Full introduction to Views in Drupal 8

3h 32m 8s
October 30, 2023

With Views are built all the lists of content in the default Drupal 8 installation. The front page list, the admin content overview page, all the taxonomy term, user lists etc. Knowing how to use Views means not only that you can add bells and whistles to those pages, to make them look as you wish but also that you can create complete new pages, blocks with content, featured articles lists and much more. In Drupal 8 the Views module is already in core. 


That means that it is no longer just the coolest contributed Drupal module, but is part of the whole must-know-how of Drupal. In this course you will learn how to use the Views in order to edit the existing lists inside of a Drupal web site and also how to present new lists with your content.

We will go thought all the main tools and settings of the Views interface and I will show you as much examples as possible right away. 

  • You should be able to use a computer at a basic level.
Who this course is for:
  • newbies to Drupal 8 that want to learn Views
  • Drupal 7 users that want to catch up with the Views module in Drupal 8
  • people that have a Drupal 8 website and want to be able to change all the lists on their page
  • owners of Drupal 8 website that want to create new lists of content
  • new people to Drupal 8 that want to learn how to modify the lists of content on their websites

What you'll learn:

  • understand waht the Views module does
  • be able to create lists of any content that you have in your Drupal 8 system
  • be able to change any of the admin content pages - by adding filters, fields sorts etc.
  • be comfortable with the Views user interface
  • create new pages with content
  • create blocks with content

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# Title Duration
1 A bit about me and the course 00:51
2 Installing Acquia dev desktop 04:16
3 Installing Drupal 06:25
4 What is views ? 01:29
5 Default views, lets check some existing Views 02:13
6 A word about Drupal entities 04:31
7 Quick overView interface tour 06:39
8 Types of views (quick now, detailed later) 03:12
9 Formats 01:32
10 Views format Table with fields 04:44
11 Views format HTML list with fields 05:16
12 Views format Content / Display Modes 04:41
13 Views format Grid with fields/content 03:07
14 Views format Unformatted with fields/content 05:01
15 Filters 08:17
16 Filters exposed 06:46
17 Filters AND and OR 04:06
18 Sorting 06:35
19 Header and Footer elements 05:16
20 Pagers 04:43
21 Access 02:24
22 Contextual Filters 08:59
23 Relationships 03:15
24 Exposed form improve 05:37
25 Ajax 02:43
26 Caching 03:09
27 Some tips for Drupal Views housekeeping 11:04
28 Page view 05:01
29 Block view - creating and placing on the page 06:33
30 Attachment view 06:58
31 Entity Reference - show just some nodes as reference 07:37
32 Infinite scroll 06:46
33 Better exposed filters 08:14
34 Slider 09:08
35 Preparing our project 03:54
36 Project slider 09:24
37 Bottom articles 06:43
38 Archive page 12:46
39 How you may continue to improve 02:13

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