of Playwright (JS)

  • Basic UI operations with Playwright (JS)

  • Playwright Test Runner  and Folio (TS)

  • Modern Playwright feature for Modern app testing (JS)

  • Hands-On Labs ?

  • Framework designs with Playwright (JS)

  • Playwright with C# language binding

  • Playwright with Java Language binding

  • Playwright framework development with TS/Java/C# language binding

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 10:21
2 Installing Playwright in MacOS (Same for Windows as well) 04:56
3 Writing Simple getting started code with Playwright 12:15
4 Working with Playwright CLI - An way to easily start automating in playwright 07:06
5 Working with Playwright Inspector with CodeGen 10:13
6 Understanding Playwright History 06:06
7 Summary 00:58
8 Introduction 04:32
9 Understanding Playwright Browser Interface 05:54
10 Understanding and working with BrowserContext 08:20
11 Understanding Playwright UI Locators and different ways to identify them 06:04
12 Working with different Locators 10:24
13 Understanding Playwright UI Controls 02:13
14 Recording UI Controls via Playwright CLI 05:41
15 Understanding Playwright way to handle UI controls (Button/Text/Checkbox/Select) 06:11
16 Playwright Auto wait and understanding Actionability 05:03
17 Debugging Playwright code like breeze 02:17
18 Breaking UI and verifying if Playwright auto-waits for the controls to appear 06:34
19 Summary 01:37
20 Introduction 02:19
21 Perform Simple Login Operation with EA Employee App (Skippable content) 06:29
22 Performing Mouse Hover operation 05:04
23 Performing File Upload operation 06:41
24 Cross-Browser Screenshot capture 04:56
25 Working with Jest Puppeteer Test Runner 08:47
26 Summary 00:50
27 Introduction to Playwright Test Runner 06:07
28 Understanding and Installing Playwright Test Runner 12:54
29 Understanding Folio - An custom Test runner framework 11:08
30 Accessing Test Fixture of Folio from Test (Spec) file 04:29
31 Real-Time usage of Folio Test Fixture with Playwright 03:41
32 Creating test fixture to extend BrowserOptions of Playwright 08:34
33 Creating test fixture to extend ContextOptions of Playwright 04:47
34 Assessing Folio Test Fixture as External file from Tests(Spec) 04:15
35 Understanding Custom Test Runner parameters in Folio 04:57
36 Creating custom Test runner parameters to run different browser test configs 11:12
37 Skipping Test based on conditions in Playwright Test Runner 08:44
38 Running ONLY specific Tests in Playwright Test Runner 01:04
39 Introduction 01:48
40 Page Tracing with Playwright 10:27
41 Page Tracing with Screenshot and specific category 04:58
42 Page Tracing and extract screenshot as output 06:15
43 Video Recording of Test execution 04:47
44 Generating PDF of Page 03:34
45 Using Chrome from your local machine instead of Chromium of Playwright 02:55
46 Browser Emulations with different device resolutions 06:22
47 Network Interception of Pages 07:50
48 Get Page Events and error logs from Chrome Dev Tools 07:38
49 Summary 00:49
50 Building our own Ad blocker with Network Interception 10:40
51 Intercepting API server to set Mock data 04:05
52 Intercepting API server to set Mock data and verify response 09:44
53 Intercepting Production site and check interception behaviour 05:47
54 Introduction 04:01
55 Get Cookies from Site 05:12
56 Set Cookies from Site 06:01
57 Data driven testing on EA Employee App site 06:38
58 Delete Dynamically created Row data from grid table 04:09
59 Extract grid table data from UI 06:18
60 Introduction 07:14
61 Page Object Model with Playwright (JS) 06:22
62 Page Object Model with Playwright (Contd) 06:36
63 Running Test with Playwright code 03:07
64 Introduction 05:04
65 Playwright Java setup with IntelliJ and writing simple test 08:39
66 Understanding Playwright Java binding indepth 07:04
67 Network Interception with Playwright 04:39
68 Framework browser Initialise and base structure creation 05:35
69 Framework Config creation 02:47
70 Framework Initialize creation 04:36
71 Putting all the pieces together and run the Playwright Test 03:26
72 Understanding and creating Page Object Model with Playwright Java 09:37
73 Running EA Employee App test with Page Object Model (POM) 03:42
74 Understanding and working with Page Navigation in Playwright 03:37
75 Running complete test in POM model 05:00
76 Creating custom configuration for the framework to read 03:55
77 Running test with Custom Configuration 03:11
78 Introduction 02:50
79 Installation and getting started with Cucumber 03:28
80 Implementing Step definition in cucumber 05:33
81 Creating Cucumber Hooks 03:38
82 Creating and working with DataTables 02:51
83 Creating Cucumber Table Model builder 07:24
84 Creating Cucumber Table transformers with @DataTableType annotations 03:35
85 Generating Cucumber reports 04:42
86 Introduction 03:29
87 Installing and writing simple code with Playwright C# 05:52
88 Understanding Playwright C# code 04:22
89 Network Interception with Playwright 06:10
90 Summary 01:01
91 Introduction 02:59
92 Creating Playwright C# Driver Method 06:37
93 Page Object Model with Playwright C# - HomePage 06:35
94 Page Object Model and Execution with Playwright C# - LoginPage 04:42
95 Understanding and fixing Async C# issues 06:06
96 BDD Specflow with Playwright C# 06:13
97 Specflow Step definition implementation and execution 07:03
98 Get Element property and resolving the async methods in Playwright C# 05:41
99 Implementing Specflow Hooks 08:12
100 Understanding Parallel execution of Playwright with NUnit and Specflow 02:40
101 Parallel execution of Playwright tests in Specflow 04:37
102 Introduction 02:08
103 CI/CD Code for GitHub Actions to execute the Playwright Test 10:09
104 Check-in code to GitHub Repo 03:47
105 GitHub Action - Code Execution with Playwright Test Runner command 10:07
106 GitHub Actions - Playwright Test with test artifacts 04:35
107 Azure DevOps - Repo creation/Build Pipeline creation/Execution 05:35
108 Azure DevOps - Playwright Folio with Browser params 03:17
109 Introduction 01:20
110 Working with iFrames in Playwright 06:11
111 Working with Popup windows in Playwright 06:03
112 Playwright Test Runner now inbuilt within Playwright Package and New features ! 07:18

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