The Git & Github Bootcamp
The following sentence is annoying, but also true: the best time to learn Git was yesterday. Fortunately, the second best time is today! Git is an essential tool for work in any code-related field, from data science to game development to machine learning. This course covers everything you need to know to start using Git and Github in the real-world today!
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The course's 20+ sections are broken down into four separate units:
Git Essentials
Next Level Git
Github & Collaboration
The Tricky Bits
We start off with Git Essentials. The goal of this unit is to give you all the essential Git tools you need for daily use. We start off talking about version control software, what it is, why it matters, and the history of Git. Then we install Git and run through the Unix commands you'll need to work with Git (you can skip this if you're already familiar). The bulk of this unit is focused on teaching the core Git mechanics like committing and branching and the associated concepts: the working directory, the repository, the staging area, etc. We cover Git commands including: git init, git add, git commit, git status, git log, git branch, and git merge. We end with a detailed look at branching, merging, and resolving conflicts.
Then we move on to out Next Level Git unit, where we cover additional commands and Git concepts that are extremely useful, but maybe not as "core" as the Git Essentials. We start with a comprehensive look at the gif diff command and the various comparisons that we can make between commits, branches, the working directory, the staging area, and more! We pay special attention to reading and parsing the dense output generated by diffs. Then we shift our focus to stashing with the git stash command, a "convenience command" that many users love incorporating into their Git workflow. Finally, we dive deep into undoing changes and time traveling with Git. We learn how to revisit earlier work, detach and re-attach HEAD, and discard changes. We cover git commands that help us undo changes including git checkout, git restore, git reset, and git revert.
Next up, we change gears to focus on Github & Collaboration. We start by exploring Github (and similar tools) that host remote repositories and discussing the benefits they provide. We create our own Github repositories and sync up changes between our remote and local repositories using the git push, git pull, and git fetch commands. We then focus on commonly used collaboration workflows that students may encounter in the real world: feature branching, pull requests, forking & cloning, and more! We discuss contributing to open source projects and configuring Github repositories for collaboration. We also spend some time learning about useful Github features including Github Gists and Github Pages for free static hosting.
The last unit in the course, The Tricky Bits, is really just a collection of useful Git command and advanced topics. We start by covering one of the "scarier" Git commands: rebasing! We discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of rebasing and compare it to merging. Then we learn how to clean up our Git history by rewording, editing, dropping, and squashing commits using the interactive rebase command. Next, we discuss Git tags (lightweight and annotated tags) semantic versioning and tagging workflows. After that, we move on to a deep dive into the inner workings of Git. We discuss the files and folders Git uses internally, the role of hashing functions in Git, and the role of Git objects (blobs, trees, etc.). Next, we talk about reference logs and the git reflog command. Specifically, we learn how we can use reflogs to rescue "lost" commits and undo rebases. Finally, we learn how to write custom and powerful Git aliases!
Throughout the course, you'll find tons and tons of diagrams and visual references I've created to try and explain Git. The course also includes exercises I've tested on my in-person students, to give you an opportunity to practice the concepts in the course along the way. If you are reading this sentence, I congratulate you on making it this far :) I hope you enjoy the course!
