Ionic 4 - Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular

19h 48m 52s
November 1, 2023

Ionic is one of the most exciting technologies you can learn at the moment - it enables you to use one codebase (written in HTML, JS and CSS) to build and ship apps as normal (progressive) web apps as well as real native mobile apps for iOS and Android. This course teaches you the latest version of Ionic from scratch with no prior knowledge about it assumed.


Angular (formerly Angular 2) allows you to create awesome web applications powered by TypeScript / JavaScript. Wouldn't it be great to use that Angular knowledge to build web applications that can be compiled into native mobile apps, running on any iOS or Android device? And also publish them as progressive web apps at the same time.

The Ionic framework allows you to do just that! Use your existing Angular, HTML, JS and CSS knowledge and build your native mobile app with that! Ionic offers a lot of beautiful components (which you'll learn about in this course) that can be used to compose native-like user interfaces.

Capacitor (another tool provided by the Ionic team) will handle the rest as it's used to then build a native mobile app for iOS/ Android based on your code. This allows you to focus on the things you know and release your application on all possible devices (desktop and mobile) without having to learn thousands of different languages! Indeed, with Ionic, you can use one codebase to ship three different apps (iOS, Android, web).

No wonder that hybrid frameworks like Ionic are extremely popular and in high demand!

My name is Maximilian Schwarzmüller and I'm a freelance web developer as well as creator of many 5-star rated courses here on Udemy - including my "Angular - The Complete Guide" course, the bestselling Angular course on Udemy!

I love creating awesome web applications and it simply is amazing to now use that knowledge and build native mobile apps with it, too!

This course takes your from zero to published app, taking a very practice-orientated route. You'll a realistic app (where users can create and book events) throughout the course, learning about the basics of Ionic, its rich component library, how to fetch and handle user input, how to store data and access native device features and much more!

You'll dive into all important Ionic components as well as concepts like navigation (tabs, sidemenus), user input, native device features (e.g. camera), storage, http, authentication!

And since building apps is only part of the fun, you'll of course also learn how to run your apps either in the browser, on an emulator or on your own device!

What exactly are you going to learn then?

  • A brief refresher on Angular

  • How to set up your Ionic projects

  • The basics about Ionic - How navigation works, how your project is structured and you use its rich component library

  • How to use the many beautiful components Ionic ships with

  • How to use different kinds of navigation concepts: "Back"-Button-Navigation, tabs and sidemenus

  • How to show modals, alerts, toasts and many, many more useful UI components

  • How to test the app in the browser, on emulators or real devices

  • How to fetch and handle user input through inputs, textfields, dropdowns, dialogs etc.

  • How to authenticate users and access web servers to store + load data

  • How to access the local device storage and native device features like the camera or geolocation

  • So much more ... like styling and theming your app

  • Finally, you'll learn how to configure your app and publish it to the App Store or Google Play Store (or as a progressive web app)

  • Angular fundamentals are required, though a brief refresher is also provided in the course
  • Basic HTML, JS and CSS knowledge is required
  • NO advanced Angular knowledge is required
Who this course is for:
  • This course is for students who want to use their Angular knowledge to build native mobile apps & web apps with one codebase
  • This course is for everyone interested in diving into the development of native mobile apps for iOS and Android

What you'll learn:

  • Build native apps and progressive web apps from one and the same codebase
  • Build native apps for iOS and Android, using Angular and the powerful features Ionic offers
  • Dive deeper into Ionic to learn more about core and advanced features
  • Test iOS and Android apps on real devices and publish those apps to the app stores of the two platforms

