Webpack 4: Beyond the Basics

5h 26m 56s
November 22, 2023

Welcome to the web hacker's cookbook for building modern javascript applications using the Webpack module loader and asset bundler. I aim to make this Beyond the Basics course accessible to all skill levels.  It's geared towards people who've seen the basics and messed around a bit, but still don't feel they understand Webpack. Each episode is written and rehearsed beforehand. They're edited so as to make best use of your time. There's not a wasted moment in any of these lessons.


With project centered content building real-world Webpack apps that you and your company can use from the very first line of code.  First we look at the optimal Webpack development setup . Follow and code along as we build a Markdown blog, like Ghost, with Hot Module Reloading, Babel, and debugging in Node. We then move into how Webpack optimizes your production bundles, as we solidify the boilerplate into a portfolio website.

The final project is a doozy. We expand the portfolio site to a multi-domain node rewrite of Wordpress MU, Tumblr or SquareSpace.  So you can run multiple domain names from a single node server process.  We dig into the latest Webpack 4 features, including Server-side Rendering, dynamic imports with "magic comments" and we finish with Universal React components and CSS Chunks in Parallel.  You will definitely want to get to the end of this course.

Along the way I'll discuss all the frameworks and libraries Webpack integrates with.  Whether you're working on an legacy Rails or other backend project or just want to create something beautiful with EJS, Pug, Handlebars, Sass, Less or Stylus, CSS Modules, Angular or Vue JS there's a method and I'll give you the keys to build your site the way you want it.


  • You should have some initial training or experience working with code and installing programs.

  • You should have a desire to move quickly and dive deeply into the why and how of these libraries

  • You should know what the command line is and have a code editor and be prepared to follow along.

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants visual, code-driven guidance through more than the usual webpack setup.
  • Anyone who wants to see working examples of real-world webpack weirdness and edge-cases not covered in other courses.
  • Anyone who wants to know way more than their co-worker about modern javascript development.

What you'll learn:

  • Roll your own Hot-reloading Webpack boilerplate from scratch.
  • Optimize your Frontend Assets for Quick, small Production Code.
  • Build a Portfolio or Blog with Markdown Based Posts
  • Deep dives into code, including Webpack Plugins and Loaders
  • Achieve the "Holy Grail" of Webpack: Server-side Rendering while Code Splitting in Parallel.
  • Grok the internal workings of Webpack, Babel, Node and more Javascript libraries.
  • Build a Multi-domain app like SquareSpace, Wordpress MU or Tumblr
  • Use the Chrome DevTools to debug, inspect and audit the performance of their code.
  • Secure Your Site in the Cloud with SSL and Heroku

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# Title Duration
1 How to get help with this Course 01:10
2 Additional Course Materials and Code 01:36
3 Up and Running with Webpack Dev Server 07:38
4 Our First Loaders for CSS 05:24
5 Better Errors and Loaders for HTML & Images 10:41
6 Babel Basics 04:11
7 Babel Polyfills, Transforms & Presets 07:55
8 DIY Webpack Dev Server with Express Middleware 09:57
9 Hot Reloading Both Client and Server 05:45
10 Debugging Node with Chrome DevTools 05:29
11 Hooking Up React 06:51
12 Hooking up React - Part 2: Stateful Reloading 09:40
13 Hooking up HTML Preprocessors like EJS/Pug/Handlebars 08:09
14 Hooking up CSS Preprocessors like SASS/LESS & Stylus 11:34
15 Hooking up Typescript 2 06:42
16 Hooking up Angular 5 13:36
17 Setup Production Hosting with Heroku 09:39
18 Production Ready CSS 07:03
19 Optimizing Javascript with Environment Variables 07:22
20 Optimizing Javascript with Minification and Mangling 07:16
21 Optimizing All Assets with GZip and Brotili Compression 07:33
22 Building out the Blog with React 06:06
23 Parsing Markdown for Blogging and Meta Data 08:11
24 SplitChunks and the Bundle Analyzer 06:42
25 Server-side Render JS with Express and React 09:19
26 Server-side Render any Filetype with Webpack 07:22
27 Unified Compilation - Part 1 07:45
28 Unified Compilation - Part 2 09:38
29 Adding Multiple Pages with React Router 11:05
30 Dynamic Import Syntax 03:58
31 React Universal Components 09:55
32 Async JS/CSS Chunk Loading in Parallel (aka the Holy Grail) 11:18
33 2 Strategies for Multiple-Domains in Development 08:28
34 Scoping Your Data per Domain 10:40
35 Theming CSS per Domain 07:28
36 Build out the Articles Pages for our 2 Heroes 16:21
37 Redux Basics: The store, the reducer and the action. 10:53
38 Fetching Articles from an API with Redux Thunk 12:01
39 Webpack 4 Upgrade Guide 13:31
40 What do you want to see next? 01:04

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