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome To The Course! | 04:27 |
2 | What The Course Covers | 03:53 |
3 | A Note On The Exercises | 02:08 |
4 | Accessing The Slides & Diagrams | 01:10 |
5 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:25 |
6 | What Exactly Is Git? | 03:09 |
7 | Visualizing Git | 06:50 |
8 | A Quick History Of Git | 05:04 |
9 | Who Uses Git? | 06:00 |
10 | Git Vs. Github: What's The Difference? | 03:26 |
11 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:56 |
12 | Installing Git: Terminal Vs. GUIs | 06:17 |
13 | WINDOWS Git Installation | 08:54 |
14 | MAC Git Installation | 03:28 |
15 | Configuring Your Git Name & Email | 04:14 |
16 | Installing GitKraken (Our GUI) | 03:47 |
17 | Terminal Crash Course: Introduction | 03:05 |
18 | Terminal Crash Course: Navigation | 12:19 |
19 | Terminal Crash Course: Creating Files & Folders | 09:48 |
20 | Terminal Crash Course: Deleting Files & Folders | 06:43 |
21 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:13 |
22 | What Is A Git Repo? | 04:06 |
23 | Our First Commands: Git Init and Git Status | 03:55 |
24 | The Mysterious .Git Folder | 03:35 |
25 | A Common Early Git Mistake | 03:33 |
26 | The Committing Workflow Overview | 06:25 |
27 | Staging Changes With Git Add | 07:16 |
28 | Finally, The Git Commit Command! | 04:52 |
29 | The Git Log Command (And More Committing) | 08:25 |
30 | Committing Exercise | 07:51 |
31 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:14 |
32 | Navigating The Git Documentation | 04:07 |
33 | Keeping Your Commits Atomic | 06:21 |
34 | Commit Messages: Present Or Past Tense? | 03:10 |
35 | Escaping VIM & Configuring Git's Default Editor | 09:02 |
36 | A Closer Look At The Git Log Command | 04:07 |
37 | Committing With A GUI | 06:26 |
38 | Fixing Mistakes With Amend | 05:00 |
39 | Ignoring Files w/ .gitignore | 10:42 |
40 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:06 |
41 | Introducing Branches | 05:33 |
42 | The Master Branch (Or Is It Main?) | 04:44 |
43 | What On Earth Is HEAD? | 05:38 |
44 | Viewing All Branches With Git Branch | 01:23 |
45 | Creating & Switching Branches | 07:57 |
46 | More Practice With Branching | 05:28 |
47 | Another Option: Git Checkout Vs. Git Switch | 04:39 |
48 | Switching Branches With Unstaged Changes? | 03:57 |
49 | Deleting & Renaming Branches | 05:34 |
50 | How Git Stores HEAD & Branches | 05:28 |
51 | Branching Exercise | 08:10 |
52 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:47 |
53 | An Introduction To Merging | 05:17 |
54 | Performing A Fast Forward Merge | 04:32 |
55 | Visualizing Merges | 04:37 |
56 | Generating Merge Commits | 09:44 |
57 | Oh No! Merge Conflicts! | 03:19 |
58 | Resolving Merge Conflicts | 08:14 |
59 | Using VSCode To Resolve Conflicts | 07:42 |
60 | Merging Exercise | 11:07 |
61 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:52 |
62 | Introducing The Git Diff Command | 04:30 |
63 | A Guide To Reading Diffs | 10:26 |
64 | Viewing Unstaged Changes | 03:52 |
65 | Viewing Working Directory Changes | 03:29 |
66 | Viewing Staged Changes | 02:06 |
67 | Diffing Specific Files | 02:41 |
68 | Comparing Changes Across Branches | 04:45 |
69 | Comparing Changes Across Commits | 02:10 |
70 | Visualizing Diffs With GUIs | 06:26 |
71 | Diff Exercise | 11:15 |
72 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:47 |
73 | Why We Need Git Stash | 07:46 |
74 | Stashing Basics: Git Stash Save & Pop | 03:44 |
75 | Practicing With Git Stash | 03:26 |
76 | Git Stash Apply | 04:11 |
77 | Working With Multiple Stashes | 06:42 |
78 | Dropping & Clearing The Stash | 02:13 |
79 | Stashing Exercise | 05:05 |
80 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:10 |
81 | Checking Out Old Commits | 07:10 |
82 | Re-Attaching Our Detached HEAD! | 05:35 |
83 | Referencing Commits Relative to HEAD | 04:03 |
84 | Discarding Changes With Git Checkout | 05:17 |
85 | Un-Modifying With Git Restore | 06:06 |
86 | Un-Staging Changes With Git Restore | 04:04 |
87 | Undoing Commits With Git Reset | 07:46 |
88 | Reverting Commits With...Git Revert | 06:27 |
89 | Undoing Changes Exercise | 10:06 |
90 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:40 |
91 | What Does Github Do For Us? | 06:24 |
92 | Why You Should Use Github! | 04:37 |
93 | Cloning Github Repos With Git Clone | 08:15 |
94 | Cloning Non-Github Repos | 02:56 |