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 02:28
2 What Is Ionic? 07:45
3 A Closer Look at the Ionic Platform 04:29
4 What is Angular? 04:00
5 Our First Ionic App! 13:37
6 The History of Ionic 04:03
7 Ionic 4+ vs Ionic 3 03:07
8 How to Build Native Mobile Apps with Ionic 03:46
9 Course Outline 06:24
10 How To Get The Most Out Of The Course 03:03
11 Module Introduction 00:33
12 What is Angular? 02:43
13 Angular SPAs & Ionic 03:10
14 Understanding Components 01:38
15 Installing Angular with the CLI 04:30
16 Installing the IDE 05:00
17 Understanding the Folder Structure 08:15
18 The App Component 07:05
19 Creating Our First Component 04:06
20 Cross Component Communication with Property Binding 05:24
21 Understanding Directives & String Interpolation 04:06
22 Handling User Input 04:09
23 Understanding Event Binding 02:14
24 Local References 01:50
25 Understanding Two-Way-Binding 05:57
26 Passing Data Around with Custom Events 03:59
27 Implementing Routing 07:11
28 Setting Up Services 03:16
29 Using Services with Dependency Injection 02:49
30 Working with Angular Lifecycle Hooks 03:26
31 Adding a Person with Services 02:45
32 Navigating between Components 02:04
33 Removing Items Upon a Click 03:09
34 "Push"ing Data Around with Subjects 05:35
35 Sending Http Requests 10:04
36 Showing a Placeholder Whilst Waiting for a Response 02:06
37 Wrap Up 01:18
38 Module Introduction 01:21
39 Core App Building Blocks 04:27
40 Under the Hood of Ionic Components 06:48
41 Setting Up a Non-Angular Ionic Project 03:05
42 Where to Learn all about Ionic Components 02:30
43 Using Basic Ionic Components 05:12
44 More Basic Components 03:24
45 Component Categories 02:28
46 Using the Ionic Grid 04:52
47 Adding Icons & Using Slots 06:15
48 Using CSS Utility Attributes 03:43
49 Using Ionic Elements like "Normal" HTML Elements 04:13
50 Validating User Input 02:47
51 Creating Ionic Elements Programmatically 04:58
52 Finishing Up the Base JavaScript Logic 03:40
53 Finalizing the Layout 01:32
54 Using Controller Components 06:29
55 Why Angular? 05:30
56 Module Introduction 01:45
57 Why Use Angular? 02:40
58 Creating a New Ionic Angular Project 05:50
59 Analyzing the Created Project 05:55
60 How Angular & Ionic Work Together 03:54
61 Adding & Loading a New Page 07:45
62 Using Angular Features on Ionic Components 05:29
63 Setting Up Angular Routes 04:07
64 Managing State with Services 06:22
65 Extracting and Displaying Route Param Data 08:35
66 Navigating Between Pages 05:33
67 Deleting a Recipe 04:35
68 Injecting Ionic Controllers 03:32
69 Angular Components vs Ionic Components 05:50
70 Wrap Up 00:38
71 Module Introduction 01:00
72 General Information 01:29
73 Creating an Android App 12:34
74 Creating an iOS App 09:11
75 Wrap Up 01:04
76 Module Introduction 00:45
77 Error Messages & console.log() 04:03
78 Using the Browser DevTools & Breakpoints 02:31
79 Debugging the UI & Performance 02:54
80 Debugging Android Apps 04:17
81 Debugging iOS Apps 04:17
82 Wrap Up 00:41
83 Module Introduction 01:42
84 How Routing Work In An Ionic + Angular App 04:38
85 Ionic Page Caching & Extra Lifecycle Hooks 09:21
86 Planning the Course Project 04:07
87 Creating Our App Pages 07:45
88 Adjusting Our Main Routing Configuration 02:00
89 Understanding Ionic Tabs 01:30
90 Adding Tabs to the App 15:23
91 Preparing Data & Services for the Project 05:54
92 Outputting "Places" 08:13
93 Adding Forward Navigation 06:22
94 Going Back with NavController 07:02
95 Navigating via Toolbar Buttons 03:14
96 Extracting the ID of Loaded Places 05:35
97 Adding a SideDrawer 07:01
98 Opening + Closing the SideDrawer 04:47
99 Adding Links & Switching Pages 04:16
100 Adding the Auth Service 03:29
101 Adding an Auth Guard 07:48
102 Opening a Modal 06:27
103 Closing the Modal & Passing Data 07:22
104 Wrap Up 01:25
105 Module Introduction 01:53
106 Attributes & Slots 06:10
107 Ionic Grid Basics 08:36
108 Controlling Grid Column Sizes 03:45
109 Controlling Grid Alignment 05:30
110 Responsive Grid Sizing 05:11
111 Grid Summary 02:12
112 ion-list vs ion-grid 03:07
113 ion-label & ion-item 07:30
114 ion-text 02:40
115 Swipeable List Items 11:09
116 Swipeable Bookings 10:13
117 Understanding Virtual Scrolling 03:51
118 Implementing Virtual Scrolling 05:24
119 Adding Image Elements 02:46
