Master Gatsby (Master Package)

11h 57m 6s
November 1, 2023

Building modern websites is tough. Preloading, routing, compression, critical CSS, caching, scaling and bundlers all make for blazing fast websites, but extra development and tooling get in the way. Gatsby is a React.js framework that does it all for you. This course will teach you how to build your websites and let Gatsby take care of all the Hard Stuff.


What Will You Build?

Together we build a website for a local pizza joint called Slick's Slices. The site includes everything you'd run into in building a website today and is meant to be a nice copy/paste reference for the sites you build.

Some of the topics we touch upon are:

  • Multiple Data Types
  • Custom Fields
  • Progressive Images
  • Relational Data
  • Scoped CSS
  •  Sourcing Data from a REST API
  • Sourcing Data from a CMS 
  • Tags + Filtering
  • Reusable Components
  • Dynamically Generated pages
  • Pagination
  •  Dynamic Order Form
  •  Client side Fetching
  •  Cross Page State Management
  •  SEO + Meta Tags
  •  Emailing of Order
  •  Building
  •  Deployment & Hosting

In this course we also write all the CSS to style the website.

We will learn fun things like CSS Variables, Layouts with Grid (and sub-grid!), Flexbox, clamp(), @supports queries, transforms, scoping CSS, responsive design and so much more!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:03
2 Tooling and Starter File Setup 13:18
3 What is Gatsby? Why is it so awesome? 09:04
4 Pages in Gatsby 11:18
5 Routing and Navigation in Gatsby 10:57
6 Creating Layouts in Gatsby 17:35
7 Global Styles 14:32
8 Typography 03:16
9 Styling the Nav and Logo 17:15
10 Styling our Layout 12:04
11 Setting up our Headless CMS 15:34
12 Creating the Toppings Content Type and custom previews 11:05
13 Creating Data Relationships 16:03
14 Creating our Person Data Type 04:17
15 Custom CMS Inputs in Sanity 17:38
16 An intro to gatsby-config and sourcing data 08:32
17 Sourcing Sanity Data and GraphQL Introduction 19:33
18 Learning Gatsby Queries 24:08
19 Gatsby Images 13:03
20 Loading in Sample Data 04:57
21 Styling our Pizza Grid with CSS subgrid 08:05
22 Static Queries and Building the Toppings Filter 26:07
23 Dynamically creating pages with gatsby-node 22:42
24 Templating and Styling our Single Pizza Page 04:45
25 Dynamically Creating Toppings Pages 22:38
26 Sourcing Data from an external API 14:32
27 Querying, Displaying and Styling the Beers Page 12:00
28 Querying and Displaying Pagination 13:07
29 Paginating Data in Gatsby 16:22
30 Filtering the data based on Pagination 03:53
31 Creating a reusable Pagination Component 20:25
32 Single Slicemaster Pages 08:33
33 Gatsby SEO and Head Tags 26:21
34 Creating the Order page with Custom Hooks 28:37
35 Styling our Order Form 09:58
36 Custom Hook for our Order Form 18:56
37 Calculating our Order Total 06:16
38 Moving our Order State to React Context with a custom Provider 13:54
39 An Intro to Serverless Functions 16:26
40 Modifying our Custom Hook to send the order data 20:44
41 Coding our Serverless Function 12:45
42 Setting Error, Loading and Success States 08:40
43 Creating a Honey Pot to defend against bots 06:57
44 Creating a one-off Store Settings Page 14:28
45 Custom Hook for Client Side Data Fetching 24:47
46 Creating a Skeleton Screen while Loading Items 18:22
47 Displaying the Home Page Data 20:33
48 Building and Deploying our Headless Sanity CMS 03:27
49 Building our Gatsby Site 03:29
50 Deploying to Netlify 17:19
51 Hosting the Gatsby Website on your own server 04:13
52 Making the Website Responsive 22:33

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