95 | Github Setup: SSH Config | 07:32 |
96 | Creating Our First Github Repo! | 06:03 |
97 | A Crash Course on Git Remotes | 07:05 |
98 | Introducing Git Push | 08:49 |
99 | Touring A Github Repo | 03:42 |
100 | Practice With Git Push | 04:00 |
101 | Another Github Workflow: Cloning First | 04:21 |
102 | Main & Master: Github Default Branches | 06:11 |
103 | Github Basics Exercise | 10:26 |
104 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:21 |
105 | Remote Tracking Branches: WTF Are They? | 06:00 |
106 | Checking Out Remote Tracking Branches | 07:20 |
107 | Working With Remote Branches | 09:34 |
108 | Git Fetch: The Basics | 05:47 |
109 | Demonstrating Git Fetch | 09:27 |
110 | Git Pull: The Basics | 04:14 |
111 | Git Pull & Merge Conflicts | 05:13 |
112 | A Shorter Syntax For Git Pull? | 05:09 |
113 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:31 |
114 | Github Repo Visibility: Public Vs. Private | 05:38 |
115 | Adding Github Collaborators | 04:04 |
116 | Github Collaboration Demo | 07:17 |
117 | What are READMEs? | 04:29 |
118 | A Markdown Crash Course | 09:48 |
119 | Adding a README To A Project | 04:42 |
120 | Creating Github Gists | 05:57 |
121 | Introducing Github Pages | 05:04 |
122 | Github Pages Demo | 09:57 |
123 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:32 |
124 | The Pitfalls Of A Centralized Workflow | 07:42 |
125 | Centralized Workflow Demonstration | 11:37 |
126 | The All-Important Feature Branch Workflow | 07:13 |
127 | Feature Branch Workflow Demo | 13:14 |
128 | Merging Feature Branches | 04:34 |
129 | Introducing Pull Requests | 09:07 |
130 | Making Our First Pull Request | 06:26 |
131 | Merging Pull Requests With Conflicts | 11:34 |
132 | Configuring Branch Protection Rules | 06:22 |
133 | Introducing Forking | 03:29 |
134 | Forking Demonstration | 05:30 |
135 | The Fork & Clone Workflow | 06:31 |
136 | Fork & Clone Workflow Demonstration | 11:21 |
137 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:33 |
138 | Why is Rebasing Scary? Is it? | 02:37 |
139 | Comparing Merging & Rebasing | 07:13 |
140 | Rebase Demo Pt 1: Setup & Merging | 07:15 |
141 | Rebasing Demo Pt 2: Actually Rebasing | 09:24 |
142 | The Golden Rule: When NOT to Rebase | 05:09 |
143 | Handling Conflicts & Rebasing | 06:28 |
144 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:09 |
145 | Introducing Interactive Rebase | 03:14 |
146 | Rewording Commits With Interactive Rebase | 10:45 |
147 | Fixing Up & Squashing Commits With Interactive Rebase | 07:18 |
148 | Dropping Commits With Interactive Rebase | 03:28 |
149 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:42 |
150 | The Idea Behind Git Tags | 03:42 |
151 | A Side Note On Semantic Versioning | 06:59 |
152 | Viewing & Searching Tags | 06:24 |
153 | Comparing Tags With Git Diff | 04:23 |
154 | Creating Lightweight Tags | 03:57 |
155 | Creating Annotated Tags | 03:36 |
156 | Tagging Previous Commits | 01:36 |
157 | Replacing Tags With Force | 01:34 |
158 | Deleting Tags | 00:52 |
159 | IMPORTANT: Pushing Tags | 03:41 |
160 | What Really Matters In This Section | 02:02 |
161 | Working With The Local Config File | 09:56 |
162 | Inside Git: The Refs Directory | 06:58 |
163 | Inside Git: The HEAD file | 02:25 |
164 | Inside Git: The Objects Directory | 02:52 |
165 | A Crash Course On Hashing Functions | 07:02 |
166 | Git As A Key-Value Datastore | 03:53 |
167 | Hashing With Git Hash-Object | 08:43 |
168 | Retrieving Data With Git Cat-File | 08:52 |
169 | Deep Dive Into Git Objects: Blobs | 03:09 |
170 | Deep Dive Into Git Objects: Trees | 08:58 |
171 | Deep Dive Into Git Objects: Commits | 14:06 |
172 | What Really Matters In This Section | 01:35 |
173 | Introducing Reflogs | 06:25 |
174 | The Limitations of Reflogs | 01:19 |
175 | The Git Reflog Show Command | 07:06 |
176 | Passing Reflog References Around | 04:51 |
177 | Time-Based Reflog Qualifiers | 05:28 |
178 | Rescuing Lost Commits With Reflog | 07:09 |
179 | Undoing A Rebase w/ Reflog - It's A Miracle! | 09:45 |
180 | What Matters In This Section | 01:06 |
181 | The Global Git Config File | 04:25 |
182 | Writing Our First Git Alias | 03:13 |
183 | Setting Aliases From The Command Line | 01:35 |
184 | Aliases With Arguments | 04:20 |
185 | Exploring Existing Useful Aliases Online | 05:36 |
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