120 Segmented Buttons 05:48
121 Adding a Spinner 04:18
122 Using the Loading Controller 02:37
123 Using the ActionSheet Controller 06:51
124 Wrap Up 01:43
125 Module Introduction 01:13
126 How Styling & Theming Works in Ionic Apps 06:45
127 Docs & Utility Attributes 01:14
128 Setting Global Theme Variables 03:29
129 Setting Global Styles 01:19
130 Setting All Colors at Once 02:36
131 Setting Platform-Specific Styles 03:59
132 Styling Core Components with Variables 08:14
133 Adding Custom CSS Rules 10:02
134 Component-specific CSS Variables 04:33
135 Wrap Up 00:41
136 Module Introduction 01:33
137 User Input Requirements 01:21
138 Setting Up a Form Template 05:46
139 Adding a Template-driven Form 07:38
140 Handling Validation 06:03
141 Switching Between Auth Modes 02:36
142 Finishing the Auth Form 02:29
143 Starting Work on a New Offer Form 03:55
144 Finishing the Offer Form Template 04:23
145 Creating a Reactive Form 05:22
146 Syncing the Form to the Template 04:01
147 Finishing the New Offer Form 04:02
148 Edit Form Challenge 00:53
149 Adding the Edit Offer Form 05:37
150 Starting with the Booking Form 04:34
151 Working on the Book Place Template 06:00
152 Configuring the Date Controls 11:45
153 Validating & Submitting the Form 07:46
154 Wrap Up 01:27
155 Module Introduction 01:06
156 What is State? 04:02
157 Adding New Places 12:15
158 Using RxJS Subjects for State Management 09:00
159 Passing Data via Subjects & Subscriptions 12:25
160 UI State in Action 08:11
161 Updating Places 08:41
162 UI State with Bookable Places 07:02
163 Booking Places 16:06
164 Fixing a Bug 00:26
165 Canceling Bookings 04:55
166 Finishing Touches 04:37
167 Module Introduction 00:47
168 How To Connect to a Backend 02:14
169 Setting Up Firebase 02:12
170 Sending Data via Http 07:13
171 Using Response Data 03:37
172 Fetching & Displaying Data 14:51
173 Updating Places 06:39
174 Fetching Data in Multiple Places 03:16
175 Loading Data in a Single Place 07:00
176 Updating Places Correctly 03:53
177 Error Handling 03:28
178 Fetching Single Places 06:19
179 Adding a Booking 06:47
180 Fetching Bookings By User 10:08
181 Deleting Bookings 05:12
182 Wrap Up 00:57
183 Module Introduction 01:30
184 API Setup 03:33
185 Adding a LocationPicker Component 06:52
186 Opening the Map Modal 04:00
187 Adding the Google Maps SDK 08:45
188 Rendering a Map 06:05
189 Picking Locations via a Click on the Map 03:42
190 Finding the Address for a Place 08:48
191 Fetching a Static Image URL 07:20
192 Displaying a Place Preview 05:13
193 Changing the Selection 01:02
194 Removing the Click Listener 02:11
195 Submitting the Location 08:15
196 Outputting Address & Map 03:24
197 Re-using the Maps Modal 08:37
198 Module Introduction 00:58
199 Understanding Capacitor & Cordova 04:13
200 Using the Docs 00:57
201 Using Capacitor Plugins 06:40
202 Getting the User Location 09:38
203 Testing the Location Feature 06:18
204 Starting With the Image Picker 04:27
205 Taking Pictures 10:12
206 Detecting the Platform Correctly 05:01
207 Adding a Filepicker Fallback 04:44
208 Getting the Picked Image 03:01
209 Converting the Image String to a File 05:14
210 Storing the Image in the Form 03:31
211 Using PWA Elements 04:07
212 Improving the ImagePicker Component 04:47
213 Adding Server-side Image Uploading Code 05:05
214 Adding Image Upload 07:31
215 Wrap Up 01:07
216 Module Introduction 00:52
217 How Authentication Works 03:01
218 Adding User Signup 10:06
219 Refactoring the Authentication Code 06:34
220 Adding User Login 06:24
221 Managing the User with a Subject 06:42
222 Storing the Token in Memory 04:56
223 Using the ID Observable Correctly 04:43
224 More userId Usage 04:58
225 Fixing the Subscription 00:50
226 Using the userId Everywhere 05:57
227 Storing Auth Data in Device Storag 04:23
228 Adding Autologin 06:49
229 Using Autologin 04:16
230 Adding a Reactive Logout System 07:53
231 Adding Autologout 08:01
232 Requiring the Auth Token on the Backend 06:23
233 Sending the Auth Token to the Backend 07:56
234 More Token Usage 04:13
235 Wrap Up 01:36
236 Module Introduction 01:07
237 Preparing App Configs 07:53
238 Custom Icons & Splash Screens 08:54
239 Android Deployment 03:55
240 iOS Deployment 03:34
241 Web Development 05:46
242 Course Roundup 01:38

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