Best Full-Stack SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit - SaaSBold
SaaSBold is a ready-to-use, full-stack SaaS template and starter kit. Built on Next.js, React, and Node.js, it provides all the necessary integrations and features for seamless SaaS product development. SaaSBold allows for quick project launch with a one-click deployment capability on Vercel.
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Features and Advantages:
1. Payments and Subscriptions
- Full integration with Stripe and LemonSqueezy for convenient billing.
- Dynamic creation of payment sessions.
- Working with webhooks to update user accounts (subscriptions, one-time payments).
2. Authentication
- Flexible authentication system using Auth.js.
- Support for Magic Link, social logins (Google, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook), and classic email/password authentication.
- Automatic synchronization of user data with PostgreSQL.
- Protected pages and secure API calls.
3. Transactional Emails
- Convenient email sending (activation, password reset, magic link).
- SMTP integration for stable operation.
- Built-in email templates for various purposes.
4. Database
- Integration with PostgreSQL via Prisma ORM.
- Ability to switch to other databases (MySQL, MongoDB).
- Efficient data management and high performance.
5. Admin Panel
- User management, analytics (in development), operation control.
- Ability to log in under user accounts.
6. User Dashboard
- Account settings management.
- Simple navigation and intuitive interface.
- Support for real-time updates and notifications (in development).
7. Mailing
- Integration with Mailchimp for automatic addition of new users and email sending.
8. Internationalization
- Support for language switching and localization (in development).
9. AI Integration
- Built-in support for OpenAI SDK for developing AI applications.
SaaSBold: Comprehensive Solution for Building SaaS
A complete package for SaaS development, including a ready-made landing page, key integrations, business pages, user-friendly admin and user panels, a functional blog using Sanity, and much more.
Key Features:
1. SaaS Landing Page
- Ready-made modern landing page for attracting users.
- High-quality design styled using Tailwind CSS.
- Functional frontend on Next.js.
2. Modern Technologies
- Built on the latest frameworks for a reliable and scalable architecture.
- Using React and Next.js.
- PostgreSQL with Prisma ORM for database management.
3. Essential Integrations
- Stripe for payments and subscriptions.
- NextAuth for multi-factor authentication.
- SMTP/Email API for transactional emails.
- Sanity for blog content management.
- MailChimp for mailing.
4. Ready Pages and Components
- Authentication pages (login, registration, password recovery).
- Business pages (pricing, about, features).
- Blog (main, categories, tags, articles).
5. Functional Blog with Sanity
- Easy publication management through Sanity CMS.
- Integration via Sanity API and webhooks.
- SEO optimization and flexible customization.
6. SEO and Performance Optimization
- Dynamic Opengraph metadata.
- Site resource optimization for fast loading.
- Ready-to-use SEO kit.
7. Admin Panel
- User and access rights management.
- Viewing key statistics.
- User-friendly interface for managing SaaS operations.
8. User Dashboard
- Intuitive management of settings and resources.
- Easy account settings adjustments and resource access.
9. Design Source Files in Figma
- Fully editable Figma design files with detailed style guides.
- Ability to customize components and overall visual style.
SaaSBold provides everything necessary for creating a successful SaaS product, speeding up the development process and helping you achieve excellent results with minimal effort.
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